The Sleeping Ronin

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Sep 21, 2023, 9:39:54 AM9/21/23

(Shuttlecraft Oswald-in route to the U.S.S. Ronin at Starbase 33))

During the shuttle ride C'iri fell into a deep sleep. Dreaming about the conversation that she had with her grandfather that she had with him shortly before leaving Cait to head off to Starfleet Academy. C'iri was all dressed for the trip while her grandfather Patrick was in some fancy looking garb that had been given to him shortly after his retirement, they were both having tea on his porch that overlooked the huge jungles of Cait along with having a great view of the hustle and bustle Draivon that was a small ways away from where they currently were.

Patrick: So what department have you decided to go into dear?

She remembered that he had an excited look on his old face and was drinking out of his tea cup that he had been given that had the name of his former ship named the U.S.S Frigg NCC- 30921 on the front of it.

C'iri: Well since I know a few things or two engineering wise I was planning on just doing this but I think that I want to start off my career as a security officer on some random federation vessel once I get out. Getting the Enterprise would be nice but I think that I'll be happy with whatever comes my way upon my graduation.

She recalled that her grandpa was enjoying the gorgeous view of Draivon visibly still listening to what she had to say while still having a very content look on his face. Remembering just how much of a good mood that he was in. He would take another sip out of his tea cup and would turn around once again to look at her granddaughter. 

Patrick: That's nice to hear C'iri just ensure that you listen to your commanding officers and all should go well. And when you do manage to finally get out of there to your first posting always remember to put your trust into your crew and to never falter or just stop in your tracks when you've messed up that's just the first step to finally getting good at your craft. I know that when I went on my first voyage on the Polaris and my second on the New Orleans that this really kept me straight in those years ::sighs:: how I miss the Orleans dearly, she was such a good ship.

C'iri had also recalled how he had gotten up, putting his cup of tea down. And made his way to her and put his arms on both of her shoulders in reassurance that everything would be alright over at the academy.  Recalling that he had clearly noticed that she was still very uneasy about leaving everything on Cait behind. He would then pull something out, C'iri noticing that it was a picture of something.

Patrick: Here's a picture of myself shortly after my second voyage  out into space its from 2330 to be exact just a few years after your Father and aunt were born. ::Would hand over the photo to C'iri:: I didn't have time to frame it since you've got to go today so I thought that this would be a great parting gift. Oh and here is my Canon AE-1 camera that I had with me, And before you go on and say, "but grandpa why would you have such a dinosaur of a thing with you".  I'm a sucker for old Earth antiques sue me if you'd like. You should be able to replicate more film for it when you've ran out of the film that it already has right now.

She then remembered the big smile that he had on his face after presenting her with these gifts and would move in to give him a really big hug. Which her grandfather reciprocated. When suddenly C'iri was met with a huge flash of light and woke up in her seat.  And was given a tap on the shoulder by one of the other ensigns that she travelled with on the shuttlecraft that they had finally arrived to the Ronin.

C'iri would then dig her hands into her left dress shoe and would take a good look at the photo that she had been given and would begin tearing up at the sight of it clearly still somber about that being the only thing that she now had of her late grandfather. Despite that she looked on the bright side as she was told back on Starbase 118 by O'Connor and Maverick that they were actually scheduled to be on the Ronin as well which really delighted her. All of her other previous acquaintances from her academy days had gone their separate ways and  were moving on leaving C'iri with another fresh start that she looked forward to. 

While everyone else was beginning to file out of the Oswald for orientation she quickly took her last few looks at the photo and quickly slid it into her left dress shoe once again as the photo itself was very small in size. Thereafter she then followed everyone else out where they then ended up lining up for the main orientation presented by Commander Karrod Niac, and after having listened to his huge speech to the entire crew of the Ronin it had inspired her even more to work to the  best of her ability. 


((OCC: Patrick is an NPC that I have created.))
Ensign C'iri M. Hopkins 

Security Officer

U.S.S. Ronin - NCC-34523

Writer ID: R240009CH4

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