2nd Call for Papers DBPL 2017

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Alexander Alexandrov

Apr 5, 2017, 11:01:08 AM4/5/17
to scala-user
The 16th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages

The 16th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2017)
will be held in conjunction with VLDB 2017 on September 1st, 2017 in Munich, 

General Information

DBPL is a biennial symposium that aims to foster exchange of ideas and 
discussion about current trends and open problems between the data management 
and the programming languages research communities. For over 30 years, DBPL 
has established itself as the principal venue for publishing and discussing 
new ideas and problems at the intersection of data management and programming 
languages. Many key contributions relevant to the formal foundations, design, 
implementation, and evaluation of query languages (e.g., for object-oriented, 
nested, or semi-structured data) were first announced at DBPL.

As an established destination for such new ideas, DBPL aims to solicit 
submissions from researchers in databases, programming languages or any other 
community interested in the design, implementation or foundations of languages
and systems for data-centric computation. Our main goal is to provide an 
inter-disciplinary venue where current trends, open problems, as well as 
insights about research methodology for potential solutions can be shared and 
discussed between the two communities.

Important Dates

- Abstracts submission deadline: May 5th, 2017
- Papers submission deadline: May 12th, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: June 19th, 2017
- Workshop: September 1st, 2017


Workshop Chairs

- Tiark Rompf, Purdue University, USA
- Alexander Alexandrov, TU Berlin, Germany

Steering Committee

- Torsten Grust, Universität Tübingen, Germany
- James Cheney, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Thomas Neumann, TU München, Germany

Program Committee

- Peter Alvaro, UC Santa Cruz, USA
- Nada Amin, EPFL, Switzerland
- Sebastian Breß, TU Berlin, Germany
- Hassan Chafi, Oracle, USA
- Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Mohammad Sadoghi, Purdue University, USA
- Ce Zhang, ETH, Switzerland
- Danica Porobic, Oracle, USA
- Alvin Cheung, University of Washington, USA

Scope and Topics

DBPL 2017 solicits theoretical and practical papers in all areas of 
Data-Centric Programming Languages. papers emphasizing new topics or 
foundations of emerging areas are especially welcome. 

Topics of interest for submissions include:

- Programming Abstractions and Type Systems for 
  Data-Centric Batch or Stream Processing
- Data-Centric Language Design
- Data-Centric Language Semantics
- Data-Centric Language Optimizations and Transformations
- Data-Centric Language Compilation to Emerging Hardware or 
  Software Platforms
- Data Integration, Exchange, and Interoperability
- Declarative Data Centers
- Emerging and Nontraditional Data Models
- Language-Based Security in Data Management
- Language-Integrated Query Mechanisms
- Managing Uncertain and Imprecise Information
- Metaprogramming and Heterogeneous Staged Computation
- Programming Language Support for Databases
- Schema Mapping and Metadata Management
- Semantics and Verification of Database Systems
- Validation, Type-checking

Author Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English presenting 
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted 
for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be no more than 10 pages long 
using the [ACM Standard] proceedings template.

Each submission should begin with a succinct statement of the problem and a 
summary of the main results. Authors may provide more details to substantiate 
the main claims of the paper by including a clearly marked appendix at the 
end of the submission, which is not included in the page limit and is read at 
the discretion of the committee.

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the symposium to 
present their work.

Short papers of at most 4 pages in the [ACM Standard] proceedings template 
describing work in progress, demos, research challenges or visions are also 
welcome. Accepted short papers may be included or excluded from the formal 
proceedings, whichever the author(s) prefer.
Full and short papers are both due on the deadline, May 12, 2017.
Abstracts of full papers should be submitted by May 5th to aid reviewer 

For detailed submission guidelines, please visit the [Workshop Homepage].

[Workshop Homepage] http://dbpl2017.org

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