Typesafe config override object/array

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Sam Halliday

Mar 6, 2013, 12:46:58 PM3/6/13
to scala...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

I have read the merging rules for typesafe config's Config and Array types, but I've hit a deadend and need some help.

In my config setup, I define properties like this

    mongo {
        name: "database"
        connections: 50
        concern: SAFE
        hosts {
          "mongodb.host.1": 27017
          "mongodb.host.2": 27017
          "mongodb.host.3": 27017

now the idea is that, by utilising ConfigFactory.load("local").withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()), I want users to be able to override the "hosts". (As an aside, the double quotes show up in the name of the key when iterating the entrySet, and I have to replaceAll to remove them).

But of course, what happens is the user's settings just gets merged with the defaults - which is not what I want.

Can anyone suggest an alternative to fallback merging? Incidentally, I do still want to have the defaults as they will suit fine in most cases, and it also allows users to override just one aspect of the config.

Sam Halliday

Mar 6, 2013, 1:04:07 PM3/6/13
to scala...@googlegroups.com
btw, this is my current ugly hack to workaround this

  private val overrides = ConfigFactory.load("local")
  private val config = ConfigFactory.load("local").withFallback(ConfigFactory.load())

  private def unmerged(path: String) =
    if (overrides.hasPath(path)) overrides.getConfig(path)
    else config.getConfig(path)

√iktor Ҡlang

Mar 6, 2013, 1:15:06 PM3/6/13
to Sam Halliday, scala-user
If that's your needs I'd just do:

private val defaults = ConfigFactory.load()
private val userProvided = ConfigFactory.load("local")
private val merged = userProvided withFallback defaults


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Viktor Klang
Director of Engineering

Typesafe - The software stack for applications that scale
Twitter: @viktorklang


Sep 24, 2015, 8:07:20 AM9/24/15
to scala-user, sam.ha...@gmail.com
Sorry for this act of necromancy, but how does the above solve the problem?

It's exactly the code that the parent provided and it will result in the object in the userProvided being merged with the defaults. I've run into the same problem and can't find a way to override an object without merging (without additional code).

object {
  properties {
     value = base
     base-value = base

object {
  properties {
     value = override

ConfigFactory.load("override.conf").withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("base.conf")).getConfig("object.properties") => {value = override, base-value = base}

Viktor Klang

Sep 24, 2015, 8:28:58 AM9/24/15
to platon...@gmail.com, scala-user, Sam Halliday
Clearly my response last time was not really useful, for that I apologize.

Here's a solution to your problem:

(ConfigFactory parseString """object {
  properties = reset, properties {
     value = override
}""") withFallback (ConfigFactory parseString """object {
  properties {
     value = base
     base-value = base

res0: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"object":{"properties":{"value":"override"}}}))

// `reset` could be anything (besides an object), what we do is that we replace its type such that it will not merge.

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Sep 25, 2015, 6:23:52 AM9/25/15
to scala-user, platon...@gmail.com, sam.ha...@gmail.com
Cool hack, thanks!

Viktor Klang

Sep 25, 2015, 8:12:36 AM9/25/15
to platon...@gmail.com, scala-user, Sam Halliday
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