[BO] LtCmdr Sky Blake, "A change of scenery."

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Deliera Jay

May 26, 2017, 2:41:45 PM5/26/17
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Blake's office))

::Despite the crew change, the one thing that hadn't moved or been removed in the chaos of reassignment was Sky's office. Here, among other things, was a room with a desk, a chair, a wall console, a desk console, and a virtual pinboard behind said desk detailing the assumed whereabouts of Starfleet and the Marshals Wanted Persons within the Shoals. She'd set it up when she joined, tracking her slow but steady progress over the months of her assignment here, often over a cup of jibrore with Cormac filling in what gaps he could with Starfleet Intelligence assistance and logical assumptions of his own. She'd managed to keep it despite the First Officer position, citing a preference for the familiar.

::Now, however, with her office door remaining open - as is how she preferred (don't ask her why) - she could happily cross off Kallo Ver, the man's profile detailed in the top corner of the board, from that list.::

Mei'konda: Response?

::Sky glanced over her shoulder.::

Blake: Sorry - I didn't hear you come in. ::She stepped back from the board, surveying it one more time.:: Now that we have Kallo, assuming we can *keep* Kallo, I don't have to mull over his still being on this like a crazy person.

::Blake took a quick glance between Mei'konda and the board, before pointing at the board in question, cracking a sly smile.::

Blake: I swear I'm not a crazy person.

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: I did. ::She turned to face him properly, arms crossed.:: How you were settling in. Jumping into the Shoals. Not often do we see officers who put in the request to transfer here. We're pretty remote compared to the rest of the Federation, that's for sure.

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: Good. I also heard about Delano - how's he doing?

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: I'm glad. He's a good guy - deserves a speedy recovery. ::She gave a small pause.:: As of tomorrow, I'm stepping down from the First Officer's position.

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: Starfleet values strong leadership. If the last mission has proven anything, it's that I'm an excellent follower and collaborator. Not to mention that . . . I got thrust into the role after most of my Bridge crew was transferred away - for all intents and purposes, I was the implant FO. But I believe this crew would be more comfortable with someone more approachable. So, if you'll permit - I'd like to recommend you to Captain Rahman.

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: You're familiar to this Bridge crew, get along well with them and they have your trust. You've been onbaord long enough for the rest of the crew to know you well in your current position as well. I think you'd be an ideal choice.

Mei'konda: Response?

Blake: I got an offer from the Starfleet Rangers that I can't ignore - work that I admit to preferring over my regular duties as FO, don't tell Rahman. But I'll remain onboard.

Mei'konda: Response?

Tbc . . .

LtCmdr Sky Blake
USS Veritas
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