LtCmdr Blake, "Kidman I landing."

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Deliera Jay

Sep 26, 2020, 11:59:04 AM9/26/20
((Bupirninyirring, Kidman I))

Bupirninyirring was a two-by-two kilometre square of cleared land and a handful of hand-built buildings on an otherwise empty planet of bushland. Tiny patches of a greeny-yellow weed grass atop a hard dirt-clay ground. There was no concrete, just dirt tracks. No commercial establishments of any kind, just a single building that housed a community kitchen and hall. No city folk, just fifty colonists with livestock, making their way around the sunny "small town" with akubras atop their heads. 

The small planet of Kidman I was so utterly boring and empty of people that half the Engineering staff had groaned in disappointment when Blake announced it was where Veritas would be stopping there. It was as equally devoid of technology as it was people: only Tristam's subspace communication array planted in the middle of the town, and water reclamators used to (obviously) provide the colonists with water, were of any interest. The planetoid had one vehicle: a landrover once used to scout the area when they needed to expand out a little. Given they didn't really have anywhere to go outside of Bupirninyirring, save some bushland sites, residents of the small town preferred their horses. 

If Blake had a personal definition of 'heaven', the empty planet of Kidman I was it. This was a ranger's paradise: this was what her work created. 

Core's communications array was the tallest structure of the Bupirninyirring settlement, a grey building that contrasted against the dusty-white shelters the colony's managers Largew and MacNamara had brought with them. It stuck out like a sore thumb, a “here be Starfleet” sign. Largew had made a deal with Starfleet: Bupirninyirring would be home to a Starfleet communications array if Starfleet provided the occasional help (such as supplies) when the first got settled. Starfleet had deemed this a fair agreement. This was what Veritas was doing today.

Largew: Gotta say, I didn't expect an entire starship to show up.

Keyri Largew pushed the rim of her akubra up, peering at Blake with a half-cracked smile. A few officers shuffled past them, carrying boxes of spare medical supplies, food rations, and an assortment of comfort goods to make life in the hot, dusty town a little more tolerable. Blake had picked a great day to visit: it was currently a nice 37C, no wind, only a smidge of humidity, and there wasn't a cloud to be seen in the perfect blue sky. It meant Blake could finally wear a uniform vest, forgoing her jacket and turtleneck.

Blake: We were in the area, had the equipment to spare. It's the least we can do.

Largew: We appreciate it. Every little bit helps.

Blake: You know I can set you up with replicators?

Largew: As it is, your communications tower takes up about a third of our energy. We've been alright without replicators, we'll continue to be alright until we develop some solid batteries.

Blake: I could probably lend you some of those, too.

Largew scoffed, shaking her head.

Largew: MacNamara would have something to say about that.

Pierce MacNamara was a stoic, quiet man with a deep cultural background that dated back millennia. His intent with Bupirninyirring (itself having been a term taken from his ancestral language) was for the colony to be self-sufficient, using a combination of olden-day techniques with modern technology. He disliked "busy" places. With Bupirninyirring, unfortunately, placed in one of the planet's drought-stricken areas, water-reclamators were necessary for colonists and livestock to survive the area. MacNamara hadn't been phased by this, though.

Largew tended to be the most outspoken of the pair, but it was MacNamara who often called the shots for the colony. MacNamara had little interest in the managerial processes outside of Bupirninyirring's every-day operation, and frankly preferred the company of his horses over Federation desk-workers. Blake had built a rapport with him while scouting the bushland -- he rode ahead on his Australian stockhorse, and Blake had sat safely in the landrover. They'd done some good work.

And although Burpirninyirring hadn't visually changed all that much since Blake had last been here, the small town was a little livelier, more comfortable with the area. 

Blake: I need to ask a favour.

Largew: Hmm?

Blake: My crew and I just had a... tense mission along the Tholian border. We could use some R'n'R. Do you mind if we stuck around for a week or so?

Largew: I think we can swing that. On one condition, though.

Blake: Name it.

Largew: We're happy as we are. Don't try to upgrade us.

Blake:::nodding:: I'll let the crew know.

Largew: Great. We've got a few camping sites, along the back creek. Your crew might be interested.

There was a moment were Blake was silent, contemplating something.

Blake: Has your group seen a Starfleet vessel before?

Largew: ...not up close. Why?

The acting captain smiled.

Blake: You got a three hundred by five hundred metre clearing nearby?

The colony's co-manager merely gave her a quizzical look.

Tbc . . . 

LtCmdr Sky Blake
Acting Captain
USS Veritas

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