INNS-BigData 2015: Call for Tutorial Proposals

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T.-H. Teng, INNS-BigData 2015 Publicity Co-chair

Nov 16, 2014, 1:28:51 AM11/16/14

[Apologies for cross-postings]


The inaugural INNS Big Data conference 2015

August 8-10, 2015, San Francisco, USA





About the Conference
Big data is not just about storage of and access to data. Analytics play a big role in making sense of that data and exploiting its value. But learning from big data has become a significant challenge and requires development of new types of algorithms. Most machine learning algorithms can’t easily scale up to big data. Plus there are challenges of high-dimensionality, velocity and variety.  

The neural network field has historically focused on algorithms that learn in an online, incremental mode without requiring in-memory access to huge amounts of data. This type of learning is not only ideal for streaming data (as in the Industrial Internet or the Internet of Things), but could also be used on stored big data. Neural network technologies thus can become significant components of big data analytics platforms and this inaugural INNS Conference on Big Data will begin that collaborative adventure with big data and other learning technologies.

Thus the aim of this conference is to promote new advances and research directions in efficient and innovative algorithmic approaches to analyzing big data (e.g. deep networks, nature-inspired and brain-inspired algorithms),
implementations on different computing platforms (e.g. neuromorphic, GPUs, clouds, clusters) and applications of Big Data Analytics to solve real-world problems (e.g. weather prediction, transportation, energy management).

INNS-BigData 2015 will feature pre-conference tutorials addressing fundamental and advanced topics in BigData. Researchers interested in organizing workshops are invited to submit a formal proposal. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to the Tutorials Chairs. Any questions regarding this proposal can be asked to the Tutorials Chairs.

Proposal Requirements and Submission Format
* A tutorial proposal should include the title, presenter/organizer name(s) and affiliations, expected enrollment, abstract (less than 300 words), additional outline if needed, and presenter/organizer biography.

* The proposal should not exceed two pages in 1.5 space, Times 12 point font. Links to the presenter/organizer web page or the tutorial page are welcome.

* The tutorial format (preliminary) is 1 hour and 45 minutes with a 10-minute break.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline  December 15, 2014Decision Notification  TBC

Tutorial Co-Chairs
Marley Vellasco, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Trevor Martin, Univ. of Bristol, UK.

Big Data Analytics Section @ INNS
Considering the growing interest to process and analyse big data, the International Neural Network Society (INNS) has a new Section on Big Data Analytics (BDA) to help the neural network field position itself as a leading technology contributor to big data analytics. By actively promoting the use of neural networks for big data analytics, the INNS-BDA section is dedicated towards bringing the neural network field to greater heights. Anyone who is interested to know more is encouraged to visit the homepage of the INNS-BDA Section at

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