Happy 6th Anniversary of SBHX!

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Steve Phillips

Aug 15, 2016, 7:53:28 PM8/15/16
to SBH Google Group
Hey all,

Another year has flown by already.  SB Hackerspace's first meeting was August 2, 2010 -- just over 6 years ago!

Thank you so much to the many people who have made it what it is today.



Aug 15, 2016, 10:25:32 PM8/15/16
to SB Hackerspace, st...@tryingtobeawesome.com
In addition to our six year anniversary its also close enough to our the one year anniversary of the grand opening of our new space. In that time we've added a whole host of new equipment and tools. We couldn't have done any of it without the support of the community and I couldn't be prouder of what we have accomplished. Thank you all for making Santa Barbara Hackerspace the greatest hackerspace in Santa Barbara. 

I'm also excited to announce that we were invited to and will be attending The Executive Office of Science and Technology Policy's Nation of Makers summit in Washington D.C. next week. 

John Gomm

Aug 16, 2016, 12:50:09 AM8/16/16
to sbhack...@googlegroups.com, st...@tryingtobeawesome.com
Woot. Nice one. Don't try to get any homebrew digital clocks past security in DC, that's a potential problem.

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Steve Morse

Aug 16, 2016, 12:53:45 AM8/16/16
to sbhack...@googlegroups.com
Not even the nixie tube ones with 10000 volts on them?

Steve Morse
Steve Morse Computing

Phone       (805) 881-3055
Email         mor...@gmail.com
Website    http://ki6hgh.com

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