Lt. G'var- I Drank What?

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michael barnes

Jun 12, 2020, 12:58:02 AM6/12/20

((Nova's Last Kiss, Ashworth Station, Middle Bar))

The last hour had been interesting to say the least, good to his word, Perfect Johnny had just taken G'var on a tour of his rathole of a Ship. The Banzai had definitely seen better days, though age alone wasn't the only problem, the whole Ship smelt like an over rip melon that had been sitting in the sun to rot. She was still rubbing her nose, she figured the smell wouldn't come out of her nose for a week. There was also the issue of all the rubber Gorn squishies everywhere. Apple had said they come upon several containers floating in space in the Iridani System, they were jam packed with tens of thousands of 13 centimeter green rubber Gorn squishies, they were pretty much worthless, and the Ship was still full of them. The little things had been left in piles all around the Ship as "Perfect" Johnny didn't want to get rid of them. Apparently the right buyer was just around the corner. Pocketing one on the rubber Gorns, she highly doubted it, she was just greatful no one had tried anything foolish. Several members of the Crew had made advances, but no one seemed more interested in anything more than just testing the waters. "Perfect" Johnny seemed to be legitimately offering her a spot on then Crew, not trying to press gang her into service or worse capture her to sell to the Orions.

"Perfect" Johnny introduced her to the rest of the Crew. There were 9 in total, she had already met Rahl, Burhl, Chupa, and Apple, his "Command" Team. The other four consisted of Shadmain, a rough looking Caitian, who was missing an ear, Chin'To'ka, a Cardassian female, introducing herself as a mer botanists. Then there was their cook a rotund Bolian named Zeebo, and last but not least their Cabin Boy, Y'mar, a young Bajoran boy. To say they were a mighty Pirate Crew, would bring shame to other Pirate Crews. She was not impressed, though what they lacked in muscle, they made up for in spirit, and the loyalty they showed their commander was something she had not seen since being on her Father's Battlecruiser. Playing her role, G'var kept her guise of Kum'va on, acting in awe of the Ship and her Crew, she "happily" signed on as the 10th Crewman. In celebration Johnny had promised to take them all out and buy the first round. Cheering along with the rest of the Crew, she endured their good natured slaps, though a few seemed s little harder than others.

Stepping into the Nova's Last Kiss, G'var was immediately assaulted by the smell of stale alcohol and pickled...something. It was a unique smell that she knew all too well from across a thousand bars on a hundred different worlds. Looking around, she counted at least 20 different species from all over the Shoals. Taking a deep breath as Johnny slapped her on the back again she caught a familiar scent, too much body spray. Holding back a few choice curses, she quickly scanned the room as they made their way to the bar. Before she could take the entire room in, Rahl and Burhl saddled up to either side of her.

Burhl:::leaning back against the bar:: be'nI'wI' 'etlh kah'less reH Daghaj (Sister, tell me have you ever had a sword of Kah'less?)

Rahl:::slapping the bar:: not critique'a'wIj burhl vile HIq pa' jatlhqa' jIHvaD vanwIj ( I told you to never mention that vile drink in my presence again Burhl!) qatlh mo' bIQ reH DuD SoH je wItlhutlhbej (Why would you ever want to mix ground water into Bloodwine! )

G'var:::Laughing:: yav bIQ qet boS chaH DoH vo' woj choHwI' ( Ground Water? Do they add run off from a leaky reactor?) ::running a hand down Rahl's arm:: rahl jIH Iw HIq warm je HoS (I'm with you, R'Ah'L, I like my bloodwine strong and warm.)

Rahl:::flexing his arm:: be' tIqwIj vI'omlaHbe' (A woman after my own heart)...::wiggling his brow::

Burhl:::Rolling her eyes:: majQa' DubelmoHchugh ngo' gagh latlh vay' 'e' nID loDnI' (Oh, please brother, try that tired old gagh on someone else. Kum'va is not interested). ::shoulder checking G'var:: lugh be'nI'wI' (Right Sister.)

G'var:::smirking:: gaH HoS SoHvaD vISovbe' ( I don't known know he is awfully strong). ::raising a brow::laH qu'bogh mughato' rahl gheb tlhaQ DaqaSmoH jIyay' ( I wonder...can you rip the horn of a wild Mugato R'aH'L?)

Of course she had seen better physiques on Ferengi, the man was a very poor excuse for a warrior, all talk and no bite

Rahl:::slapping his chest:: kum'va vItlhap kah'less 'ej QuQ ghaH (For you Kum'va, I would take on Kah'less himself.)

G'var/Burhl:::holding their stomachs:: BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHAHAH!

G'var::wiping a tear:: jupwI' qatlho' SoH Haghqu'choH (Thank you for the laugh My friend)

Burhl:::knocking her fist on the bar:: loDnI'wI' (My Brother), ::holding her arm out:: porgh r kah'less (The slayer of Kah'less...)

Rahl:::shrugging:: tlhegh QaQ (thought it was a good line.) ::winking:: Kum'va Qoh (Right Kum'va?)

G'var:::knodding her head:: vumnISlu'wI'vamDaq wejpuH rur (Sure...worked like a charm.) ::turning to Burhl:: DaH jIHvaD yIja' vIHtaHbogh 'etlh kah'less (now tell me what is this "sword of Kah'less"

Before Burhl could explain the concoction, Perfect Johnny sauntered over and wiggled himself between G'var and Burhl. Running a hand over the side of his hair he gave G'var his best seductive look he could manage. She had to burn through a lot of Willpower not to bounce his head off the bar.

Johnny::wrapping his arm around Burhl:: Hey how are my favorite two ladies doing. ::kissing Burhl's cheek:: You playing nice with Kum'va?

Burhl:::Playfully biting his neck:: Of Course my PPPUUURRRfect ::doffing her chin at G'var:: We were just getting ready to order some drinks

G'var::raising a brow:: A "sword of Kah'less", ::smirking:: would the Commander like one as well?

Johnny:::shaking his head:: No...::sticking his tongue out:: I could never stand the taste of root beer, ::pinching Burhl's chin:: but my Lady can't get enough. ::winking at G'var:: You two enjoy.

By the Light! Root Beer! What a disgusting beverage, having never developed the taste for the Academy's drink of choice she dared to think what it tasted like mixed with Bloodwine. One did not need bubble in their Bloodwine

G'var::raising a brow:: Root Beer? ::cocking her head:: never heard of it is it good?

Burhl:::smiling:: It's a Hoomon drink, sweet and Bubbly, but with a bite. ::licking her lips:: makes the wine froth. ::holding up two fingers:: BARTENDER! Two Swords of Kah'less!

Bartender:::groaning:: Klingons...yeah, yeah...two mugs of swill coming up! ::throwing a rag over his shoulder:: I miss when they just ordered Rum...

Leaning back against the bar, G'var once again scanned the room. There were several groups of beings scattered around the room. A few were taking advantage of some of the games scattered around the room, other groups sat around large circular tables enjoying various food and beverages. Looking around she caught sight of Commander Jolara. Ceciri, and Quall at a table with another woman trying to blend in. At another table sat Counselor Orrey and Vee, having what looked like a heated conversation with a Romulan woman. The only ones she didn't see were Josett and Zuccaro, though there were a lot of darkened corners, inhaling deeply she could still smell the scent of too much body spray.

Johnny:::Smiling:: Who you looking for Big Kat? ::placing a hand on her back:: You got enemies out there looking for you?

G'var:::shrugging:: I didn't end up here by accident Boss, ::smacking her fist into her hand:: Let'm come, if they want a piece I'm ready.

Johnny:::placing a hand on her arm:: Ease down Tigress, don't go all killer on me ::nodding out to the crowd:: this isn't exactly home turf.

G'var:: When is it ever "home turf?" ::holding an arm out:: 'sides these guys don't look that tough, place is not even full.

Johnny:: Yeah, well business has been slow thanks to the Feddies started taking out every Ship from her to DS3. It's getting so a Honest man can't even make a living anymore.

G'var:::Raising a brow:: What crawled up there nacellle?

Johnny:::chuckling:: One of the Brethren has been doing too good and it's making things a little uncomfortable for the Feddies, Colonies and Merchants all complaining...mass hysteria and all the whatnot.

While G'var listened the bartender gave a tugged on her sleeve, turning he handed her a "foaming" mug of frothy Bloodwine, Taking a sniff, it smelled sweet and cloying, taking a sip, she almost spewed the mouthful of liquid right into Johnny's face, by some miracle she was able to swallow the "beverage". Looking over to Burhl, the woman was jugging her pint, polishing off the drink in less than 5 seconds, she slammed the empty mug down and asked for another.

G'var:::wincing as she took another sip:: So does this Person have a name?

Johnny:::grabbing his lapels:: They call him The Marths.

G'var: oO And we have a winner Oo

G'var:::tolerating another sip:: What kind of name is "The Marths?"

Johnny:::clapping his hands:: Well...he fancies himself a "Broker", in reality, he just loves chicken. No one can stand him.

G'var:::cocking her head:: If he's wrecking business, and you can't stand him...why not just turn him in to the Marshals?

Johnny:::slapping her shoulder:: Hey Now...You don't nark on one of the Brethren! That's against the code.

((OCC, I didn't want to add tags for others as I'm not in their conversations just yet))


Lieutenant G'var
SAR Team Leader
Assistant Chief of Security
USS Veritas NCC-95035
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