Cmdre. V’Airu, Lt. Col. Greaves, & Cmdr. Etan: The Golden Gate View, Part 2

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Jacob Rittenhouse

Jun 11, 2023, 12:27:50 PM6/11/23

(( Georgiou Memorial Ballroom, Starfleet Academy Main Campus, San Francisco, Earth ))

His moment in the spotlight over, Iljor followed the Commodore to their first stop and their meandering journey around the stunningly appointed ballroom. When V’Airu had informed him that she had secured its use, he had been impressed. Though his academy studies had been conducted on Betazed, Iljor knew that every campus jealousy guarded their facilities, and as such he suspected that the flag officer had pulled in some impressive favours to get it.

As they came to a stop around the circular table, he nodded in cordial greeting to the mix of familiar faces seated around it. Of those assembled, he was most familiar with Lieutenants Corelli and Arlill, both of whom he had worked extensively with during their recent inadvertent visit to 23rd century Gelf. He recognised Ensign Vomek by sight, but had heard excellent feedback from his department chief and trusted that he was another first-rate officer.

Etan: Good evening, gentlemen.

V’Airu: May we join you?

Arlill / Corelli / Herrick / Others: Responses.

At this explicit invitation to join them, Ossa and the two first officers sat down. The table, which included Corelli and several of his engineering officers – including Herrick, Johnson, Cabrillo, and Nijal – as well as Arlill and Vomek from operations, was quickly overburdened, but it helped that Ossa’s trio weren’t sitting down to eat.

V’Airu: We’ll leave you in peace in a few moments. Before that, however. (beat, to Corelli) Chief Corelli. Before I bestow a mission-related honor on you, I wanted to recognize your dedicated service to ‘Oumuamua and its crew over the previous year. You’ve managed our systems and your personnel calmly, fairly, and well, and I find it only fitting to bestow the Department Chief Ribbon on you. Congratulations.

She turned to her companions, and received a slightly larger box from Etan. This held both of Corelli’s ribbons, and she removed the gold ribbon first. The Department Chief Ribbon, unlike many of the other ribbons Ossa would bestow at the ceremony, could be awarded only once in a specific discipline, so this was a big accomplishment for Corelli’s career as chief engineer. She pinned the ribbon to his uniform.

Corelli: Response

Etan: Congratulations, Lieutenant. :: he added, smiling at the Deltan. ::

Being seated, Wes wasn’t able to shake the man’s hand, but he offered a warm and reassuring smile instead.

Greaves: You earned it Chief. Thanks for always getting us home. 

Arlill / Herrick / Others: Responses.

V’Airu: Indeed, that’s not all. I mentioned a mission-related honor, and here it is.

She removed the blue-and-silver striped Innovation Ribbon from the box. All ribbons that the officers and crew had already received could also be replicated as stars to add to their personal awards clusters, but Ossa always preferred to present the full ribbons at ceremonies like these.

V’Airu: I know firsthand how integral your knowledge and abilities were to our successful deflection of the pulsar at Gelf. If you hadn’t been present on the bridge at those pivotal moments, and all the moments that led up to them, I am not sure we would have succeeded. (beat) This seems a small prize, considering. But I hope you’ll accept it, along with my gratitude.

Corelli: Response

Etan: You did exceptional work under nearly impossible circumstances. You should be very proud of yourself.

Greaves: Agreed. Seems like you’re starting quite the pile of those (gesturing to the innovation ribbon). Better keep an eye on him ma’am, or the Corps of Engineers might try and steal him away. 

Arlill / Herrick / Others: Responses.

Once she had pinned Corelli’s Innovation Ribbon, she looked to his engineering staff, or at least the officers who had come with him.

V’Airu: I hope you each recognize the important role you play in supporting your chief as well. He speaks very highly of his staff, from the most experienced (a nod to Johnson) to the newest (nod to Herrick), and I consider the recognition of one to be the recognition of many. Good work, all of you.

Corelli / Johnson / Cabrillo / Herrick: Responses

Nijal: Thank you, sir. 

Iljor's gaze fell upon Lieutenant Johnson. During their last hours in the 23rd century, she had been an invaluable help on the bridge- and had not been afraid to offer her two strips of latinum on the situation as it unfolded. Though he was still perturbed by the idea of there being more than one Nexus portal in the galaxy- he was glad that she had been there to offer alternatives.

Etan: And Lieutenant, :: he said with a smile as he looked at Johnson. :: I was truly grateful for your presence on the bridge. Thank you- and keep on offering those alternative suggestions. :: he added humbly. ::

Arlill / Others: Responses.

Her words for the engineers were, for the moment, concluded, and Ossa looked next to the ops officers, who sat side by side. Her attention fell first on Arlill.

V’Airu: Arlill, I have two ribbons to bestow on you as well, both for your service off ‘Oumuamua during our time at Gelf. First, please allow me to present you with a cousin of Corelli’s Innovation Ribbon.

This time, she took a box from Greaves. This one had another Innovation Ribbon, with its blue and silver stripes, alongside a second ribbon. She removed the Innovation first.

V’Airu: Your hard work toward the production of a hybrid flyer and shuttle showed excellent thinking under pressure, and utilised the best of your knowledge of operations, systems thinking, and piloting. You’ve certainly earned this Innovation Ribbon, and my congratulations.

Arlill: Response

Etan: Congratulations, Toxin.

Greaves: Congratulations shipmate. 

Wes continued to smile and nod along with the Etan, adding his own voice to the chorus, using an old phrase of familiarity and endearment. 

Corelli / Herrick / Others: Responses

After she’d pinned the Innovation Ribbon on Arlill’s uniform, she reached for the second ribbon in the box. This one was black, red, and silver, with a conspicuous gold stripe. This time, she pinned it first to Arlill’s uniform.

V’Airu: This Joint Meritorious Unit Award recognizes those who participate in joint actions with allied forces toward a common goal. Saving Gelf certainly qualifies as such a goal, and the work you did alongside not only your crewmates but also the Gelflings shows your finesse as a officer in collaboration. Well done.

Arlill: Response

Iljor remained quiet, but nodded his head in agreement with the Commodore’s words. The Bolian/Tellarite, like Promontory, was proving himself to be invaluable to the ‘Oumuamua and her crew.

Greaves: You did outstanding work in terrible conditions. Keep it up. 

Corelli / Herrick / Others: Responses

Now, then, Ossa had reached the final person she wanted to bestow a ribbon on at the packed table. Beside Arlill sat Vomek, and he caught her eye a moment before she spoke. She received the table’s final small box from Etan without breaking eye contact with Vomek.

V’Airu: Vomek, the part you played in the investigation of Rox once we were aboard Intrepid laid the groundwork for our understanding of what had befallen us, what Rox had become – or always had been – and set us neatly on a path toward home. I also appreciate that investigation may not have been your primary choice of duty; nevertheless, you performed more than admirably. I hope you’ll accept this.

The single ribbon in that final box was mostly black, with a few vivid blue stripes. She removed it, and pinned the Starfleet Investigation Ribbon to Vomek’s uniform. 

Vomek: Response

Etan: Keep up the good work, Mr. Vomek.

Corelli / Herrick / Arlill / Others: Responses

And that meant, at least for this table, that their work was complete. Ossa excused herself and then rose with a quick look to either side, first to Greaves, then to Etan.

V’Airu: Thank you for allowing us to join you. Congratulations to all of you, and please enjoy your suppers.

The hint taken Iljor stood up, and offered the table a little wave of farewell, followed closely by Greaves, whose chair legs scraped across the ground as he pushed it back. 

Greaves: We’ll make our rounds again at the reception, but good work to you all. 

Corelli / Herrick / Arlill / Others: Responses

As soon as they departed the table, the servers rushed in, no doubt eager to serve the hungry and thirsty officers. Ossa spoke in an undertone to her companions.

V’Airu: Please accept my apologies for asking you to carry the ribbon boxes. Now, then, who’s next?

He cast his eyes over the next nearest table and felt a wave of nostalgia at the sight of the blue tinged uniforms. He might have been an incoming First Officer, but he was still a scientist at heart. Joining Katsim, Dahlquist, and Emond was a familiar face: the recently promoted Promontory.

Etan: I believe it’s the science department, with added intelligence. ::he replied, full of mirth.

Tags! and TBC!


Commodore Ossa V'Airu

Commanding Officer

USS 'Oumuamua


she/her/hers (this character) & he/him/his (player)


Commander Etan Iljor

Executive Officer

USS ‘Oumuamua

NCC - 81226


(they/them or he/him - IC and OOC)


Lieutenant Colonel Wes Greaves 

Former Executive Officer 

Former Marine Detachment Commander 

USS Oumuamua NCC-81226 


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