Lieutenant JG Addison MacKenzie - No, Now It's *Really* Time To Go

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Addison MacKenzie

Sep 23, 2019, 8:10:33 AM9/23/19

((Stage 5 – The Republic Arms - 2225 Hours))


MacKenzie: ::muttering to herself, not quietly:: What in the bloody hell.


Petras: This can’t be good.


Any: Response


Vanlith: ::to the group:: What exactly is he trying to do? 


MacKenzie: I believe he needs to find something to clean off his shoes…


Petras: Yeah… I think he stepped in it.


Any: Response 


Chendain: Response


Petras: I think our tongue-tied friend is wondering if this place caters to entertainment…. Which is not advertized?


Ukinix: What she said.


Ukinix: (Whispering loudly to Jayla) I don’t even know what the entertainment is!  I think It’s meant to be a secret.


Chendain: Response


Any: Response 


Petras: Oh, and does the band take requests?


Chendain: Response


Ukinix: Cheers! (Whispering loudly again to Jayla) I’m not sure we’re going to get to see whatever it is!


MacKenzie: ::patting Wil on the shoulder:: No, mate, I don’t think we are.


Petras/Vanlith: Response


Any: Responses




((2355 Hours))



MacKenzie took a seat on one of the nearby couches as the band played an old Earth tune. Thinking of home fondly, the sound and the rest of the room seemed to disappear, and a small smile crept up on Addison’s face. Disturbed from her distraction by clapping, Addison joined in the applause for the band. As they left the stage for a break, MacKenzie covered her face with her hands and shook her head as Wil and Geoff approached the stage.


MacKenzie: Bloody hell…


Ukinix: (Singing, slurring) Ahh c’moooooon…  all yoooou laaaadsshh… let’s for-get… and foor-giiiive… there’sh a wooorld…. To ex-plooore… talesh-to-teellll… back-ooon ssshhore…



Ukinix: (Singing, slurring) I-just-shpent-shix-monthsh-in-a-lea-ky boat…


Addison watched the two through the space between her fingers. It was a dumpster fire.


Ukinix: (To Geoffrey) Mate, I am pretty loaded.  (Chuckling, half closed eyes, big smile) Like a photon torpedo tube.  I’m shinking I might have to shink about shinking about.. to shink, umm… anyway, G might have to transhport me back to the (pointing up to celling).. the… the… whatsit… the ‘Tash.


Teller: Response


Ukinix: (Hands out) Shomeone help me down?


MacKenzie: ::to Vanlith, pointing at the dynamic duo:: I think those two are with you.


Any: Responses


As he stepped down, he turned to his continental compatriots.


Ukinix: (To Gaz and Daymo) You’re alright blokesh. Luv ya.  I’m a bit p@$%#d, I need to go home.


Gaz/Daymo: Responses


G’var: Response


MacKenzie furrowed her brow as she watched Wil fiddle with his commbadge.


Ukinix: (Cheekily) Anyone elshe wanna lift?

MacKenzie: ::once again patting Wil on the back:: Oooookay, slugger. Time to go home. 


Any: Responses


Ukinix: =/\= Ukinixsh to Queenssh…. Um… (trying to count heads but failing)… Sheveral to beam up. =/\=


Queens: =/\=….. (Laughing) Um, OK… unders- (More Laughing) =/\


As the group dematerialized, MacKenzie felt herself exhale a sigh of relief.


[End Scene for MacKenzie]


Lieutenant Addison MacKenzie
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Veritas


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