GeeCON in Prague 23-24 October 2014

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Oct 3, 2014, 11:29:42 AM10/3/14
Hi there,

Three different JUGs teamed up to offer this event to community, and while it's more Java then Scala oriented, GeeCON housed many JVM-languages throughout it's six editions, Scala included. There are interesting speakers and to make it easier for you to join us there, we offer a discount for all Vienna Scala group members.

If some of you would need to persuade your employers to be able to go, I'm attaching an email we often use for companies just for that (it also contains all the event details and relevant links):

We are writing to inform you about GeeCON, a conference we are organising in Prague, 23rd-24th October 2014 in CineStar Praha – Černý Most.

What is GeeCON?

GeeCON is an international event addressed at Java/JVM languages programmers from all over the world.

Our speakers are world-famous computer science/IT experts, programmers and architects as well as leaders of local communities.

While this event will be the first one in Prague, we’ve already ran 6 editions of GeeCON in Kraków and Poznań in Poland. Prague edition will last two days and will have 3 tracks.

Event highlights - why you should care?

Some of our speakers are:

Andres Almiray, author of Griffon framework and a Groovy star

Anton Arhipov, an IntelliJ addict from ZeroTurnaround, force behind JRebel

Neal Ford, Software Architect at Thoughtworks

Bruce Eckel, author of bestsellers “Thinking in Java” and ”Atomic Scala”

Lukas Eder, author of the jOOQ framework

Markus Eisele, Java EE expert from RedHat

Gerrit Grunwald, Internet of Things expert from Oracle

Ted Neward, high-scale enterprise system consultant

Vaclav Pech from JetBrains, company behind Intellij IDEA IDE

Jaroslav Tulach, NetBeans founder and architect

Nitsan Wakart, Lead Performance Engineer from Azul

We are bringing the best names in the industry so that developers can meet, learn and share experiences. Attending GeeCON will help your developers be up to date with current trends, technologies and methodologies. We have spent a lot of work on the schedule (, so that the talks cover relevant material and bring in skills that are immediately applicable in everyday work.

To lower entry fee

If many of your programmers would like to come, we’ve prepared two options you might be interested in, to lower entry fees per participant:

  1. Group registration

  2. Sponsorship packages

Group registration requires 10 people or more to go. With such amount, contact us about group registration code to get 10% discount. However, you may also want to look at sponsorship offers!

For sponsorship packages, please email us at


If you have questions, reach out either to me, or to whole, we’ll be sure to answer you fully.

Our motto is ‘Let’s move the Java world’, which is why we’re reaching out to you, so that you can pass this message to developers in your organisation.

Let’s move the Java world in Czech Republic together!

Please visit us at

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