Lt. Cmdr Alex Brodie & Lt. (J.G.) Sirok “Possibly The Most Boring Visit To The Counselor Ever: Part I”

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Alexander Brodie

Dec 30, 2020, 6:42:32 PM12/30/20

“Possibly The Most Boring Visit To The Counselor Ever: Part I”

((Counselling Suites, Deck Ten, USS Thor))

Alex was sitting at Sam’s console reviewing the list of clients on the list for the day. She’d taken some leave, which she was entirely entitled to but it did mean having to catch up on his own admin. It was actually quite relaxing, a sedate change of pace from the political intrigues of New Bajor.

Not that he minded political intrigues but the whole thing had felt like he was on the back foot - which he didn’t enjoy. He afforded himself a slight smile at the thought of Tidak in the bring a few decks above, awaiting his unceremonious return to Bajor. He didn’t envy the security detail on shift, however, they would no doubt be getting their ears talk off…..

He tailed off as he read the name on the was...unexpected.

He checked the clock, five minutes, just enough time to prepare a pot of tea. He knew his guest would be punctual.

((Brodie’s Office, Four Minutes & Fifty-Five Seconds Later))

Alex turned towards the door.

Brodie: Five, four, three, two, one…

The door chime sounded.

Brodie: ::Smiling:: Come in.

The doors hissed open and, as expected, in the frame stood Lieutenant Sirok. Similarly to the political intifuge of the surface it was good to see the man under more normal conditions. 

Brodie: Lieutenant, please, do come in. Have a seat.

Sirok entered the room and as a rarity he was not carrying any padd in his hand, or a tool case or a tricorder. Something really hard to see.

SIrok: Good morning commander.

Broide: Would you care for some refreshment, tea perhaps?

Sirok: One juice, at your choice. :: At those hours he preferred not to take any kind of excitement. On the other hand, he didn't mind getting to know new juices. A little eccentricity according to some of his relatives.::

Alex moved to the replicator and opted for a blend of dragonfruit and orange with a dash of lime. He looked at the glass and then decided to make one for himself, it was nice to have something fresh tasting for a change. He handed one of the glasses to the Vulcan.

Brodie: Here you go, Lieutenant.

Sirok accepted the drink and took a small sip. It was a fresh drink, pleasant to the palate. He took a second sip and left the glass on a small table near his seat to avoid warming it too much with his hands.

Sirok: How do you want to proceed, Commander?

He understood that he had to pass a psychological review, it was a logical protocol on the part of Starfleet. But in his case he didn't see that he could find the counselor wrong.

Brodie: Well, that rather depends...hopefully you’ve been able to get a little rest after the excitement on New Bajor?

Sirok: It has been the easiest mission of all, as a Starfleet engineer. So in the absence of any aftermath on the ship I am having more time for other projects. :: He took another small sip of the juice as he finished speaking. ::

He took a sip on his own beverage. The answer was as much as he suspected it would be. Since he’d met the Vulcan, what seemed like a lifetime ago on Til’ahn, he’d found him to be stoic. He wondered if he’d ever found that secluded cove he’d told him about. 

Brodie: Well, we’ve had a very busy time since we came aboard the Thor from the Embassy - possibly yourself more than anyone. Not only after the change of scenery but after everything that happened in quantum space I can imagine you’ve been working a lot of long shifts.

Sirok: I had to readjust after the space-time incident. I took many physically strenuous shifts. But the ship needed it. After the so-called Hammerfall incident, the protocol was different. Helping to rebuild the ship in a dry dock allows for acceptable routines on a physical level. ::Sirok evidently had the strength of his kind to withstand these acceptable routines.:: 

Brodie: Just remember to take a little time for yourself. I can’t possibly see all of the crew but I have a team around me to spread that workload - don’t put too much on your own plate. Find a quiet spot maybe, although I appreciate it isn’t an easy as it was on Til’ahn.

Sirok: I barely had time to learn what it was like to establish a routine in Til'ahn. But during these months of repair on the Thor, my knowledge of the ship and its systems has expanded greatly, and I have been able to apply several new designs. Some of which were just theory and simulation during my time at the academy. ::He took another little sip. :: But except after the spatial-temporal incident I have had time to do my meditation properly and practice suus mahna. During the reconstruction I was even able to spend time drawing.

Alex took another sip from his drink and placed the cup on the table as he smiled.

Brodie: Well, that certainly sounds like - dare I say it - some time off? You shouldn’t leave it to the Thor being near destroyed to take a break though. I can certainly relate to how a martial art can be relaxing. Have you been practicing Suus Mahna long, I understand it can take some time to learn?

Sirok: It helps to focus the body and keep the mind centered.I learned with Sefor, a disciple of T'Pau. ::He didn't say this to boast, but to prove his master's worth.:: 

Brodie: It sounds like you had a good teacher. Was it something you started learning at the academy or when you were younger, on Vulcan?

Alex suspected it was the latter, given what he knew about the art. He’d been twelve when he’d first held a sword and started fencing. He’d not been able to indulge so much since he’d become active in starfleet...which reminded him he still owed Geoff a lesson. 

Sirok: I have been practicing it since I was a child, as part of my meditation. Sefor helped me to follow the logic as it should be done.

As simmed by:


Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Brodie

Chief Counselor

USS Thor NCC-82607

Writer ID.: A239005BM0



Lieutenant Junior Grade Sirok

Chief Engineering Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607

Fleet Captain A. Kells, Commanding



Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Brodie
Chief Counselor
USS Thor NCC-82607
Writer ID.: A239005BM0
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