Ens. Dakora - Goodbye Risa

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Travis Christman

Nov 14, 2021, 7:25:53 PM11/14/21
to sb118-re...@googlegroups.com

((Lua Pele Beachside Bar, Resolution Crew Memorial Dinner, Maklau Hotel, Risa))

Talos had sat through the awards ceremony and surprise promotion announcements with a smile that seemed like it was stuck there now. He'd applauded when appropriate and thoroughly enjoyed the positive emotions that seemed to radiate from their table and fill the entire beachside bar. Though it seemed their time on Risa was at an end, he found himself shockingly not disappointed to be leaving the lavish pleasure planet. He'd spent the past few years longing to return to active duty on a Starship, not to lounge about on beaches and chase aimless thrills, even if it had come surprisingly naturally to him.


Silveira: A toast to the new Commander. 


Etan: To Commander Adea! ::he called out, fixing the Chief Medical Officer with a kind smile.::


Talos added his raised glass to the toast that traveled around the table.


Adea: Thank you.


Adea seemed positively moved by the unexpected promotion. If Talos didn't know any better it almost seemed like the recently relieved Acting CO was on the verge of tears.


MacKenzie: Alright, everyone. Finish your meals and wrap up whatever business you have here. The Columbia will be here for us in just a few hours.


It seemed Talos' grand plans for carrying the celebration party on into the wee hours and getting properly sloshed had been dashed. Such was life in Starfleet. That it was the Columbia that was picking them up and carrying them to whatever came next served as a sort of interesting bookend to sort of dark chapter of his life that seemed, at long last, to be coming to a close

He knew things would be wrapping up here soon, as they'd all have to head back and pack up whatever they'd managed to acquire on Risa, since the majority had lost all of their personal effects with the Res. Talos wasn't going anywhere for a while, as he planned to help clean this place up, since it had been partially his idea to do it in the first place.

Someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days; He'd be aboard whatever his new ship would be and his life would be back on track. But as he polished off the last of his 2nd or 3rd Mai-Tai, he supposed that that time hadn't quite arrived just yet.

(OOC: If anyone wants to tag Talos in any continuing scenes at the party feel free. I'll loop back around in time and get you!)

((Talos' Suite - Maklau Resort Hotel - Risa - Just a Few Hours Later))

Talos had packed up what little he had brought with him, save a few garments that had been hopelessly fouled by glitter. When all was said and done, the sum total of his worldly possessions occupied a mostly-full 3-day Assault Pack. 

He wasn't sure if this was a sterling achievement in spartan living or a sad commentary on the state of his life. A little from column-a, a little from column-b, he supposed.

As he stepped out into the Hallway, he spotted a familiar face carrying her luggage out as well. Seeing her in uniform for the first time, he saw more of the decorated Security Chief and less of the attractive young woman that he'd gone surfing with in the early days of leave.

Dakora: Are you all packed up, Lieutenant Sherlock?

Sherlock: Response

He patted the bag hung over his shoulder by one of it's straps.

Dakora: You know, if there are two of us going together, they'll let us beam out in place, rather than having to go to the public transporter down the block... ::He paused and eyed her curiously:: Care to take a little shortcut with me?

Sherlock: Response

With a grin, tapped his comm-badge and took a step closer to Aine.

Dakora: =/\= Ensign Dakora to Columbia; Two to beam out at my position.=/\=

Sherlock: Response


Ensign Talos Dakora
Intelligence Officer
USS Resolution

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
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