Hi everyone,
I've released Breeze version 1.1, which is the first Breeze release since 1.0. Supports Scala 2.12 and 2.13
Changes of note:
* Dropped 2.11 support. It's not that hard to add back in, but it's annoying to maintain. Complain to me if it's an issue.
* Fixed a dumb bug in DenseMatrix copy from an isTranspose matrix and a non-zero offset.
* Fix a performance issue (failure to specialize) in CSCMatrix
* Much faster norm impls for common norms
* Saner semantics for operations DenseVector x op_= y when x and y are overlapping views on the same data array, for various operators (this has a hilariously complicated implementation to check in general and I'm honestly pretty proud of it)
* outer product for sparsevector/densevector (@bluesheeptoken)
* a new `step` function that returns 1.0 if x > 0 and 0 otherwise (similar to signum) (@YuMuuu)
* LinearProgram.minimize now correctly says that it's minimizing (@qxzzxq)
* case class-ified various Distributions
* viz: can name a legend now (@JeremM)
* fix for relative gradient convergence check (Antti Räisänen)
* use adjusted gradient for convergence check (shvimas)
* relaxed symmetric matrix check for cholesky
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
-- David