My name is Eugene, I am an old Java developer. I heard about Scala about five years ago, it seemed very promising, but unfortunately I was unable to look at the details at that moment.
Recently I've found some time to really read about Scala, watch some Scala Days presentations etc and I have to admit that five years ago I missed really great language :-) !
So, I decided to study it and hopefully use it in my day-to-day work in the future."Programming in Scala" by Martin Odersky is great, I really enjoy reading it and playing with code samples, but I'm thinking about doing something useful.
I found out that Scala IDE is a bit outdated and is losing it's popularity among Scala developers which is a pity. I've been using Eclipse for a very long time and I worked on Eclipse plugins in the past, so I could probably help.
Since I am Scala newbie I'd like to start fixing some small relatively easy issues just to become familiar Scala, Scala IDE architecture, code base etc. But I'd like to know about the future plans as well.
So, here are some questions to the Scala IDE developers:
1. What is going on in Scala IDE project? Are you going to continue it or abandon since most Scala developers prefer Idea, VS Code, Ensime etc.
2. Since dotty and Scala 3 are gaining traction it would be very desirable to support it in Scala IDE. As far as I understand it is not a trivial task since language and compiler undergo serious changes. Are there any plans for that support?
3. Any other major changes/ideas?
Thank you.
Eugene Melekhov