Lieutenant Tito: Order of business.

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Bruno Abreu

Jul 21, 2024, 5:58:48 PM (6 days ago) Jul 21
to StarBase 118 Ops a Star Trek PBEM RPG
((USS Narendra, deck 1, turbolift))

Tito was the last to enter and as they directed the turbolift to Engineering he turned to the others, focusing on Hael.

Tito: Considering the Commodore’s orders do you have any improvements suggestions Commander?

Kreshkova leaned against the lift wall.

Hael: ?

Tito nodded, that could be an interesting plan.

Tito: Good idea. I don’t know what can be feasible to modify in shields power and weapons.
We can get a few more torpedoes although I would like both your input on that. They might not be safely stored if we overload.
Also tempering with the phaser strips might cause some overload.

Kreshkova:  Ve could slpit zhem up, but zhen zhey vould be farzher from zhe torpedo launchers.

Hael: ?

Kreshkova: I must admit zhat I don’t know much about weapons systems or engineering systems, but I vould zhink zhe more power ve can get out of zhe engines, zhe more ve can make zhe Narendra more agile, zhe more ve can fool zhe ozher ships sensors, zhe better zhings vould go for us.  Do you haf any ideas on how ve can fool sensors on another ship, Lieutenant?

Tito shook his head.

Tito: It might depend on where we fight. There are some places like Nebulae that hamper sensors naturally. We can try and use the deflector to emit something to work as a countermeasure, maybe?

Hael: ?

The turbolift came to a stop and Tito gestured for Hael to leave first, as he joined his side. Kreshkova followed them, taking to Hael’s other side.

((USS Narendra, deck 25, Main Engineering lower level))

Kreshkova: I zhink if we can each focus on vhat ve bring to zhe table vizh our specialties, and how ve can support each ozher’s specialities, zhat ve vill be more helpful overall.  ::She looked nervous and was speaking fast.::  I mean like if you could adjust zhe innertial dampeners putting more veight in zhe middle of zhe ship, she vill be more able to spin on her axis.  And zhe Commander may be able to help you if you haf any ideas on messing vizh a different ships sensors.  By vorking togezher, ve vill acocmplish more.  

Tito smiled at the, now, Lieutenant enthusiasm.

Tito: If we work on everything at the same time we won't be able to get anything done.

Hael:  ?

Kreshkova:  Sorry.  I guess I got up a head of steam.

Tito tipped his head so Kreshkova could see him.

Tito: It’s OK Lieutenant. I think that your inertial dampener suggestion is something we can quickly take care of first. Unless you see a problem there Commander.

Hael: ?

Tito smiled at Hael. This was his realm of work and he didn’t want to step in, or worse, hinder the Chief Engineer work.

Tito: I will have to borrow a console to see if we can come up with a proper sensor countermeasure.

Hael/Kreshkova: ?

Tito shrugged. He wasn’t too sure what they could do to mask their readings.

Tito: I assume we don’t have to install and improvise a cloaking device? Perhaps we should adjust the dampeners for our pilot first.

Hael/Kreshkova: ?


Lt. Vitor R.S.Tito
Science Officer
Starbase 118
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