Lt JG Kizanna Reid: Need reading inside

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Dec 5, 2021, 4:06:56 PM12/5/21
to USS Thor – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
(( Tigris, debris field, search grid 22. ))

Reid: I’m going to need a little while to analyse the data. 

Perhaps their luck was in, and maybe time was finally on their side, as the Huxarian ship came into view in close proximity to the living vessel, meaning the Tigris wasn't the focus of either vessel's wrath. 

Suddenly, the organic-looking hull began to glow orange,  unleashing a ring of energy that raced out and swept up the frigate, only to dissipate quickly before reaching them bright green plasma vented from the rear of the ship as it spun in place and began putting distance between the thing and itself. 

Garcia: Looks like the living structure has coordinated defensive capabilities.

Kaz just watched in awe.

Dar: Response

Corelli: I think it reacted to that ship, not our beam?

Reid: I agree, I think it may of seen the weapons fire as a threat to it.

That indicated some sort of intelligence.  Kaz smiled this was fascinating as well as terrifying.  Kaz stared back at the reading trying to make sense of them.  It was such an amazing discovery to find a creature of this size.

Suddenly the silence was broken by a gruff, well soldiered voice crackling on the comms.  It was open, wide band transmission, and the universal translator was certainly getting a work out.

Jorah: =/\= This is Admiral Jorah of the Nuach to all vessels within range. Cease fire immediately and power down weapon systems. We will do the same. =/\= 

Kammus raised his eyebrows again, throwing a look at Garcia, who glanced back at Kammus and then beyond him to the living creature and the plasma venting ship limping away from it. 

Corelli: Universal translator seems to be working.  Respond! Let them know that our beam was not intended as a weapon.

Kaz remained silent letting the other officers deal with this.

Garcia: Dar, divert energy from weapons systems to shields, and take weapons offline -- slowly. Very slowly. Monitor their weapons system - if they gun for us, you target their weapons array. Reid, I need to know what the deal is with that living ship. Corelli, reply to the comm -- I'm readying us for evasive manoeuvres. 

Reid: It is not a living ship, it is a lifeform.

Kaz could see features in the creature that were mouths and some kind of eyes.  It definitely was alive but she was struggling to scan inside.

Dar: Response

Corelli: Fine, I’ll do it - =/\= Admiral Jorah, this is the shuttle Tigris, that was not a weapon, however we agree to your request. =/\=

The Lt nodded to Dar to cut weapons. The cabin lighting flickered as the shuttle processed the power distribution,  Kaz waited nervously, at least they had shields. 

Dar: Response

Jorah: =/\= I would like to know what has brought us all here. =/\= 

The ensign thought a moment about how exactly to answer this question.  Kaz remained quiet, listening in but focusing on the sense data trying to find something.

Corelli: =/\= Time seems to be broken here.  It could be that large creature, or some other cause, we are still investigating. Please let us know your intentions. =/\=

Jorah/Kelpach/Shiximan: Response

Garcia: (To Corelli.) Explain that we have a method to repatriate them to their correct time. (To Dar and Reid) Would their tech be able to assist us? 

Reid: The technology is significantly different from ours, their sensors reading may have picked something up different.  It would be useful to have a copy of it.

As a scientist she would take all the different readings she could get.

Dar/Corelli: Response

Jorah/Kelpach/Shiximan: Response

The comm hummed with the announcement of a second channel the away tram was trying to contact them.

The Lt twirled his finger in the air, indicating to the others that they needed to wrap the current exchange up, which had by now become quite involved. 

Garcia: =/\= Admiral Jorah, let's adjourn for a moment while your teams verify our claims about the temporal distortion. Once you've satisfied yourself of this, we can look at the options. =/\= 

Jorah: =/\= Response? =/\= 

The comm line closed. Immediately Ben opened the channel to the Proud Mary team.

Greaves: =/\= Major Greaves to Tigris. Status update. =/\=
Garcia: =/\= Garcia here. Sorry for the delay there. There's been a few developments here. We're still experiencing temporal anomalies: we've got two waring ships displaced here ... now ... (Ben shrugged) ... from their own time. We've identified some sort of living structure, and it's just caused damaged to one of the displaced vessels in an act of self-defence. =/\=

Greaves/Corelli/Reid/Dar: =/\= Response =/\=

Reid: The fact it fired back at the other ship shows some sort of intelligence, maybe not sentient but at least like a cat or other animal reacting to stimuli.

Greaves/Corelli/Dar: Response

Reid: I have no clue if it is causing the temporal shifts

Greaves/Corelli/Dar: Response

Reid: I can’t read inside the creature, if I could do a more institutive scan but it could hurt it or be seen as us being hostile.   Maybe one of the other vessels have some sensor telemetry that could be useful to use.

If she could see it organ structure, maybe she assess if it had a way to send them in time.

She looked to the others for thoughts.

Greaves/Corelli/Dar: Response

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kizanna Reid

Science Officer

USS Thor

ID number: E239306LB0

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