The Scala language specification would be significantly more
navigable if there were hypertext links between the grammar
productions (that is, from each reference to a non-terminal in the
BNF to the production that defines that non-terminal).
To give a feel for how navigable a grammar-hyperlinked version of
the language specification could be, I have created a rough,
proof-of-concept version (hacked together using grep and sed on the
served-out HTML files). See
I might be able to (help) implement that linking.
However, I'm not familiar with Jekyll and other technology that is
used to generate the final HTML from the Markdown source, so I don't
know what the most likely options are for either generating links
automatically (by parsing the BNF) or at least providing some
automated support for manually maintaining source that generates
links (e.g., a checker to note new BNF items that are not marked up
I'm thinking of writing a Scala utility to parse the BNF and add
appropriate markup (e.g., Markdown source or HTML), but I don't know
how (or whether) that would fit within the current processing
What do the most likely options for adding such parsing and link
generation seem to be?
Could anchors and links be added to the source Markdown, or would
that make that BNF source too hard to read for maintainers?
Can whatever processes Markdown code blocks dispatch to plug-ins
(per the language code, i.e., the "
ebnf" in a "
line? If so, what programming languages could be used for such a