Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie – Awards and Gratitude, Part 1

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Addison MacKenzie

May 4, 2021, 12:47:46 PM5/4/21

(( Briefing Room, Deck 1, USS Resolution ))


With Kali flanking close behind, Addison made her way into the briefing room with several small wooden boxes, a larger velvet box, and PADDs tucked underneath her arm… and a death grip on her mug of coffee. She was glad to see the others had already assembled, and that the two command officers were the last to arrive. As Commander Adea asked about holonovels, she used the opportunity to get the boxes in order near her customary seat to the right of the Captain.


Adea: Anyone seen any good holonovels lately?


Any: Responses


As the cheeky responses started to flow in, Addison shot Kali a subtle glance at the remarks and decided to spare themselves any further sarcastic responses at the hands of the senior staff. She cleared her throat, an indication it was time to get down to business.


MacKenzie: Good morning, everyone. While this isn’t normally the venue in which I’d choose to do this, given that we’re on the heels of our next mission, I wanted to take the opportunity to recognize your efforts during our previous mission.


She scanned the table slowly, looking each of them in the eyes.


MacKenzie: As you know, the situation was precarious from the beginning. Getting the Nascaik and the Thama to come to the table. That we were able to get them to agree to any kind of arrangement was no small feat, especially given everything that happened…


Addison noted that Counselor Sirin seemed to be sitting watch over the pastries, ready to snatch them at a moment’s notice. She’d obviously learned from their last interaction around this table - her priorities clearly in order.


MacKenzie: As such, it is my honor to award you all the Peacekeeper Service Ribbon, for helping us to successfully reach an agreement between the Thama and the Nascaik, even in the face of tremendous adversity.


(OOC: FYI, recipients of this award are Addison MacKenzie, Genkos Adea, Tai Ilsam, Chandra Amari, Rune Jolara, Yogan Yalu, Aine Sherlock, Gar Tin Nox, Hallia Yellir, Etan Iljor, Meidra Sirin, and T’Suran.)


Addison passed the blue ribbons around the table, then reached for her next box.


MacKenzie: Mr. Gar Tin Nox, would you join me at the head of the table please?


She waited as the Tellarite made his way to stand opposite of MacKenzie.


MacKenzie: In recognition of your graduation from the Academy, I hereby award you the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. Congratulations, Ensign!


She handed Nox the ribbon and started the applause.


Nox: Response


Any: Responses


MacKenzie: Mr. Nox, please remain a moment. I’d like to ask several of your colleagues to join us… Commander Amari, Ensign Etan, Ensign Yellir, would you please come up here?


The additional three officers rose from their chairs and stood in line next to Nox.


MacKenzie: The four of you faced an incredible challenge. We were the victims of a terrorist event that left us disabled by a biological pathogen the likes of which we had never seen before. Not only were you able to analyze it and formulate a solution so we could continue our mission, but I’m told that there are promising reports that we may even have discovered some positive medicinal benefits from it…


She tipped her head in Yellir’s direction.


MacKenzie: For your innovative application of science to help resolve a dangerous situation, and for further discovering its positive medicinal applications, I hereby award you the Innovation Ribbon.


Addison nodded to them and distributed the ribbons as the rest of the room offered their applause.


Amari/Nox/Etan/Yellir: Responses


Any: Responses


MacKenzie: Mr. Etan, please remain a moment. The rest of you may be seated.


Iljor continued to stand at the front of the room as the others returned to their spots around the table.


MacKenzie: Counselor Sirin, please join us…


She waited for the red-headed counselor to make her way next to Iljor.


MacKenzie: From the beginning to the end of this mission, the assistance the two of you offered me in preparation for the negotiations was absolutely invaluable. Against all odds, our success was the direct result of your efforts. For this reason, I am hereby awarding you both the Diplomacy Service Ribbon. Congratulations!


(OOC: Addison also receives this ribbon.)


Addison handed them both their ribbons and joined in the applause.


Etan/Sirin: Responses


Any: Responses


Once the congratulations from the rest of the crew had died down, MacKenzie dismissed Iljor.


MacKenzie: Mr. Etan, you may be seated. Counselor Sirin, please remain.


As Iljor returned to his seat, MacKenzie reached into the wooden box to pull out the final award.


MacKenzie: Counselor, as I’ve already mentioned, your involvement in this mission was vital to its success. But even further, your assistance in the actual negotiations was invaluable to me. Your perceptions, insights, and contributions were critical to our finding an amicable solution that the delegates could support. For going above and beyond the call of duty in the execution of your role in the peace talks, I’m privileged to award you the Captain’s Commendation. Congratulations, Counselor!


Sirin: Response


Any: Responses




Tag, and TBC!



Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS
First Officer
USS Resolution



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