Commodore Taybrim - Beamdown (Tags: Bridge/Diplomatic teams)

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Jamie LeBlanc

Mar 26, 2021, 4:56:01 AM3/26/21
to SB118

((USS Narendra – Main Bridge))

Captain’s Log, Stardate 239803.25

The trip to Qo’noS has been extremely smooth, in direct contrast to our mission which is anything but.

The charges have come through on both Arturo Maxwell and Sheila Baliey.  Aiding and abetting the enemy and charges of sedition and conspiracy.  Which are all, to a logical creature looking at facts, completely ridiculous.  But our foes, the Cult of Molor are counting on misinformation and skewing the facts to be their guide in this.

As we approach Qo’noS, we are heading into one of the most important missions this crew has ever faced.  The possibility of a full scale interstellar war hangs in the balance and we will do whatever we must do to prevent that from happening.

The Klingon Homeworld was a majestic globe spattered with white clouds over a vast sea of green.  It’s technological network glowed on the dark side with a glittering brilliance, reminding anyone approaching that the Klingons were as clever as they were warlike.  The Narendra slid towards its destination gently, dropping out of warp at the edge of the system and gracefully navigating forward.

The Diplomats on StarBase 118 had already cleared their arrival, a task that had been all too easy.  They were not only expected – but wanted.  Wanted by their allies to help blow the proverbial lid on the cult.  Wanted by their enemies to be easily within arm’s reach to snuff out.

Taybrim: Ensign Talas, bring us into standard orbit

DeVeau: Go to yellow alert, stay on your toes.

The bridge lit up in a soft yellow hue as everyone grew a little more wary and focused.

 Talas/Galven/Williams: ?

DeVeau: Keep scanners going.  Subspace distortions that go beyond the usual spectrum can also indicate cloaked ships.  Better to be cautious.

Tatash: I wouldn’t make it too obvious we’re looking for cloaked ships. We’ve already got our shields up, you wouldn’t want to send the wrong message to the locals. Besides, we’re a Federation ship orbiting the Klingon home world ::he looked back down at his notes and shrugged:: we’re probably in the crosshairs of about twenty cloaked battleships as we speak. ::he let that pause linger for a moment before smiling quite serenely:: but they haven’t fired, so, that’s nice of them.

Taybrim: Every major house will have a cloaked ship in the vicinity.  Most minor houses will probably have one too.  This entire system is filled with ships.  Most will be keeping their distance because they’re here to spectate.  We’re people of interest, whether we like it or not.

Talas/Galven/Williams: ?

Dal: Passive scans only, then ::He confirmed in an even way.  Ishreth Dal was a man who clearly understood boundaries.::

Taybrim: As soon as we are in orbit we will head down to the planet.

DeVeau: I’m ready when you are

Tatash: I’m set.

Sal stood up and looked around the bridge.

Taybrim: Commander Dal, you have the bridge.  I trust you will keep her safe.

The Andorian stood and inclined his antennae towards the Commodore.

Dal: Yes, Sir.

Sal looked towards the assembled crew.

Taybrim: And I trust every one of you will prevail.  Stay steady.  Defend the planet from air to ground fire.  None of the houses would attempt that – it is a move that only the cult will try.

Talas/Galven/Williams: ?

DeVeau: Might I suggest once we’re down there to keep the transporter locked at all times?

Quietly, turning towards Alora, Ishreth curled his antennae forward.

Dal: Perhaps wearing a Viridium patch under your uniforms would be a strong failsafe.

A small, subtle tracking patch would not be unwelcome.

Talas/Galven/Williams: ?

Taybrim: May the blessings be with us all.  ::He nodded to the bridge crew:: Good luck.

Commander Dal inclined his antennae forward and then settled in the center seat as the Commodore, and mot Commanders exited.  He focused on the viewscreen, taking stock of the situation.  It was time to be quiet, seem unthreatening and gather information.

Dal: Ensign Galven – passive scans only, but passively gather what data you can.  The cult ships will likely be in orbit or far closer to the planet than any spectators.  Lieutenant Williams, assist science please.  Ensign Talas, maintain standard orbit and keep watch for any other vessels in orbit.

Talas/Galven/Williams: ?

(OOC – I’ll continue with only Commander Dal on the bridge moving forward!)


((USS Narendra – Transporter Room 1))

Sal Taybrim felt vaguely sick to his stomach as they walked into the transporter room.  He had taken a mysterious leave from the bridge two hours before they arrived in orbit – a quick jaunt to sickbay.  There Doctor Foster had administered 500ccs of Methantriphil, a nerve stabilization medication.  He also gave Sal a nice lecture on how this could not, in any way, become a habit and this would, in fact, push his need to have a fairly invasive heart surgery sooner or later.

Sal didn’t need to hear it.  He had already gotten the full earful from Nijil.  The extremely full earful from Nijil.  But it didn’t hurt to hear it again.  Sal had a condition called peripheral motor neuropathy.  It was an aftereffect of a near-fatal electrical shock.  It was exacerbated by strong energy fields such as phasers, plasma coils and worst of all – transporters.  The unpleasant side effects were muscle spasms, pain and a sharp pins and needles feeling in his limbs and extremities.  The dangerous side effect was the disruption of the electrical signals to his heart.  Push it too hard and his heart would simply stop beating.

Sal had pushed it too hard beaming out of a literally explosive situation twice in a row on a mission perhaps a year and a half back and then had gracelessly collapsed in the transporter room, which was exactly how Nijil had realized how bad the condition was.  And it got progressively worse with repeated exposure.

Sal Taybrim hadn’t used a transporter in well over a year; until this week.  And now he was going to push himself to the limit to get this done.

Tatash: Where is our beam in point?

Taybrim: Just outside the Federation Embassy, within walking distance of the high council chambers.  We’ll meet the defense attorney, Li’otha Daughter of Merket.

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Yes; its directly within the city.  A very busy place.

Tatash: If anything does go wrong down there and we find ourselves under attack, rank might go out of the window until I can get you both out of the situation. So, if you hear me yelling at you to do something… well, I’d be really very grateful if you did. Especially if it’s ‘duck’.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Sal managed a smile.

Taybrim: I think I can handle that.

DeVeau: ?

Tatash: I’m sure it’ll be fine, when have things -ever- gone wrong for us?

Another smirk.  This one clearly asked ‘do you really want me to answer that?

Taybrim: Pretty much all of them

DeVeau/Tatash: ?

Taybrim: On the bright side, we have always come out on top.

Even when there was pain.  Even when there was sacrifices.  They had still come out on top.  And maybe that was what was really important.

DeVeau/Tatash: ?

Sal moved to the transporter pads, giving the machine a look like it might rise up and bite him.  He was trusting in the drug that Commander Foster had administered to protect his damaged nerves.  But, thinking back, it was never the first transport that really hurt – it was the second one.  An hour, a few hours, even a day wasn’t enough recovery time for the damaged nerves.  The second one always hurt.

Taybrim: Now or never.  ::he looked to the transporter chief.:: Energize.

DeVeau/Tatash: ?

((Capitol Center – Qo’noS))

The change was immediate and drastic.  It was hot, it was humid and it was very green.  The air was thick and muggy, smelling like green matter and slightly of sulfur.  There were people everywhere, moving, talking, traffic.

The group was fortunate enough to beam down on a small landing platform in front of a nice light grey stone building that was at the same time very clean and covered with graffiti.  Clearly the Federation wasn’t especially welcome.

Defense Attorney Li’otha was a late middle aged woman with long silver-black hair drawn back into an intricate knotted cord and heavy, graceful clothing that were soft and yet made her look armored.  She had sharp, intelligent eyes, dark skin and pronounced ridges.

Stepping forward she gave a short nod to the group.

Li’otha: You are expected, Commodore.  ::She moved immediately towards Sal.::

Sal, to his surprise, felt pretty good after one transport and recovered almost immediately.  He took only a moment to shake out his fingers and hands and wiggle his feet before gaining full equilibrium, and he did that while walking and talking to not be obvious about it.

Taybrim: Thank you for meeting us.  This is my Aide, Alora and my diplomatic attaché, Tatash

He offered a quick introduction.

DeVeau/Tatash: ?

Li’otha: We have little time to prepare.  They want to push the trial forward as quickly as possible. ::She stated with all the efficiency of a Vulcan.:: You went through the charges.

Taybrim: I did.  Is there proof?

Li’otha: Anything can be proof if you present it in the right way.  Facts are more precious and less common than you think.

DeVeau/Tatash: ?


Commodore Sal Taybrim
Commanding Officer
StarBase 118 Ops


"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck

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