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Jan 15, 2018, 2:59:00 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
In order to keep the Flood Disaster topic from getting even bigger, I'm starting this new one.


Jan 15, 2018, 3:02:35 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
If anyone has other aerial or ground level pix of flooded areas to share, please do. Meanwhile, here's a very hazy pic from ~7k' shot into the sun that I've corrected somewhat to show the destruction at E.Valley Rd.@Parra Grande (here on gMaps).
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Jan 15, 2018, 3:12:31 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
This is apparently the site of at least one major fire (center), in the San Ysidro Ranch area looking toward the East (North at left).

I'd thought the Stone House Restaurant (green roof at left) at SY Ranch escaped, but from this angle it's clear that mud was quite deep there. I have to log out now, but maybe someone would be willing to match this up with a gMaps or gEarth "before" view and post a screencap of it? I'm curious whether and how much the main (now apparently much deeper) creek bed has moved, and what structures are completely gone.
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Jan 15, 2018, 3:20:29 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Had to take another minute (or ten) to share this crop from the same zoom pic as the prior one of the burnt structures, showing more of the SY Ranch flood damage.
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Jan 15, 2018, 3:34:00 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Let's see if this snap loaded.
Unfortunately, the old creek bed is obscured by trees and foliage, now gone.
Well, the screen line item states it was accepted.
Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 12.27.47 PM.png

Section Make8R

Jan 15, 2018, 7:45:30 PM1/15/18
Our Montecito Town       I live a block or so up the street from All Saints by the Sea church.

heres a story with some pics at the bottom of the article regarding the Parra Grande area.  Its a very very sharp hairpin turn, right next to Montecito Creek, I think there were deaths at the stone houses.  My  girlfriend was escorted through there to leave tuesday morning, and is still freaked out by what she saw.   Everything previously there was gone.   It then swept down to the Olive Mill/ Hot Springs intersection, at Casa Dorinda.  Footage on KEYT of the large 2 story white house with mud up to first floor is shot from there.  The house was back up against a hill face, and everything in front of it, is a huge boulder field, and the creek appears (from my bike there) to have shifted its boundaries....its hard to tell.

John W SBA

Jan 15, 2018, 8:06:16 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
> Let's see if this snap loaded.

Thanks JJ :)

> old creek bed is obscured by trees and foliage

Yes! Some of the buildings are all but obscured in "before" sat images
all along the creeks that flooded. I was going to futz with gMaps 3D
for a while and rotate/zoom to match angle and everything, but this
works quite well so I'm extra glad you beat me to it. Thank you!

John W SBA

Jan 15, 2018, 8:21:59 PM1/15/18
to Section Make8R, Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
> heres a story with some pics

Thanks for posting the link. Pretty harrowing story!

> girlfriend was escorted through there to leave tuesday morning

Glad she's out safe!


Jan 15, 2018, 8:39:05 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Here are two crops from one slightly motion-blurred zoom pic from ~7k' showing Casa de Maria and of the area just downstream (to the right), shot from the West side of the creek.

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Jan 15, 2018, 8:47:03 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
A clearer zoom from nearly overhead, of that area just below Casa, showing a lone chimney (bottom-center) and at least two homes covered in debris.
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Jan 15, 2018, 9:04:37 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Another two crops from one zoom pic, starting with the area flooded along Randall Rd. at E. Valley, looking toward the Southeast.

Next the Glen Oaks area across E. Valley.

For a gMap 3D satellite view of this area before the flood, click here. I'm offline now for a late dinner gathering. If anyone has info or pix of this or any flooded area, please share
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Jan 15, 2018, 9:28:06 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network

On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 5:47:03 PM UTC-8, SBitz wrote:
A clearer zoom from nearly overhead, of that area just below Casa, showing a lone chimney (bottom-center) and at least two homes covered in debris.

Found this area, Truly frightening the result of the destructive power of the flow.
Note the Grey roofed house that lost an entire wing.
The chimney mentioned, shows that house that used to surround it.
The large brown swath covers Randall Road and the front yards of properties, it looks like it might be quite deep.
The creek route has definitely changed.
Going to be a large mess for any surveyor.

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Jan 15, 2018, 9:51:34 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Our friends just showed us this cool WaPo page with a vertical slider bar you can use to compare satellite views before and after the flood.

Section Make8R

Jan 15, 2018, 11:55:34 PM1/15/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network

For anyone who watched todays KEYT,  the interview with Rick Jones was interesting, to say the least.  I had to go to that house 3 weeks ago to help evacuate 300 small birds to our garage. They are friends with my employers.
Rick Jones the manager up there for the homeowner helped to bring them down here to our garage (seems like years ago).....

The house is the furthest up San Ysidro Canyon, on the east side.  It sits up 100 ft on the hillside, otherwise it would be lost.  The San Ysidro hiking trail goes right through there, in front of his mailbox.  There used to be a small catch basin there , and a flat area to turn cars around.  There was a fire engine stationed there during the fires. 
  All gone now,  as is probably the lower part of his property,\
I suspect all the upper canyon areas will look like like this, as its a fairly steep elevation gradient.  It flattens out just 1/8th of a mile down the hill.

When things calm down a bit, I will drive around and try and get some pictures.  We will probably be on lockdown for some time however.


Jan 16, 2018, 1:03:04 AM1/16/18
to Section Make8R, Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
> house is the furthest up San Ysidro Canyon, on the east side...
> try and get some pictures.

I snapped this of the creek just above SY Ranch, so maybe it's one of
the houses on the right?


Jan 16, 2018, 1:17:36 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Here's one a little farther downstream on the western bank of SY Creek than the second "Glen Oaks" pic in my 6:04pm post. The flow had spread very wide under the trees by this point destroying some homes and badly damaging others.
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Jan 16, 2018, 1:23:35 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Continuing downstream from the house top-right in the prior pic but looking across the creek now with that house at the left, the edge of Oprah's back lawn is at the bottom-left.
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Jan 16, 2018, 1:28:10 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
From this angle looking back toward Glen Oaks you can see more homes that had been hidden under the trees in the earlier pix.
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Jan 16, 2018, 1:59:23 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
A long zoom closer view of the destruction at Casa de Maria. The house just visible at top-left has mud up to the windows. The meeting room house at Casa looks like it could be OK. The retreat center (top-right) is most affected at its bottom-right corner in this pic. Overall, quite a setback for this beloved organization.
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Jan 16, 2018, 2:07:33 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
Looking toward the distant beach below Oprah's place toward 101, though the flow had spread out there's still plenty of damage.

That's it from me tonight. I see the next pic is Cold Springs Trailhead next to the Tea Garden where they finally stopped the fire, so I'm curious what that will look like.
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Section Make8R

Jan 16, 2018, 11:03:41 AM1/16/18
to Santa Barbara CitiZen Network
yes, top one to the right.   Sits 100 ft up on canyon flat spot.  Thanx for that.  
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