It would be great if this could be fixed. It is overridden in Vector,
override /*TraversableLike*/ def last: A = {
if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.last")
I don't know if there is a reason why this is not in `IndexedSeq` instead.
best, .h.h.
On 19/10/16 14:50, Wilson de Carvalho wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope this is the right list for this issue:
> I'd like to make an improvement in IndexedSeq derived traits. "last"
> operation performance is currently linear, since its implementation is
> inherited from TraversableLike, but it could be constant due to the
> nature of this type of collection. Since I'm a begginner here, I'd like
> to know if there is any reason why this was not implemented (besides it
> was forgotten).
> Regards.
> --
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