(( Arboretum, Deck 2, USS 'Oumuamua ))After Lieutenant Herrick had thanked Commodore V'Airu, he held out his hand to shake hers, and then Lia's.
Herrick: I take it you’re Commander Rouiancet (rubbing the back of his head) Your voice is familiar from the comm.
Rouiancet: I am! I'm sorry we haven't met before now, I didn't even think about it.
Which was to say that she was -- perhaps creepily, perhaps not -- aware of the crew from her old nest in strat ops, but that didn't mean that she interacted much with the senior staff that the commodore had put together. She knew many of them well, of course, but as she herself now reflected, Herrick wasn't one of those. Nevertheless, his work and his experience spoke volumes, and they'd certainly shared in the mission pod catastrophe.
Herrick: (a smile) Well, good to properly meet you. Where is the
Octavia E Butler now?
Lia frowned, but thoughtfully.
Rouiancet: Docking in the next two hours, and then it'll be ready for inspection. We won't ship out for another few days, to give everyone time to settle in.
And, she didn't say, time for an additional thorough inspection or two. There would be an inquiry into the events aboard 'Oumuamua, and while there was absolutely no indication of foul play or anything other than what the error had appeared to be, Lia absolutely wouldn't let her maiden voyage aboard her first command proceed without making sure, to her own exacting standards, that they were ready to go.
Herrick: Well, that will make the transfer easier. (beat) And, Commodore, will you be staying with the ship during the refit?
V’Airu: (a shake of her head) Not as such. I will check in, but I plan to spend the intervening time on leave.
She, a little cryptically, left things there -- but from what Lia had learned, that was most likely because V'Airu herself didn't know. That seemed a fraught state to exist in, but maybe the commodore was used to that? As she and the commodore offered their goodbyes to Lieutenant Herrick, Lia reflected that she might have to develop such a comfort with uncertainty herself, since she suspected that much of being a CO was solely uncertainty.
(( Outside the Bajoran Temple, Promenade, Deep Space 9 ))Greaves: We’re on our way to get a bite to eat. Join us?
Katsim: Oh…yes, please do.
After catching Wes and Peri outside the temple, and keeping in mind the long string of promotions given, ribbons pinned, and transfers requested, she found that she was very ready to share another meal. It wasn't the same as intruding on Lieutenant Maxwell's hospitality (not that she thought he minded), but Lia had already crashed an adventure or two that Peri and Wes had enjoyed alone. Likely, she thought, she would in the future.
Rouiancet: (sidelong at V'Airu) We're about finished, aren't we?
V'Airu: (a nod) We are, and would be honored to join you.
End scene in the same sense as with Maxwell!
-Commanding Officer
USS 'Oumuamua
she/her/hers (these characters) & he/him/his (player)