Commander Addison MacKenzie - Bow Before the Queen

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Addison MacKenzie

Nov 17, 2021, 7:23:50 AM11/17/21

(( Captain's Office, Command Center, Deep Space 224 ))


MacKenzie: So, what kind of disciplinary action are we talking about here?


Nicholotti: Based on the report and on everything I have seen or heard, I'd like to think that he has learned something from this. I don't believe another demotion will help the situation either. A formal letter of reprimand, however, and a warning. 


The CO’s eyes narrowed in a way to convey the gravity of the type of warning she wished to convey. Genkos and Addison both nodded.


MacKenzie: And what kind of expectations do you want me to make sure I lay out for him going forward?


Nicholotti: How about we start with abiding by the traditions and best practices bestowed upon him by wearing that uniform.


Kali frowned slightly – the instruction was ambiguous, but Addison knew what she was getting at.


Adea: Will that be enough?


Nicholotti: And he needs to meet for regular counseling sessions, and set up a plan for overcoming whatever that moment was. Primal instinct, a bad reaction, whatever. It isn't something we need to see from an officer and it needs to be something we never have to worry about again.


MacKenzie: Agreed.


Adea: I will let Counselling know he has extra sessions. I’m sure Meidra will be thrilled.


Kalianna nodded and stood.


Nicholotti: Very well. Make ready for departure then. We leave within the next day.


Kali tapped the PADD next to her, waiting for final orders to come through. Genkos oddly bowed to their leader, and Addison shook her head slightly - wondering if the Betazoid had contracted a disease that caused him to engage in awkward social interactions while simultaneously degrading the beautiful leg she built for him.


MacKenzie: ::flatly and skeptically, still eying Genkos:: Yes, ma’am.


Adea: Aye Captain.


She turned and left, Genkos trailing close behind. When the doors swished behind him, he moved to catch up to her and elbowed her in the side.


Adea: We got interrupted at the dinner, but I wanted to check in. Have you seen the specs of my new sickbay? It’s insane! As a fellow doctor, I feel like you’d appreciate the sheer quality of what we’re going to have.


Addison offered a mischievous smirk.


MacKenzie: I can, and I do. Had one of them myself at one point, and I think you’ll be pleased. I’d be jealous if my office wouldn’t be, well, the whole ship.


She winked at him, then her face softened as she walked, and she jumped right to the point.


MacKenzie: What’s the deal with your leg?


Adea: Response


MacKenzie: You’re limping and using your cane again… And you’re talking to a fellow doctor, so brushing it off isn’t likely going to be a successful strategy – I’d advise against it.


Adea: Response



Tag, and TBC!



Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
First Officer
USS Resolution


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