Course announcement: Introduction to Vedic astronomy

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Anand Viswanathan

Aug 29, 2018, 4:41:08 AM8/29/18
to Sb_marathalli, SB Jayanagar Vibhaga जयनगरविभागः

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From: Sudarshan HS <>
Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Course announcement: Introduction to Vedic astronomy
To: Anand Viswanathan <>

भोः मित्राणि,

JP-नगर-क्षेत्रे विद्यमानेन प्राचीनेतिहाससंस्कृतिसंशोधनकेन्द्रेण वैदिकज्योतिषम् (Vedic Astronomy) इति विषये वर्गः । 

Introduction to Vedic Astronomy course

Vedic Astronomy, also called Pre-siddhantic Astronomy by historians, refers to observations and theories about the visible sky (Sun, Moon, Stars, Comets, Eclipses, Ayana, Rtu, Paksha, Tithi, etc.) as depicted in the वेदाः, पुराणानि and other texts dateable to before common era.

Indian culture and its practices are known to be deeply rooted in such observations, esoteric interpretations, celestial pictures and omens as described in the ancient texts. Notwithstanding the geocentric world view of our ancients, precession of Earth’s rotational axis happening slowly over millenia has left its foot prints that can be deciphered by modern methods. Study of ancient texts from such a view point can be an alternative method, not dependent on comparative linguistics, for chronological organization of our ancient oral tradition.

This course is aimed at providing an introduction to the astronomical premise in select portions of the Vedic (संहिताः, ब्राह्मणानि, आरण्यकानि, परिशिष्टानि); वेदाङ्गं texts of लगधः, पराशरः, वृद्धगर्गः and some पुराणाणि ।

When, Where?

The course will be conducted by Prof. RN Iyengar, Distinguished Professor & the Director of the Center. The lectures and interactive sessions totalling 25 hours will be held on Saturdays mornings starting on 22nd September, 2018 at the CMS Business School premises. The exact schedule will be worked out on the first day to suit the convenience of the participants.

Research workers, doctoral students, enthusiasts of Sanskrit, history, science-in-Vedas, chronology and culture will benefit by the course. No special knowledge of astronomy or mathematics is needed to follow the course. Ability to read Sanskrit texts and commentaries in the original will be advantageous.

Fees & Registration

Fees is Rs. 5,000/-. Register online using this form. The last day for registration for the course is 14th September, 2018. Seats are limited and admissions will be on first-come first-served basis.

All questions may be directed to

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