Fleet Captain Kalianna Nicholotti - Movements

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Marissa Jeffrey

Nov 12, 2021, 6:55:25 AM11/12/21
to Resolution Sim Group
((Risa, Maklau Resort Hotel, Lua Pele Beachside Bar))

The twin suns were just starting to bleed into the water, but their afternoon light still sparkled in Kali's crystalline blues as she stood and squeezed Genkos' hand in their slight passing. It was the official changing of the guard and his handing off of the ship and crew back to her as captain. There was not only visible relief in his eyes that she could see, but in the slight gesture she could feel it as well and it brought her a bit of a smile as she let go and moved to where she would speak. 

He had done well, but now she could finally take the weight from his shoulders and offer him some relief.

Adea: Over to you Captain. 

His words handed things off, hers were far more quiet, reserved, and heard only between the two of them and perhaps those very close by.

Nicholotti: You did good.

As he took his seat and Kali took her place, she looked out at the group of officers before her. MacKenzie was nearby, having switched with Yogan, though she hadn't picked up on their conversation in passing. The sky was exploding into a million colors as the long heat of the afternoon overtook them. The brightness of the midday was gone, replaced by various oranges and a touch of red as the suns blazed in their trek towards the horizon. With the appointed time coming, Kali knew there wasn't much time to be had.

And perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing.

Nicholotti: It's been a rough few weeks, but I want everyone to know just how well you have all done. With the inquiry near its conclusion, you will all find new orders making their way to you soon. But first...

Kali grinned. It had been rare the past couple of weeks that she'd been given the chance to be happy, but now was one such time and she wasn't going to let it go. No, this was something she was going to relish and store away for as long as she could.

Nicholotti: Lieutenant Commander Adea, if you would?

Yes, he had just sat down. Yes, she probably could have saved him the trouble. Yes, he probably could read her like a book and at that point, she was alright with that. The excitement and pride she held in him was rolling off of her, despite the controlled nature of her smile, however beaming it was. After a moment, he was there, and for another moment, she found herself just looking up at him with that knowing grin. 

But then she looked back at the crowd.

Nicholotti: There were a lot of things about this past mission that went wrong. We're dealing with them, we're coping as we do - as a family. But at the same time, there were a lot of things that went right. Things go right when everything goes sideways when there are good leaders in place. When those leaders are looking out for their crew, and are making those hard decisions in a manner consistent with the best traditions of Starfleet, you end up saving a crew.

Kali grew slightly somber. They may have lost fourteen, but they didn't lose more. She wondered if he realized how important that fact was. She turned to him then, her eyes searching his, conveying the depth to all she said. It came from her as a flag officer, as a commanding officer, as a friend, and as one who loved him.

Most of all, it came from one who knew.

Nicholotti: This job doesn't come with a guarantee that you'll always win, but that doesn't mean you've made the wrong choices. On the contrary, we are living proof that you made the right ones.

She let that hang in the air for a moment as she finally pulled out a small velvet box, and allowed a slight smile to reappear on her face.

Nicholotti: Genkos Adea, it is with pride and honor that I hereby promote you to the rank of commander, and bestow upon you all of the rights and responsibilities that come with said rank. You've more than earned it and we know that you will continue to be the leader that we all have come to rely on. 

Opening the box, she revealed the solid pip. Perhaps later, the next time he donned his uniform, she'd have the opportunity to pin it on him, but for now she would have to simply hand it off. And so she did, with a smile, as shook his hand, but then pulled him in for a quick hug. After a moment, she stepped back and presented him to his crew.

Nicholotti: Ladies and gentlemen, Commander Adea.

Pride swelled, but she once again was content to step back and let him have the spotlight...at least until the Columbia arrived...

Adea/Any: Responses?


Fleet Captain Kalianna Nicholotti
Commanding Officer
USS Resolution


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