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Implicit and IDE Support

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Peter Wolf

Mar 28, 2017, 2:05:01 PM3/28/17
to scala-user
Starting a new thread.

Was just thinking...  Implicit would be a lot less scary for me if the IDE helped.

The scary thing about Implicits is that you don't know when they are doing something to your code.  For example, when my team replaced all the JavaConversions with JavaConverters, we discovered all sorts of unintended conversions sprinkled throughout our code.  Your code can behave very differently from the way it reads.

If the IDEA highlighted Implicit usage, perhaps in a different color or something, you would know it was there.  Hovering with the mouse could bring up a explanation of what Implicit was active, and what it was doing.

Implicit is a cool idea.  Perhaps it is just a problem with the development environment.



Mar 28, 2017, 2:19:41 PM3/28/17
to scala-user
I think that's almost exactly what the Eclipse Scala IDE already does. I would think other IDEs have similar functionality.

Op dinsdag 28 maart 2017 20:05:01 UTC+2 schreef Peter Wolf:

Clint Gilbert

Mar 28, 2017, 2:19:44 PM3/28/17
On 03/28/2017 02:05 PM, Peter Wolf wrote:
> If the IDEA highlighted Implicit usage, perhaps in a different color or
> something, you would know it was there. Hovering with the mouse could
> bring up a explanation of what Implicit was active, and what it was doing.

The Eclipse plugin (ScalaIDE) does this currently. It's very handy.

> Implicit is a cool idea. Perhaps it is just a problem with the
> development environment.
> Peter
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Oliver Ruebenacker

Mar 28, 2017, 2:23:25 PM3/28/17
to Jasper-M, scala-user
IntelliJ IDEA also highlights implicit conversions.

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Oliver Ruebenacker
Senior Software Engineer, Diabetes Portal, Broad Institute

Dennis Haupt

Mar 28, 2017, 3:05:53 PM3/28/17
to Peter Wolf, scala-user
intellij and i think eclipse are both doing that
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. März 2017 um 20:05 Uhr
Von: "Peter Wolf" <>
An: scala-user <>
Betreff: [scala-user] Implicit and IDE Support

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Peter Wolf

Mar 28, 2017, 3:32:17 PM3/28/17
to scala-user
Most Excellent :-D

I use IntelliJ.  How do I enable it?


Peter Wolf

Mar 28, 2017, 3:38:36 PM3/28/17
to scala-user
Nevermind, I think I found it

Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Scala > Performance > Implicit parameters search depth

By default it is set to -1 (off)

Naftoli Gugenheim

Mar 28, 2017, 7:57:56 PM3/28/17
to Peter Wolf, scala-user

Not sure it’s that. Anyway here are some things IntelliJ gives you:


The above underline means an implicit conversion is being used.

I clicked on query and pressed ctrl-shift-Q (for Qonversion?), and here's what I get:


It shows all potentially applicable implicit conversions, and bolds and focuses the one that is being used.

Here’s how it works for implicit parameters:


I clicked on column and pressed ctrl-shift-P. IntelliJ highlighted the expression that the implicit parameter is being passed to, and is showing me that column’s implicit parameter is filled out to be juDateColumnType, which itself is taking an implicit parameter for which timestampColumnType has been selected.


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