Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety

Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the Google group Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety!  This is a mailing list and discussion forum for topics related to the interactions between social choice theory and AI ethics, AI safety, and AI alignment.  We welcome announcements of:
  • Conferences, seminars, workshops, summer schools, minicourses, and other academic events.
  • Employment opportunities, educational opportunities and funding opportunities.
  • Books, journal articles, working papers, special issues, and other publications.  
To post a message to the forum, you can send an email to from a registered email account, or you can click on the button " + New conversation" in the top left corner of your browser window.

Please keep discussions polite.  Please do not post commercial messages or advertisements, and please avoid discussions of current events or politics (unless they have a clear relation to AI ethics and/or social choice theory).

Note: You do not need to use your Gmail address to access the group.  You have three alternatives:
  • Click on the link "My membership settings" on the left panel, un-tick the box  "Link to my Google Account", and then modify "Email used for membership"; or
  • Configure Gmail to automatically forward messages to another email account.  (In this case, you will still need to use your Gmail address to post messages to the Forum); or
  • Contact me, and I will directly add your non-Gmail email address to the Forum membership list.
Finally, we are planning to set up a monthly seminar series, for which we need to decide on a weekday and time of day. Please indicate your preferences for times here (all times are UTC timezone).