Lieutenant Tito: Final details.

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Jul 3, 2024, 3:52:13 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
to sb118-ops
OOC: Sorry for the delay, but work has been brutal these last few days. Wethern and Marsh, please feel free to start wrapping up.


((Open Field, Miri IV-A))

After a small walk they were again outside, at the back of the science lab buildings.
Tito smiled and raised his arms.

Tito: I don’t need to do anything like eat the flower or something like that, right?

Marsh: No, I think you're good now, but I suggest that we take final readings.

Wethern: Well that is unless you are feeling like you need a snack. It probably still tastes better than Starfleet rations and less likely to kill you.

Tito: Good, get the final readings and lets spread the word.

Marsh: Everything looks good, it appears that we have derived a successful formula.

Wethern: This thing almost seems scared of you Tito. I'd consider that a success. Looks like you have developed an immunity.

Tito nodded and he couldn't hide a little pride in his tone as he spoke.
Wethern and Marsh did a great job. He tapped his combadge to open the comlines.

Tito: =/\= Tito to Taybrim and Fairhug. We have good news. Doctors Wethern and Marsh manage to find a cure.

Fairhug: =/\= That is excellent news, Mister Tito. =/\=

Taybrim: =/\= ?

Tito: =/\= We might have to figure out a way to provide a quick distribution. But I will leave those details with Lieutenants Wethern and Marsh.

Fairhug: =/\= We’re executing a plan to stop the spread of the vines in biodome 2B, but it’s going to be a slow process. If there’s a quicker way to bring this plant under control, I’d be glad to hear it. =/\=

Tito: =/\= I think that is something that you might need to ask Doctor Rodrega. Although I don't know how helpful he will be.

Taybrim: =/\=?

Fairhug: =/\= Aye, standing by. =/\=

Tito: =/\= We will work on producing the serum then. Tito out.

Tito closed the comline  and saw Marsh high fiving Wethern.

Marsh: We did it again pal! We're the A team!

Wethern: Although this will definitely be an interesting report to write up. I wonder what will happen to Rodrega after all of this.

Tito: Not our problem right now. Let's get ready to work on producing a good amount of the serum.

She nodded her head and looked up at Wethern.

Marsh: Always a joy working with you.

Wethern: Likewise, although we should probably start generating vials that can be beamed to the medical centres on the planet to get some of the help out.

Tito: You both make a great team.

Marsh turned to him with a smirk.

Marsh: And I enjoy working with you to Lieutenant. Did you ever have any doubt?

Wethern: I think the killer vine was a bit of touch and go. I'm going to write a book....101 Places Not to Go On An Away Mission. 1. Anywhere with dark caves, 2. Anywhere with killer vines.

Tito smiled, nodding to Marsh.

Tito: None Marsh. The pleasure was also mine. ::He turned to Wethern.:: Honestly Wethern, I will rather you keep your skills in medicine, rather than in literature.

Marsh laughed and placed a hand on Wethern's shoulder.

Marsh: I agree with all of those assessments Corey. Let’s get the transport process started.

Wethern: I was thinking on Commander Fairhugs comments I wonder whether this would work as an aerosol directly on the plants to at least have a sedative kind of effect on them if not killing them.

Marsh: We’ll need to run a lot more simulations and conduct careful research to ensure we don’t murder the killer vines though.

Tito turned to Wethern.

Tito: I assume you agree?

Wethern: ?

Marsh pointed up to the sky.

Marsh: We’ll need to get the Narendra to assist us with getting the cure out plant side with the transporter.


Tito: Very well, let’s get it done.

Wethern/Marsh: ?


Lt. Vitor R.S.Tito
Science Officer
Starbase 118

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