Hi Mike, can you share with your PDC students? They seemed really interested when we attended your class. Thanks! Margie
Please join us on Tues, January 14 at 6:30pm for our first 2025 monthly Santa Barbara Beaver Brigade meeting. A new year, with lots to be excited about, with our favorite subject, beaver!
If you are looking for somewhere to have a positive impact, come with ideas, become beaver advocates! We welcome new energy, would love to have you join us.
We will continue to have a “study circle” format for part of the meeting, to learn, study, and strategize for best ways to share benefits of beaver with the public, also our policymakers, whether local, state, or federal.
But we are also planning for field trips, special speakers, movie nights.
And as co-sponsors for the SLO Beaver Festival on Saturday, April 12 in downtown San Luis Obispo, we encourage you to put the date on your calendars, don’t miss this great event. More updates soon.
We will share lots of good news, including some about the BeaverCon conference we attended in Boulder, CO last October. And the California “Beaver Bill” unanimously passed by both the California State Assembly & Senate, and signed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
Check out this recent Op Ed article in the LA Times by Leila Philips, author of “Beaverland: How One Weird Rodent Made America”, with her cheeky title, “For the First Time in 200 Years it’s Great to be a Beaver in California”. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2025-01-07/california-beaver-restoration-water-policy
Also, another great event not to be missed, the SB Annual Community Seed Swap is on Sunday, January 26, 11-4, at the SB Community Arts Workshop (SBCAW).
SB Beaver Brigade Meetings always the 2nd Tuesday of the month
Location: South Coast Watershed Resource Center, Arroyo Burro County Park (Hendry’s Beach)
2981 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109.