JP Lt. JG Yogan Yalu & Lt. Cmdr Genkos Adea — Literal bedside manner, Part I

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Feb 3, 2021, 3:29:00 PM2/3/21
to USS Resolution – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

(( Sickbay, Deck 2, USS Resolution ))

Yogan entered sickbay with a bounce in his step.  Despite the difficulty of the last few days–the captain’s illness, the harrowing rescue of refugees from the far future, and having a Guardian tell him he wasn’t as good looking as his file photo–there was still plenty to smile about.  Resolution was on her way to Vulcan, where hopefully the captain would get the treatment she needed, the refugees would be repatriated, and Yogan could look into some eyeliner or something to help boost his appearance.

Sickbay was mostly quiet when he entered.  He took a few more steps in and saw Dr. Adea at work in his office.  He waved and waited patiently for the Betazoid physician to join him.

Yalu:  Hello, Doctor.  How’ve you been?

Genkos looked up from his PADDwork to see Yogan in his doorway, hurriedly checked his schedule to see that, yes, he was due for an appointment now, and swiftly threw on his coat and joined the good helmsman.

Adea:  Tired, but otherwise well, thank you Yogan. And yourself?

Yalu:  No worse for wear, thank you.  I am glad to see things starting to return to normal around here.  You and your staff must have had your hands full with all the refugees that came aboard.  A lot of them looked in pretty rough shape.

Genkos sighed and ran a forearm across his forehead. They had been ridiculously busy the last few days with the refugees, and Genkos had been glad to do it. Not to mention the fact the Captain was still unconscious in the Medbay...

Adea:  They were indeed; I’m sure DS224 will take care of them now. The physical scars will heal quickly... but the mental. ::he tapped his temple with a pale, slender, finger:: will take time. ::he paused a moment, respectfully before shaking his head briefly:: What can I do for you, Yogan?

Yalu:  I thought it might be time for a check-up.  Granted, I didn’t have nearly the time you all did down on the planet, but I just want to make sure I’m in fine fettle nonetheless.

Adea:  ::nodding:: Wonderful. Well, up onto the biobed then. 

Yogan followed the doctor over to the nearest biobed, placed the heels of his hands on the edge and hoisted himself into a sitting position. Genkos whipped out his tricorder and doohickey and began scanning the good Trill with it.

Adea: Anything to report?

Yalu:  A little fatigue in the afternoons I don’t remember having before.  Maybe it’s a side effect from all the time travel; technically, I haven’t slept in 200,000 years.

Genkos snorted with laughter, and had to rest one hand gently against the biobed to steady himself.  Yogan smiled and laughed along, feeling validated by the doctor’s effusive reaction to his joke.

Adea: That’s very true. Well, first of all I recommend getting some rest. It might well be a side effect of the time travel. I myself feel a little bit overworked… If you’re still feeling it in a few days, come back. ::he looked at the data coming through the tricorder:: There’s nothing in your scans to suggest anything untoward about it.

Yalu: That’s a relief to hear.  You never know when there’s a spatial anomaly involved.  I’ll try getting to bed earlier for the next few days, and let you know if I’m not feeling better.

Adea: Anything else that you’ve noticed? Missing limbs, blood where blood shouldn’t be, that sort of thing?

Yogan chuckled at the doctor’s disarming question.  As they put more distance between themselves and the mission they’d just completed, word had got round about some of the more severe injuries the crew sustained to ensure its success.  But, as the old saying went, comedy was just tragedy plus time.

Yalu: Nothing like that, thankfully, but could I ask you to check on my isoboramine levels?  I’m sure there’s nothing remarkable, but it’s an abundance-of-caution thing.

Adea: oO Isoboramine, isoboramine. Aha! Oo

He frowned as he trawled out that name from within his brain - the neurotransmitter that regulated Trill symbiont to host relations. Genkos remembered an incident from the Gorkon in which one of his close friends, Ferier Kian, a newly joined Trill had isoboramine levels through the roof. Coupled with Genkos’ telepathic troubles at the time, this had led to visions of the Dominion War in the Galaxy-class’ Sickbay[1][2]

Adea: Of course, my pleasure.

Yogan shuffled his feet back and forth as the doctor conducted his scan.  Even from his seated position on the elevated biobed, the toes of his boots still almost touched the floor. Genkos was silent as he scanned the Trill officer, odd remembrances of a war he never fought flashing through his brain.

Yalu:  Do you have plans for your shore leave, Doctor?

Genkos shook his head clear of the firefight with the Jem’Hadar, and blinked as he looked at the isoboramine levels on the tricorder.

Adea: Not particularly; I’ll be visiting T’Suran’s family with, quite frankly, feels like half the ship at this point. I’m looking forward to it, I had no idea they were the child of an Ambassador. ::he paused:: Although that probably says more about my attention to my staff than it does about them. How about you?

Yogan had also RSVP’d yes to T’Suran’s family dinner party, and he was grateful that there would be at least one familiar face in attendance.

Yalu:  I’m not sure how I will spend my time, to be honest.  So many of the ‘tourist’ attractions on Vulcan seem to require physical endurance or survival in harsh conditions.  That’s just not how I like to spend my holidays.

Adea: ::grinning and nodding:: Agreed; certainly not if I can help it.

Yalu:  Plus, I’ll probably be preoccupied by some plans for a trip home I’ll be making in the near future.  That’s also the reason I asked for the isoboramine check.  I want to be in top-top shape when I go back.

Adea: Oh? ::he looked down at the tricorder:: Well it seems your isoboramine levels are at the perfect level.

Yogan let out a sigh of relief, not realizing that he’d been holding his breath during the last few moments of the scan.

Yalu:  I’m glad to hear that.  I don’t want to give anyone any excuses to start checking up on me at the Compound.  I’ll have my hands full as it is.


Lieutenant JG Yogan Yalu
Helm Officer
USS Resolution NCC-78145


Lieutenant Commander Genkos Adea MD
Second Officer & Chief Medical Officer
USS Resolution

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