Plug-in Im going to start shortly.

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Patrick Murphy

Apr 24, 2012, 12:36:22 AM4/24/12
Im going to implement a Statistics Calculator that will determine a victor of a game between player A and player B.  Given various probabilities and in-game stats, it will also have Artificial Intelligence implemented.  I emailed the developer of sc2gears directly about this also asking about the cost for the databases here.  I just thought i would find a place to share my idea and see peoples feedback if you have any questions i can answer them.  But ideally the program will "play" sc2 against each other using individual profiles 1million times and give you an end result of who would generally win the match. 


Say your Bronze and you beat a Grandmaster guy, you can know you won a match where u had a 1% chance of winning (ego boost) and it would be accurately correct.

admins of leagues can display given stats for their players in more depth with this and it will help them create more intriguing posts.

With certain functions and modules you can eventually be able to predict a particular players next unit, move,click and action GIVEN suffiecient data is in the database to present the answer and even then its not 100% accurate just a guess.

Future Uses:

Tools developed here can be backtracked and further used to help people know what they need to do in order to beat a particular player. as in build orders,strategies,unit compositions, units by time frame and apm.  And which would be most important and least important and which goals to strive for when trying to progress.  (note all of these will be estimates and not 100% true since we do not have BLizzards exact code to execute it it will be based off the stats gathered from the replays over time and the more they use the feature the better the results).

Let me know feedback and ideas more the appreciated and this is a Long-Term project made to help me learn artificial intelligence related to game design. (just one part of it in particularly game theory)

András Belicza

Apr 24, 2012, 1:34:58 AM4/24/12

You don't need an Sc2gears Database account to create a program like this.

You can either use the command line interface ( or create a plugin ( which uses the replay API to extract information you need from replays.

Patrick Murphy

Apr 24, 2012, 10:40:22 AM4/24/12
Well thats good to know, i thought i would need one because im creating it in particular for someone and it would be designed for a large-scale amount of replays. (obviously)

But if thats the case which i doubt it is even then i prolly wouldnt need the database ill just tell my friend to link it to his replays on his computer and what not.  So thanks for saving me money! lol

András Belicza

Apr 24, 2012, 10:43:29 AM4/24/12
You can also use the Parsing service:

And yes, there is a could behind the parsing service, and it is available anywhere any time.
If you want to use the parsing service, you can read all the details, price and API documentation on the linked page.

András Belicza

Apr 24, 2012, 10:45:10 AM4/24/12
One more thing. Using the parsing service might be more convenient in many cases. For example you will not be tied to Java (in contrast to a plugin), and you will not need Sc2gears. The parsing service can be called from any OS using any languages. And the command line interface will be slower because it will need to load the JVM and Sc2gears for each replay.

2012/4/24 András Belicza <>
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