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Hard to check if bug is already reported

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Nov 4, 2016, 4:49:21 AM11/4/16
to scala-internals

Yesterday I encountered a bug in Scala 2.12.0 (see!topic/scala-internals/XhUmdN5ytJk ).
I tried to find if it was already reported, but could not easily check that.

Wouldn't it help a lot to set up a "Scala 2.12.0 known issues" filter in Jira? 
And have a link to it from the release notes?
And best even from the "Reporting Confirmed Bugs is a Sin" section on ?


Oliver Ruebenacker

Nov 4, 2016, 9:44:39 AM11/4/16

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Oliver Ruebenacker
Senior Software Engineer, Diabetes Portal, Broad Institute


Nov 4, 2016, 11:35:17 AM11/4/16
to scala-internals
Yes, a good set of relevant Jira filters presented on the default Dashboard would help.


Am Freitag, 4. November 2016 14:44:39 UTC+1 schrieb Oliver Ruebenacker:
On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 4:49 AM, Enno <> wrote:

Yesterday I encountered a bug in Scala 2.12.0 (see!topic/scala-internals/XhUmdN5ytJk ).
I tried to find if it was already reported, but could not easily check that.

Wouldn't it help a lot to set up a "Scala 2.12.0 known issues" filter in Jira? 
And have a link to it from the release notes?
And best even from the "Reporting Confirmed Bugs is a Sin" section on ?


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Nov 5, 2016, 2:13:24 AM11/5/16
to scala-internals

That would help, but I find searching with keywords just fruitless. Every bug has to do with implicits, type inference, or more narrowly, specialization or REPL.

I wonder if it's conceivable to expose an interface where you supply a snippet and answer some questions which leverage your intuition about the problem. Like an A.I. to diagnose health issues.

From a snippet, it's certainly possible to identify language features which are exercised.

Best of all would be an "Ask paulp" button at the bottom.

Martijn Hoekstra

Nov 7, 2016, 6:47:14 AM11/7/16
to scala-internals
Semi-related, but maybe less ambitious: wouldn't it be nice if each jira ticket has or could have a corresponding unit test that is expected to fail, with known (bad) output, and (un)expected good output?

That could maybe enable a lot of goodies. From the top of my head, with CI, that could be used to automatically determine affected versions, and detect if some change interacts with some bug, either by unexpectedly producing the good output (yay!) or by producing output different from both the known bad output or the good output, possibly giving a hint to where the bug lives. For compiler crashes with stack traces, that could enable a search tool/site. 

Adriaan Moors

Nov 7, 2016, 3:16:22 PM11/7/16
to scala-internals
We've often dreamed of using a cloud hosted compiler to encourage reporting bugs as self-contained test cases, with feedback in your browser (across multiple versions). You could think of many more features to offer on top of that (e.g., git bisect in the cloud).

I'm sure we could pay for the hosting bills and offer support in developing this if someone wanted to take this on!
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