Lt. Cmdr. Genkos Adea - Final Command(er)

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Elliot Huxtable

2021年11月13日 下午3:45:092021/11/13

((Lua Pele Beachside Bar, Resolution Crew Memorial Dinner, Maklau Hotel, Risa))


Genkos took a step back to let Iljor bask in the adoration of the room; he was well liked within the crew, and Genkos was particularly fond of him.


Adea: Now, it is my honest pleasure to tell you all to eat, drink and be merry. But not too merry; for those of you who didn’t read my message, we are being picked up later this afternoon and whisked back to DS224 before we receive our new posting. ::his eyes twinkled playfully:: But that’s all I can say…


He gestured for Kalianna, whilst letting out a deep sigh of relief. Finally, the weight of command was off his shoulders. Right? As they passed, he squeezed her hand briefly and gave her a glum smile.


Adea: Over to you, Captain…


Nicholotti: You did good.


Yalu: ::to MacKenzie, saluting jauntily::  Over to you, Commander.


MacKenzie: ::flatly:: Thank you for that, Commander.


Genkos sat down and shot Yogan a wink; that was them done for the time being. 


Nicholotti: It's been a rough few weeks, but I want everyone to know just how well you have all done. With the inquiry near its conclusion, you will all find new orders making their way to you soon. But first…  Lieutenant Commander Adea, if you would?


Genkos was about to say “but I just sat down” before remembering where he was, and that this wasn’t a private conversation between Kalianna and Genkos but a formal ceremony including Fleet Captain Nicholotti and Lieutenant Commander Adea. He stood back up, and leaned lightly on his cane. Perhaps not being in command has its benefits.


Nicholotti: There were a lot of things about this past mission that went wrong. We're dealing with them, we're coping as we do - as a family. But at the same time, there were a lot of things that went right. Things go right when everything goes sideways when there are good leaders in place. When those leaders are looking out for their crew, and are making those hard decisions in a manner consistent with the best traditions of Starfleet, you end up saving a crew.


Genkos raised an eyebrow… no… they wouldn’t. Not after he’d just lost them a ship. 


Nicholotti: This job doesn't come with a guarantee that you'll always win, but that doesn't mean you've made the wrong choices. On the contrary, we are living proof that you made the right ones.


She let that hang in the air for a moment as she finally pulled out a small velvet box, and allowed a slight smile to reappear on her face. Genkos’ other eyebrow joined its fellow in the tangled mat he called a hairdo.


Nicholotti: Genkos Adea, it is with pride and honor that I hereby promote you to the rank of commander, and bestow upon you all of the rights and responsibilities that come with said rank. You've more than earned it and we know that you will continue to be the leader that we all have come to rely on. 


Opening the box, she revealed the solid pip. Had he been in uniform, she’d have pinned it on his collar, but instead she handed it to him, shook his hand and pulled him in for a quick hug. He returned the hug, shock written on his face in a large typeset. 


Nicholotti: Ladies and gentlemen, Commander Adea.


Morgan: Hear, hear!


Adea: I don’t know what to say.


After the new Commander spoke, Silveira stood and raised his glass.


Silveira: A toast to the new Commander. 


Etan: To Commander Adea! ::he called out, fixing the Chief Medical Officer with a kind smile.::


Addison raised her glasses and nodded her head slightly, and Genkos could see several of the other officers were doing the same. He blinked back tears, and beamed at them all; his family.


Adea: Thank you.


The applause died down and Genkos saw Addison take charge as was her wont. He was a little busy trying not to burst into happy tears himself. 


MacKenzie: Alright, everyone. Finish your meals and wrap up whatever business you have here. The Columbia will be here for us in just a few hours.


Genkos again watched as Vitor started dishing dessert. He waved the man away; he had no stomach for anything right now, his stomach was all of a flutter with a pantheon of emotions. There was grief for those who had departed, joy at the crew coming together, and elation at his own promotion, all mixed in with the residual nerves from presenting the awards. He looked up at the sky, and although he couldn’t see the Columbia, he imagined the adventures they were going to have. A shiver crossed over him. 


That couldn’t be an omen…


Could it?






Commander Genkos Adea MD

Second Officer & Chief Medical Officer

USS Resolution



"You know, I'm really easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullies and I don't like threats, and I don't like you, Culluh. You can try and stop us from getting to the truth but I promise you that if you do I will respond with all the 'unique technologies' at my command." - Kathryn Janeway

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