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Curry On 2017 CFP (closes in 4 days!)

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Heather Miller

Apr 10, 2017, 12:01:07 PM4/10/17
to scala-user
(also posting to


Curry On Barcelona!
(Curry On 2017)

Barcelona, Spain, June 19-20, 2017
co-located with PLDI + ECOOP


Curry On has two central goals.

Bringing industry and academia together to have an open conversation.

Exploring the intersection of programming or programming languages with emerging
challenges in industry, such as security, big data, or machine learning. Talks
can cover topics as varied as an academic idea applied to a surprising problem
domain in a real-world system, to something racy like “programming language
academia is irrelevant and here’s why”.

We give no firm guidelines on topics (go wild!), however we particularly seek
talks that can provoke thought and discussion, or even (more idealistically) can
elicit or encourage new ideas or change.

Areas of particular interest to the conference include:

- distributed systems/big data
- machine learning
- security
- concurrency
- types
- functional or logic programming
- databases
- compilers and virtual machines
- PL approaches to front-end development
- probabilistic programming
- next generation tooling

We sold out of tickets (last year), so please do consider joining our
lineup of excellent speakers!

Some of our excellent speakers so far:

- Martin Odersky, EPFL, (creator of Scala language)
- Brian Goetz, Oracle, (Java)
- José Valim, Platformatec, (creator of Elixir language)
- Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio, (Lua)

- Jean Yang, CMU (privacy & security + PL)
- Niko Matsakis, Mozilla Research (Rust)
- Julien Verlaguet, Facebook (Hack)
- Dave Thomas, Kx Systems (Array programming)
- Helena Edelson, (big data, distributed systems, Scala)
- Martin Abadi, Google (security, PL, TensorFlow)
- Matt Might, University of Utah (precision medicine, static analysis)
- John Hughes, Chalmers University, (property-based testing, FP)

Talk Formats

Accepted speakers can choose from:

- Normal talk slot (40 minutes)
= or =
- Chesstimer talk slot (20 minutes speaker time, 20 minutes audience time)

About Chess-Timer Talks

One of Curry On's prime goals is to bring industry and academia together to have
an open conversation. But one speaker addressing hundreds of people is hardly a
conversation. So, we're changing that.

Chess-timer talks aim to make tech conferences a more interactive, more fun, and
better place for learning and discussions.

Chess-timer talks primarily seek to get more audience members participating in
the presentation. Speakers who choose to give a chess-timer talk are allowed 20
minutes of solo speaking time, and 20 minutes of discussion time. A Curry On
representative operates a chess-timer during the presentation, switching between
solo + discussion time budgets. When an audience member interrupts the talk to
ask a question, for example, we switch the timer to deduct from discussion time.
This style of giving talks has been demoed in small (20-30 person) academic
workshops to great success. In those workshops, it has incentivized speakers to
strategically insert fodder for discussion points into their presentations so as
to try and elicit audience members to ask questions.

Speakers with selected talks will have the opportunity to choose whether or not
they would like to give a chess-timer talk. Curry On will feature a limited
number of chess-timer sessions, meaning that a majority of talks will still be
standard conference talks.


- Call for presentations closes:
-> Friday, April 14th, 2017 <-

- Speakers notified/program announced:
-> Friday, April 21st, 2017 <-

Heather Miller
EPFL, Scala Center
Executive Director, Research Scientist
+41 21 693 64 83
+41 78 625 20 23
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