Lt Commander Foster - Defense

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Jamie LeBlanc

Jun 29, 2024, 12:26:56 AM (6 days ago) Jun 29
to SB118

((Trojan Yacht Sawh’re))

Alright, rations were on their way, and Doctor Foster simply could not help himself from doctoring just a little bit.  It was engrained in him, like EMH’s wanted to say ‘state the nature of the medical emergency.’

Foster: =/\= we’re starting with non-perishable ration packs.  Read the backs for the allergen warnings and dietary information.

=/\= Samzh: =/\= Gross.

He refrained from giving a long deep sigh.  Sure they tasted like cardboard, but they were perfectly palatable and nutritionally complete, and if people were starving they were a godsend.

Well, a universe send?  He wasn’t so sure what he believed about higher powers so he wasn’t quite sure what he should call that.  But Dad would call it a godsend, so godsend it was.

Wyn Foster had a lot of soul searching yet to do in his life.  He hoped he would live long enough to someday get there.

=/\= Foster: Once word gets out that there are supplies here we’ll run out.  We need to get the transporters enhancers set up so we can beam down the supplies from the Narendra. 

Korras: We can have them set up relatively quickly.

Kreshkova: Should ve set zhem up inside zhe Sawh’re, so as not to attract zhe attention of locals?

He tipped his antennae forward, an indication that they should get as much prepared as possible.  That was a good idea from Ensign Kreshkova.

Foster: I think were clear to go outside…

Korras: ::checking the sensor readings:: The crowd has moved to the square. We are clear. If each of us take one of the enhancers, we can set those up first.

He darted a glance towards Lieutenant Korras and tipped his head.  He trusted the Klingon’s grasp of tactics and defense.

Foster: Let’s get prepped and go.  The faster we get this set up, the better.

Wyn strapped on his mask, first and foremost, providing the example for the other officers.  Sure they weren’t especially comfortable, but safety trumped comfort and style.

Then he got to work getting the equipment out and into everyone’s reach.

Korras: Time to get started. 

Foster: Agreed.  ::he checked to see that Ensign Kreshkova had her equipment ready.  He had his equipment ready, everyone was ready.::  alright Lieutenant, please lead the way.

Wyn was a tiny little blue pixie of a man and really didn’t want to be the point person in this situation.  He followed carefully, antennae twitching as the first transporter enhancer was set up.

And then the second.  So far so good.

Kreshkova:  Zhe second vone is done

Foster: Alright let’s get the third--

And just at that moment both his antennae sprang upright and his head swiveled to a side street.

Korras: ?

Kreshkova:  ::gesturing to the returning portion of the group.:: Sir, I zhink some of zhem are coming back.

A dozen?  Perhaps more – a group of them, led by a wild-eyed Brekkian were walking – or shambling – towards the trio.

Immediately Wyn went into doctor mode, trying to analyze their movements and diagnose what was wrong.

Foster: They’re under the influence of some sort of … drug?

Oh.  Maybe this was the plant spores.  Oh no.

Korras/Kreshkova: ?

While it seemed that some of the group was mildly affected by the mind altering effects – whether that was because of limited exposure or species semi-immunity or specific genetic resistance, Wyn couldn’t tell.  But what he could tell was that the lead Brekkian and at least four of his cronies were heavily affected fixated on the trio of Starfleet officers.

Samzh: I already told you to get outta here.  Now you gonna die, Federations!

Oh, that was the voice on the commline.  That violent, angry tone seemed incongruous with the man, who was dressed like a clerical worker.  But his well put together jumpsuit was torn and smeared with some sort of grease or blood…

He was holding a rake and two beefy sanitation workers flanked him one holding up his fists, the other shaking a heavy metal rod usually used in water purification – one that suddenly seemed like a very dangerous club.

Foster: Nobody’s gonna die here…. ::He put his hands up, looking non-threatening::

Korras/Kreshkova: ?

Ooof.  While the majority of the group held back unwilling to participate in violence, the Brekkian and his two cronies suddenly surged forward towards the trio.

Samzh started off with a rake sweep at all three before tossing it and throwing himself at Korras, getting just close enough to release an electrical discharge into the Klingon’s body.  Wyn couldn’t see if or how well Korras weathered it because the guy with the water sanitation pipe was trying to take his head off swinging that pipe like a baseball bat, and the third one lunged forward to grapple Sasch.

They had already been told that they should not use phasers unless completely necessary.

Wyn was calling this completely necessary.

Foster: stand down or we will fire on you!

He dodged out of the way of the clumsy swing and got some distance between him and the crazed looking man who was swinging at him.

One chance was all he was giving them and he wasn’t going to reprimand anyone for firing at this point.  He would, in fact, go to bat for them.

Korras/Kreshkova: ?

They didn’t back down, in fact, the drug-addled attackers redoubled their efforts…


Lt Commander Shar’Wyn Foster
Interim Chief Medical Officer

StarBase 118 Ops

"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck

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