JP: Lt Cmdr Addison MacKenzie, Lt Quen Deena, Lt JG Alieth, Lt JG Sirok - Woken Furies Part 1

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Dec 30, 2020, 12:45:57 PM12/30/20

JP: Lt Cmdr Addison MacKenzie, Lt Quen Deena, Lt JG Alieth, Lt JG Sirok - Woken Furies Part 1

(Main Sickbay Deck 10, USS Thor, on New Bajor orbit))

The young Vulcan woman rested a hand on the heavy head of the mastiff sat beside her. The animal wagged a cheerful tail and tried desperately to lick the hand between her eyes, an exercise that, no matter how much she endeavoured, was not successful. Alieth stared at the futile effort for a second, then scratched exactly that spot behind the right ear that melted the animal until, at last, she raised her eyes to her colleague.

Alieth: so, we have a quorum?

Deena gave a half-a-nod.

Quen: Just waiting on one...

Alieth nodded briefly and then her slender hands hovered over the keyboard. The display then lit up, showing the message:

“Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS, USS Resolution’s First Officer: calling”

When the ginger woman’s face finally appeared on the screen her eyebrow raised.

MacKenzie: Alright, we’re ready?

Deena took a sip from her coffee and waved the padd in her other hand.

Quen: Arguments prepared and ready.

Alieth: ::with a short nod:: Indeed. 

MacKenzie: Good. I didn’t get up at 0400 for nothing.

The red-headed former CMO of the Thor took a sip of her coffee and waited for her colleagues to lead.

Alieth: ::in a stern tone:: I see you have not lost an ounce of your morning cheerfulness, Lieutenant Commander

Despite her deadpan expression, there was also a lively glint in her dark eyes. She would never admit it, but she was delighted to see the redhead again. Even her not-so-pleasant morning mood.  She had even replicated a cup of coffee for herself, in an identical cup to the one Addison was cradling in her hands. Even if, as usual, the concoction flavour was HIDEOUS.

Deena looked from the woman in the room to the one on the screen and suppressed the urge to snort into her coffee.

Quen: Nope - not an ounce.

Interrupting the talk of the doctors appeared the chief engineer, lieutenant junior grade Sirok. He stopped as soon as he crossed the threshold of the door. Dr. Quen had called him to talk about the results of his health check-up. But when he entered, he met not only her, but also Dr. Alieth, who could make sense of his presence if he had a typical Vulcan affliction. In addition to the former chief medical officer, whose image was projected on one of the room's screens. Last but not least, along with Alieth, there was a typical Earth pet, at that time he could not remember the name of the species. In the face of all that, he only reacted by raising his eyebrow slightly.

Sirok: Good morning doctors, what can I do for you?

Deena jumped, startled by the man's sudden appearance. Unfortunately, this had a rather… undignified effect, causing her to inhale a not-insignificant gulp of coffee. Coughing, she realized that she probably should have expected this exact outcome. Vulcans were always punctual to a fault…

Quen: ::cough:: Lieutenant! ::cough:: You're early.

Alieth merely raised her hand in the ta'al and did not add a word, her face carefully composed and circumspect.

He observed Dr. Quen's unusual reaction for a moment before responding.

Sirok: Unless I am mistaken, I arrive at the agreed time.

Addison checked her chronometer.

MacKenzie: He’s got you there, Lieutenant.

Alieth: Obviously

Quen: Yes ::cough:: we've got the results of your neural scan.

She gave one final hack, then cleared her throat. Crisis averted.

Sirok: The fact that all you three are here indicates that there is some kind of problem. May I know what it is?

MacKenzie: Yeah, tell ‘im.

Had she been with the other two doctors in person, she would have elbowed them in the ribs.

Alieth: You have a lesion in your mesoencephalon that stretches to affect partially your hippocampus. As far as we could infer from your scans this significantly impairs your telepathic ability and has a to be determined impact on your memory function and your ability to consolidate information in the short and long term. 

Quen: Analysis also indicates that your condition has not come about recently. We believe it may be a congenital anomaly or one which developed in your early childhood.


As simmed by:


Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS

First Officer

USS Resolution





Lieutenant Quen Deena

Medical Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607


Member of the Spice Council




Lieutenant Junior Grade Sirok

Chief Engineering Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607

Fleet Captain A. Kells, Commanding





Lt. JG Alieth

Medical Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607 


Image Collective Co-Facilitator Trainee


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