Commodore V'Airu: Congratulations Are in Order, Part 1 (The Engineers)

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Oct 10, 2023, 3:50:38 AM10/10/23
to USS 'Oumuamua – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
OOC There are a couple of slight spoilers for the results of upcoming JPs, but I've tried not to ruin anything!

(( Seven Forward Lounge, Deck 7, USS 'Oumuamua ))

Although the celebration that had sent off Lieutenants Kel and Corelli, Nurse Rox, and the other officers and crew aboard Roxy's Foxy Lady, bound for the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant, was now over a week old, Ossa felt as though it had never ended when she walked into Seven Forward. The party planners had outdone themselves, and although the decorations were obviously different -- as they should be, since they'd been chosen specifically to represent the officers and crew who were departing -- the feeling of the celebration was very much the same.

The senior staff was already entirely present, as were the junior officers and crew Ossa had invited to be present for the ceremony. As in the past, though, she didn't intend to stand up before those gathered and speak at length. Rather, she'd round to the tables, each of which sat up to half a dozen, and bestow ribbons and pips as appropriate.

And, as usual, she wouldn't be alone. Commander Etan had recently returned from one of the two official-unofficial excursions Ossa had unofficially-officially approved. This excursion had, however, not resulted in the return of all officers, and while she saw Etan's expression schooled toward celebration, she saw some of the tells she'd begun to recognize in her XO that told her that everything was not as it should be. Before they began, then, she leaned in to speak quietly to him.

V'Airu: How are you holding up?

She knew that he blamed himself for the loss, as did all who had returned. She glanced around the room and found those who remained, and although she couldn't see them as clearly as Etan, she felt -- courtesy her most rudimentary exploration of her empathic abilities -- an undercurrent of sorrow and regret that was very much at odds with the celebration.

Etan: Response

V'Airu: (shaking her head) We don't know that. We don't know anything, not for sure.

Small comfort, but she'd clung to it before. Not since the war, like this, but those were hard lessons to forget.

Etan: Response

V'Airu: Yet we must carry on. It's what's expected of us. (indicating the room at large) Come. Let's provide what they want, and what they deserve.

Etan: Response

For the moment, the melancholy was tucked away, and they became a pair of command officers, each with an embossed box fully of pips and ribbons. Ossa wore a confident smile as she and Etan approached the first table, full of engineering officers.

V'Airu: Lieutenants, Ensigns, forgive me for interrupting you first this evening. We come bearing good news (beat) or so I hope.

Etan: Response

Herrick / Engineers: Responses

Ossa nodded to acknowledge the offer, but then shook her head.

V'Airu: Forgive us, please, if we don't linger. (beat) Corelli's absence has left a large hole in your ranks. He didn't, however, leave without making a few recommendations, which I'm now pleased to see done. He, as well as Commander Etan and I, want first to remind you that you are the finest engineers in the fleet. (another beat) But there is one among you whose leadership and acumen as an officer suggests that they should succeed your prior chief.

She opened the box she held, and removed a hollow pip from its navy velvet interior.

V'Airu: Ensign Herrick. You have your previous chief's complete confidence, and the respect of your peers. It is my pleasure not only to promote you to the rank of lieutenant, junior grade, but to appoint you our acting chief of engineering. Assuming, of course, the post is one you would like.

She raised an eyebrow.

Herrick: Response

Etan / Engineers: Responses

V'Airu: Then congratulations are in order, Lieutenant. (beat) I want also to acknowledge, and reward, your dedication and service during our previous mission. From your invaluable counsel on the bridge, to your away team support on the Esh-o colony, to the Nautilus, you had months' worth of experience in a single mission. You've impressed us all, and it's therefore my pleasure to recognize you with the Legion of Merit -- and with the highest honor I can bestow, the Captain's Commendation. Will you stand, please?

This time, she turned to Etan, who was already ready with the two ribbons. The Captain's Commendation was a deep burgundy with black highlights, while the Legion of Merit was similarly burgundy but with conspicuous slashes of silver. The two ribbons, when she pinned them to his dress uniform, and pinned the second pip to his collar, complemented him nicely.

V'Airu: Congratulations again, Lieutenant.

Herrick: Response

Etan / Engineers: Responses

As Herrick took his seat again, Ossa's roving eye found that of one more engineer, and she indicated with a wave that she should stand, too. The uncertain Nijal did just that, though she was clearly not at all sure what was about to happen.

V'Airu: Before Etan and I leave you this evening, one last thing. Nijal, Corelli left his recommendation for your promotion as well -- and your reassignment. It seems he believed broader cross-training would suit you best. I am pleased to promote you to the rank of full lieutenant, and invite you to become one of the ship's mission specialists. Will you accept?

Even as she asked, Ossa removed Nijal's hollow pip and replaced it with a gold one. Nijal seemed lost for words for a moment, though Ossa saw her pleading nonverbally with her fellow engineers for advice.

Etan / Herrick / Engineers: Responses

Nijal: Then -- yes, ma'am. I accept. Thank you.

V'Airu: Congratulations, Lieutenant.

Etan / Herrick / Engineers: Responses

Once Nijal had retaken her seat, Ossa nodded around the table.

V'Airu: Congratulations again to all of you, especially you, Chief Herrick.

Etan / Herrick / Engineers: Responses

With that, she and Etan took their leave and proceeded to the next table.

Tags! and TBC!
Commodore Ossa V'Airu
Commanding Officer
USS 'Oumuamua
she/her/hers (this character) & he/him/his (player)
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