JP: Lt. Ikaia Wong & Cmdr. Geoffrey Teller - Botany Bay Revisited Part 2

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Geoffrey Teller

Sep 24, 2021, 10:38:56 PM9/24/21
to USS Thor – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((High Containment Science Lab 4, Deck 3, USS Thor))

Wong:  My accent? Well, it’s Hawaiian….

Teller:  No, your french accent!  Start Picard’ing, that’s an order!  

Wong:  Oh. Riiight. Uh… ahem…. :Glancing nervously at the vines coming for him:: “Starfleet was founded upon seeking out life. To boldly go---” GAH!

Ikaia ducked as one of his boots was flung back at him.

Teller:  No no, it’s gotta be a little more British than that for some reason!  Like this…::Geoff took a deep breath and tried to draw upon the gravitas, poise and baldness of one of Starfleet’s most legendary officers.. ”“We’ve made too many compromises already. Too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back...this farther....”

The creature continued to thrash about but the vines slowed slightly, but his faux-french accent would not have won him any awards.  

Ikaia tried to concentrate. What did a French-British accent sound like again? 

Wong: Okay okay. Let me try this - “While most of us recoil in fear, we must remember that this plant, the Eatoanium, is still worthy of our care. It has demonstrated at least on some level sentience. Are we not there to seek out new life?”

He could see his plant starting to calm down a little more. It was still gripping on to that other boot.

Teller: It’s working!  ::Geoff cleared his throat and tried again for something approaching stately gentility::...”With the first link, the chain is forged….The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden….”  Teller doubted he’d win Starbase 80’s famed talent contest but the creature was loosening its grip, and Geoff was able to haul Mr. Wong backwards towards relative safety, but not before another projectile headed their way.  

It flung the last boot. It rebounded off of Ikaia’s head. He yelped as it smacked him. He was getting really tired of being hit with things.

Wong: Ow! GEEZ! Ugh….“That is one of the tenants that Starfleet was founded upon. We are Starfleet. It is our duty to ensure that this plant is well cared for as long as it is under our protection. It is not to be ejected into space like refuse.”

Geoff put aside his personal feelings in this moment of deep crisis and called upon the powers of Earl Grey himself.  

Teller: “The first duty of every starfleet officer is to the truth!  Whether it's scientific truth, or...uh”…::Geoff’s memory was failing him so he space truth...or...ground..truth...

The plant was starting to come down off the shelving. Ikaia crouched down low and started making his way closer.

Wong: Ah… it’s working….. It’s calming down…. Ah “Part of seeking out new life is also the care and protection of that new life. That’s what we must do. This is not a compromise.”

Geoff tried to lower his voice towards a register he hoped was soothing as he slowly lifted an unbroken containment canister.

Teller: “So I lied...cheated….bribed men to cover the crimes of other men….”...wait, dammit, that’s not a Picard speech.  ::Geoff took another small step towards the creature and nodded to Mr. Wong.::  “There’s coffee in that neb…” dammit that’s not right either.  

Ikaia calmly approached his plant. The vines were already starting to curl back up into its pot. He carefully picked it up in his hands.

Wong:  ::Whispering:: Are you ready to seal it up? We’ve got it back into dormancy.

With the vines as docile as he’d seen them, Geoff crossed the final meter and scooped the vines into the canister and sealed it in one quick motion.  It wasn’t until after he’d gotten it fully back on the lab table and behind a level five containment field that both men exhaled and slumped to the floor, Geoff’s back against one of the tumbled equipment racks.  After a few deep breaths, Geoff laughed out loud at the absurdity of the last few minutes until his eyes were watering.  When he could catch his breath again, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and tapped his com badge.  

Ikaia was more than thrilled to see his plant safely tucked behind glass. He rested his back against a counter as he seemingly sprawled across the floor. Ikaia snorted. The ludicrousness of it all! But at least everyone including the plant was safe. 

Wong: ::Sighs:: That’s a relief….. Maybe now we can lift the lockdown? 

Teller:  =/\= Computer, lift isolation lockdown on containment lab 4, Authorization Teller Sigma Kilo Alpha Nebula Tango Sigma. =/\=

Computer:  =/\= Unable to comply, internal sensors detect a possible contagion which matches established viral profiles. =/\=

Geoff gulped, his good humor forgotten.  He looked around nearby and found several tricorders scattered in the debris on the floor.  He flipped one to Wong and began scanning the area the vines had been writhing around.  

Ikaia blinked at what the computer had said. Sure, he often worked around the sick. But that wasn’t without decontamination afterwards. He took the tricorder in his hands and began looking.

Teller:  Were you storing anything else in here?  Biomatter?  Research samples?  Especially pungent cheese?  

Wong: There shouldn’t be. I always decontam whenever I deal with the sick. There shouldn’t be anything here.

Teller:  Tricorder’s picking up nothing over here...air reads particulate radiation...certainly nothing that looks like a virus….you got anything?  

Ikaia was about to get up when his hands brushed against his thigh. It stung when he touched it. Bringing his hand up to his face, he could see a pink liquid coating his fingers. 

Blood. His blood.

He glanced down at his thigh and sure enough, he could see where it had been sliced. Possibly from the glass when the Eatoanium escaped. 

Wong: I think some of the glass got me. My thigh’s been slashed by something. I’m going to need a dermal regenerator here to fix it.

Geoff swung around in alarm at the shrieking tricorder.  

Teller:  Stay still, try not to move.  It could be on your uniform...we could still decontaminate it…

Ikaia froze. He looked at Teller. 

Wong:  Wait. On me?

Geoff narrowed the scan field on his tricorder and took a few steps back towards Mr. Wong, following the increasingly rapid beeps from the scanner.  When he was within a meter, he slowly panned the device down, starting with Mr. Wongs head.  

Teller:  I’m no medical officer, Mr. Wong, but I’m picking up something tricorder thinks is a retrovirus….

Ikaia’s eyes went wide. It was as if Teller had said something that had triggered a memory for him….

((Flashback - Russell River Mines - Approximately Six Months Earlier…..))

S’Ten: What do you know of Drell?


That question came as a surprise to him. His hand slowly reached up to touch his hair. Since he started experiencing new cultures and other planets on his travels with Starfleet, that name has come up over and over again. Mostly in response to his blond hair. Some days, he was half tempted to dye it just to keep a lower profile if he knew he was dealing with other Klingons.


Wong: House of Drell. I’ve heard of it. Mostly through it being shouted at me with plenty of finger pointing. But I really don’t know much about it. Except for that blond hair seems to be a house trait. Although, I’m not sure if I’m connected to that house or not. I absolutely know nothing. What do you know about this?


S’Ten: I see.  I can only tell you what I know from my briefings on Romulus.  It was important to understand the workings of Great Houses, while they are an Empire there are always disputes between their houses, which is something that can be exploited during a conflict.  Membership of a Great house has traditionally been by virtue of birth, or marriage.  But the House of Drell was different.  You are aware of the Klingon augment virus?


Wong: Bits and pieces about it from what’s been mentioned in Starfleet databases. Victims impacted by it lost their head crests.


S’Ten: The first Klingon that was born with blond hair was a result of this virus.  Over time, Klingons with your hair color were born throughout the population, but only a handful.  Word of them spread, and they became shunned like other augments.  As a joke, Klingons said that blond Klingons were of “jul”¸ the Klingon word for “sun”.  Klingons also found it amusing to claim that any Klingon born of jul were of the same family.  One blonde Klingon was so incensed by being teased constantly that she formed a house named “Drell”, a play on the word jul.  She declared that any blond Klingon was instantly a member of Drell, should they choose to be.

Wong: Did all those impacted join this house?

S’Ten: Many blond Klingons joined, proudly.  Conversely, many sought genetic modification.  And some… were sent from the Empire by their parents to live elsewhere.


Ikaia frowned slightly. The gene pool expanded significantly and even if he got a hit in his search using DNA, it didn’t mean that it would be someone from this house. His investigation has just hit its first snag.

((High Containment Science Lab 4, Deck 3, USS Thor - Present day….))

Ikaia scanned himself and began cross referencing his DNA with the RNA of the Augment Virus on file. Sure enough, the virus had been embedded in his DNA. It was less than a 5% fragment of the original virus. But it was still there. He briefly reached up to touch his blond hair for a moment. Ikaia’s breath seemed to be caught inside his chest. Time almost felt like it had stopped for him. This was a major revelation. The reason for his hair colour, for who he was came down to a virus fragment. 

He looked at Teller wide eyed. He had been quiet in his realization for the longest time. At that moment, he finally broke his silence.

Wong: Commander….. That virus you’re picking up isn’t on me. It’s a part of me.

Geoff’s attention turned away from the baffled tricorder and towards the bewildered looking Mr. Wong.  

Teller: That’s...that’s somewhat alarming.  I’m alarmed.  I feel like you should be more alarmed.  The lab is certainly alarmed.  

Wong: I have less than a 5% fragment of the Klingon Augment Virus embedded in my DNA. It’s what’s causing the blond hair and I suspect what triggered the lockdown when I got cut by the glass. It was never my plant. It was me the entire time.

Geoff flipped the tricorder closed and scowled but focused on the immediate problem and located the compartment's medical kit, one of the few things that hadn’t been tossed around.  

Teller: Pretty basic but there’s a dermal regenerator in here along with some broad spectrum antivirals...

Wong: I’m not contagious nor am I sick. It’s a virus fragment. But it’s certainly enough to trigger the lockdown of the labs. I’m sorry, Commander.

Which meant that now the labs had to be keyed into his DNA just to avoid future lockdowns pending their survival from this lockdown. 

Teller: Well, it’s not really me you need to apologize to, it’s the sensors in here.  Patch yourself up and try not to bleed on anything else.  We’re going to need to decontaminate every surface you’ve touched or brushed against and…::Geoff shook his head, wondering how he’d explain this to the Commodore.::...lose the pants.  Gonna have to vaporize those.  

oOExcuse me. Who’s the medical officer around here---- wait. Is he REALLY suggesting THAT?! That’s EXTREME.Oo

Wong: You’re asking me to depants myself and BURN them?! Am I hearing this correctly?

Teller:  Look, I’m not the one who pissed off the computer, so I get to keep my pants….

A single drop of pinkish blood, accidentally smeared across the back of Mr. Wong’s tricorder dangled and fell before either man could react.  Geoff could only watch in horror as it landed with a small splat on the right leg of his uniform pants.  

Ikaia gave something of a coy head tilt. 

Wong: Hmm yes. I seem to recall something to the effect of vaporizing one’s pants if they’re contaminated with my blood? 

Ikaia started to remove his pants. This was quite embarrassing. Almost as much as the tattoo on his backside.

Teller:  Welp...yep, ok, now we’re going to be two totally normal officers not wearing pants, cleaning a lab. ::Geoff sighed and began sifting through equipment on one of the nearby racks.::  Find yourself a subsonic sterilizer and get to work once that leg is patched up.  

Wong:  Don’t worry, Commander. I very much understand sterilization procedures and medical care. Pretty sure that’s why I’m the Amity’s CMO. ::Sighs:: This is really embarrassing. We’re really going to have to key in my DNA into things to avoid generating false positives in the future.

He finally removed his pants entirely and folded them up on the floor leaving him in his standard issue Starfleet boxers. He cleaned off his hands and grabbed the dermal regenerator to run across his wound. The whole incident had him stressed out, if he had to be honest with himself. It wasn’t just that he’d have to make the long walk to his quarters without any pants. It was what he had just learned here today. It was entirely possible with the virus fragment in his DNA that he was a member of the House of Drell. But given how Klingons handled matters like this, there was still a chance he may not be. Either way, this was a heavy result for him. It made him somewhat terrified of what the entire truth was going to be.

Wong: Sorry about the mess…..

It was the better part of an hour before the two men, fully stripped down to their starfleet standard issue skivies, emerged from a lab the computer now considered entirely free of pathogens.  Both men made a dash for the nearby turbolift in an attempt to forestall questions or curious glances and they were entirely successful, except for Lt. Kowalski, who valiantly managed to restrain their laughter inside the turbolift car until Geoff stepped out, but broke before the doors could close again.  



Lieutenant Ikaia Wong PA-C

Chief Medical Officer

Amity Outpost



Commander Geoffrey Teller

Executive Officer

USS Thor - NCC 82607

Commodore A. Kells, Commanding


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