It's been a long while, sorry.
After an uncomfortably long hiatus, I've cut a 1.0-RC3 candidate. The biggest delta is Scala 2.13 support. Please vet it.
Other changes:
* Removed deprecated elementwise operators
* Improved inplace operations for HashVector/SparseVector in-place operations (Sergei Lebedev)
* don't insert default value into open address hash arrays (lezebulon)
* improved quickselect (jesse frankley)
* a few new distributions (schmidmt)
* fixed SparseVector.horzcat (invkrh)
* fixed mpow when m has complex eigenvalues (Bjorn Mattson)
* fixed QR decomposition dimension inconsistency (alois-bissuel)
* DescriptiveStats.percentileInPlace (jeff klukas)
* new of several root finding methods (Antoine Bertout)
* fixed serious dumb bug in dot product (BoleynSu)
* bumped 2.12 and sbt version (helena)
* fixed a potential off-by-one in rangeD and rangeF caused by floating point nonsense