Commodore V'Airu: Congratulations Are in Order, Part 2 (The Scientists & The Ops Fellas)

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Oct 11, 2023, 4:08:03 AM10/11/23
to USS 'Oumuamua – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
OOC "Fellas" is my word, not Ossa's. Probably.

(( Seven Forward Lounge, Deck 7, USS 'Oumuamua ))

Ossa and Etan left the engineering officers to celebrate their new chief along with enjoying their dinners, and Ossa set her sights on the next table. It was one of the closest, and instead of the uniformity of the gold dress uniforms at the engineering table, this one featured officers in both blue and gold.

The blue belonged to a pair of science officers -- Katsim, the department's chief, and Dahlquist, who would unfortunately and shortly be disembarking for the Federation proper. Along with them were the two senior operations officers, Arlill and Nilsen. An extremely competent set of officers, though Ossa smiled her small smile as she considered the two ops officers on her approach. She, and they, were a part of a small handful who knew what exactly they'd been up to over leave -- though that wasn't entirely true, she realized, since she didn't know exactly what they'd been up to.

She and Etan reached the side of their table and greeted the sitting officers.

V'Airu: Greetings and good evening to all of you. I trust you're enjoying yourselves so far?

Etan: Response

Katsim / Dahlquist / Arlill / Nilsen: Responses

Ossa nodded along with the enthusiastic response, and she ended with a glance aside to Etan, who read her intention and opened his box. As he did so.

V'Airu: Lieutenant Arlill, would you please stand? (beat) I'll cut right to the chase. You've taken a leadership role in your department, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. The officers and crew in ops look to you for their direction, and it's time for your duty post to reflect that reality. Please accept the role of acting chief of operations, effective immediately.

Arlill: Response

Etan: Response

Katsim / Dahlquist / Nilsen: Responses

However, Ossa had asked Etan to reveal the ribbons box for a reason, and she removed a pair of ribbons before Arlill could retake his seat. She pinned them both to his growing cluster as she spoke.

V'Airu: I never feel entirely comfortable awarding the Purple Heart, because it feels too much to me as though your injury was some sort of badge of honor. Some officers and crew choose to see it as such, of course -- but I see this more as acknowledgement of your exemplary service through the worst hardship. I hope you accept it as such. (beat) For your actions during the mission total, from your role in first contact with the Esh-o to the circumstances that led to your grievous injuries alongside Ensign Tyber, I have chosen to recognize you with the highest honor I can give: the Captain's Commendation. Wear it proudly.

She finished pinning the deep red ribbon to Arlill's uniform and took a step back.

Arlill: Response

Etan: Response

Katsim / Dahlquist / Nilsen: Responses

V'Airu: Those congratulations are very well deserved, Lieutenant. (beat) You may retake your seat, and Mr. Nilsen, if you would please stand?

The two ops officers swapped their positions, and Ossa accepted a couple of additional ribbons from Etan.

V'Airu: Even though you were only called into bridge service -- and much besides -- in the latter part of the mission, Nilsen, you made your mark indelibly. (beat, a little quieter) We know what it meant for you to take the helm, especially in such a difficult context. (normally) I'm sure you didn't expect something quite so complex for your first mission, but you distinguished yourself nonetheless. It's my honor to recognize you with the Legion of Merit.

The silver-on-red ribbon was Nilsen's first since his commendation for graduating from the Academy and receiving his commission as an ensign, and it suited him very well indeed.

Nilsen: Response

Etan: Response

Katsim / Dahlquist / Arlill: Responses

V'Airu: I offer my sincerest congratulations, too. You may be seated.

As Nilsen sat down again, Ossa and Etan moved around to the science officers. Ossa nodded to Katsim, whose little creature Echo was, as usual, on her person. Katsim stood, and Echo appeared entirely unperturbed. She would have to be by now, Ossa supposed. Before Ossa reached for Etan's ribbons, she opened her box and selected another of the hollow pips within.

V'Airu: Katsim, you are, of course, already the most senior officer and the leader of the science department, but I don't think any officer or member of crew would deny that you continue to excel and earn the respect of your colleagues. Between your scientific contributions and the flair for leadership you've developed, this promotion may be overdue. Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Katsim.

She pinned the hollow pip to Katsim's collar, next to the two solid gold pips.

Katsim: Response

Etan: Response

Dahlquist / Arlill / Nilsen: Responses

Now Ossa reached for the ribbon Etan proffered. The orange and violet of the ribbon stood out boldly against the more muted colors of many of the other ribbons that made up Katsim's cluster.

V'Airu: Despite your experience in your role and your recognized accomplishments in the course of your duties, I feel as though you may not always be recognized for such. That is entirely my lookout, and I hope that the Good Conduct Ribbon, in recognition of your ongoing and conspicuous gallantry in the course of your duties, rectifies that, if only slightly.

Katsim: Response

Etan: Response

Dahlquist / Arlill / Nilsen: Responses

V'Airu: Agreed, and you are very worthy of those accolades, Katsim. Now, if you will be seated, I would like to speak briefly of Dahlquist. (beat; Katsim sits and Dahlquist stands) Dahlquist, the science department and the whole 'Oumuamua regret your loss, though I remain hopeful that, in returning through the wormhole, you'll be able to further your career and challenge yourself.

She took the ribbon that Etan handed to her, and as she continued to speak, pinned it to Dahlquist's uniform.

V'Airu: You have been a consummate science officer, evidenced in particular by your service during this mission. Whether you were reporting on your observations at a time when everyone on your away team was overwhelmed by emotions, or designing a flightplan to navigate the nebular phenomenon with minimal damage and further harm, you used your skills and knowledge to the benefit of ship and crew. It seems only appropriate that your talents are recognized by the Innovation Ribbon.

She left the blue-on-blue-on-blue ribbon pinned to Dahlquist's uniform, and withdraw by no more than a quarter-meter.

Dahlquist: Response

Etan: Response

Katsim / Arlill / Nilsen: Responses

V'Airu: Congratulations to you all. (beat) However, you must excuse Etan and I, as your colleagues won't thank us for dawdling when they, too, wait eagerly to see what we may bestow.

Ossa favored Etan with a slightly mischievous look, though she was careful not let the seated officers see.

Etan: Response

Katsim / Dahlquist / Arlill / Nilsen: Responses

Tags! and TBC!
Commodore Ossa V'Airu
Commanding Officer
USS 'Oumuamua
she/her/hers (this character) & he/him/his (player)
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