JP/Backsim: Ensign T'Reyna & Lt. JG Ross: Moonlit Stroll, Part I

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Hannah S

Jul 22, 2024, 5:22:01 PM (5 days ago) Jul 22
(I just know y'all are wondering why Ross is so tired (you're not? Anyways -) you're about to find out! This is a little Backsim we only just finished, taking place the night before the mission on Miri 4a/current Frontier Day!)

((San Francisco District, Starbase118 Ops))

Even at night, the base never truly rested. There was something hauntingly familiar about the lights of the San Francisco base, something that drew Ross close and scared him at the same time. There would have been a direct connection from the Black Tower in the Command Section to his tiny C-Style Apartment, and yet he chose to take the detour through the Commercial Sector every single night. Not many stores were aligning their opening hours to night and day time - guests and travellers arrived all hours, and so the district was buzzing with lights and people, even though in a much more quiet demeanour than in the sunlight.

He was tired, exhausted from a long shift, but something inside him was more at ease than ever before. For the first time in ages, he had paid Boston a visit, the last place he had ever called home, and its memory followed him around like a protection, dampening his steps and soothing his thoughts when he approached one of the turbolifts that would finally transport him to his bedroom. He carried a small bag of fruits for breakfast, which he would always prefer over the replicated stuff, a book stuffed tightly underneath his arm. There was a small human shop that sold the ancient paper-ones, and from time to time he treated himself with one.

Maybe Ross felt so relaxed because he didn’t expect to be observed on his midnight shopping-spree.

And yet he was.

A pair of strikingly familiar violet eyes caught his attention, just before he turned around the street corner - a stabbing gaze, which made his expressions turn from surprise to excitement very quickly.

Ross: T’Reyna?!

The Vulcan security officer was in uniform, either on duty or just finishing her shift, as he did.

T’Reyna: Greetings, Lieutenant.

As ever, the Vulcan spoke with little emotion. Her back straightened and hands moved behind her back. She was content to let Evan move by, continue home at this late hour from his shift. Yet he came bounding over, causing her to stiffen up like a soldier caught slacking.

Ross: Thought I didn’t see right. That’s an unusual schedule.

T’Reyna: Vulcans require little sleep. We can stay awake for longer than most.

Ross: Fair. Are you heading back to the habitat sector, or just taking a walk?

Now that he thought about it, he wasn’t even sure where T’Reyna’s apartment was located. They hadn’t crossed paths yet, which wasn’t surprising, given the size of the base.

T’Reyna: Exploration. Unfamiliar with the station, I am told to randomly ‘patrol’ to areas one has not been to in order to learn the layout.

He nodded, clearly impressed by her commitment.

Ross: Working over-hours, I see.

If there was ever proof of T’Reyna’s faith in logic, this was it. However unlikely it was to encounter Ross at this very hour in this very location, it was always an improbable variable. Unexpected, yet of the two of them, only one is emotional about it. Wandering aimlessly through the starbase was only a short-term duty, yet it seemed to be a productive one. Thus far, she has learned of various unfamiliar routes she would have not found otherwise.

Her eyes peered down at the items in his possession, raising an eyebrow at the contents. She seemed pleasantly surprised to see organic material. Old books radiated a certain musky smell, thus she knew it to be authentic.

T’Reyna: You appear to have a historical artefact and unreplicated fruit. Where did you obtain such delicacies?

Her questioning made it sound like an interrogation.

Ross stared at her in confusion for a moment, before realising what the Vulcan was hinting at. He raised the paper bag.

Ross: Oh, this? Er… - There’s a neat little Corner Store, just two streets down - ::he nodded into the direction he came from:: - they import freshly, often directly from Earth. Those are peaches. Care to try one?

His hands were occupied with the book and the usual PADD, so he just offered her the whole bag. Maybe an unusual time for fruit, but around here, daytime was a social construct anyways.

T’Reyna: It would be rude to refuse, as it has travelled all this way.

He smiled at her. Even though he was stone-tired, it was nice to catch a familiar face between all those artificial lampposts and illuminated signs.

Those very same artificial lights of neon and fluorescence were a comfort to T’Reyna. Her eyes found it easier to adapt to synthetic light than natural sunlight. Something about being around a cityscape eased her, whereas excessive wilderness in nature would make her wary. She spent most of her life in space, on starbases and starships. It was only natural, in an unnatural way, to adapt.

She took the bag and carried it all in one hand, using her other to delve in to obtain the desired fruit. Having studied on Earth, she has tried many Human-based fruits before. Cucumbers were particularly pleasant tasting to her, though the other cadets teased her on the ‘weirdness’ of eating a raw, whole cucumber like any other fruit. She still does not quite understand why, given the cucumbers common status amongst Human snacks when sliced.

Ross: So… did you have the chance to settle down a bit?

He remembered their last encounter, when T’Renya had obviously been looking for some guidance around the station. He knew that feeling all too well.

T’Reyna: Quarters have been assigned, though I have yet to unpack. This station is welcoming, although I have already made an arrest.

It has not even been a week yet. Somehow, she had already caught a criminal. Given the Federations extensive laws, especially on non-interference or protection of citizens, she would have had to catch them (or lure them) to be caught. She had not finished unpacking her own quarters, yet gave somebody their own room behind bars.

That triggered another impressed nod. The Vulcan was obviously wasting no time getting down to business.

Ross: Not bad.

T’Reyna sniffed the peach first before taking a bite into it. Her eyes squinted as her eyebrows lowered. Her lips curled in on themselves as she breathed out a sigh of discontent.

T’Reyna: I am afraid this citrus is… sweet. I do not desire to waste it, as it has travelled far.

Evan suppressed a chuckle as he watched the battle of surprise and disgust on the Vulcan’s face. Her curled lips expressed way more emotion than he had ever seen on T’Reyna’s face before - she actually looked pretty cute trying to get a grip on herself.

Ross: ::grinning:: Don’t worry. I’ll take it.

He signalled her to hand back the peach - he didn’t mind finishing it, even though he wasn’t sure if he was breaching some rigorous Vulcan rules on food hygiene by doing so.

T’Reyna: Thank you.

Thankfully for Ross, the strict Vulcan rules on food hygiene came down to ‘do not waste it.’ It was illogical to continue eating food you dislike due to genetic differences in taste buds, thus so long as the other individual keeps themselves washed, it is ideal.

Ross: No, it’s fine. But you’ll have to keep carrying my bag until I’m finished, I only have two hands.

T’Reyna: This is acceptable.

Not that it seemed like she was putting much effort into it, as the bag was light as a feather due to her higher strength.

That left them with an awkward silence - Ross felt weirdly monitored as he took back the peach, so he nodded towards the street he had just come from.

Ross: You were headed into that direction, right? I can join you for a few steps - if you don’t mind, of course.

T’Reyna: I welcome the company, though were you not approaching the turbolifts?

Ross: Ah, it’s late now anyways, a little detour won’t make a difference.

And so they set off, wandering into the half-lit streets, joined only by those occupants of the station who couldn’t find rest yet. Quiet conversations engulfed them left and right. Everything seemed a little more meaningful at this time of the day.

T’Reyna eyed the distant golden gate bridge replica. Even amongst the skyline and towering structures around them, with that excess of water between each district, she found it all too familiar. It was not long ago she was on Earth, in the real San Francisco. This duplicate miniature city was odd to walk amongst the Human streets, as it was not too dissimilar from the real deal.

Ross: I heard we’re being summoned early tomorrow, next mission incoming. Ain’t no rest for the wicked…

T’Reyna: Indeed. It is unfortunate. One would have liked to remain here for a longer duration to settle into a grounded role. Do you know the emergency?

Ross: ::he shook his head:: No. But actually I don’t mind another away mission. Keeps you busy… And I always enjoy seeing new places - don’t you?

She had struck him as quite the explorer until now.

T’Reyna: Indeed… though I ideally would be informed of the location we are going first. Having only just arrived back on this station, it is too early to say if leaving for a mission is the correct course of action for my adaption to my duty.

Ross: If I were you, I wouldn’t worry too much. It all seems overwhelming in the beginning, but those missions give you fresh input, something else to wrap your head around.

Evan heavily sympathised with T’Reyna’s longing for control - but one thing he had learned during his assignment was that there was hardly ever a point where you felt completely comfortable in your position. There was simply too much going on to prepare for everything.



Ensign T'Reyna
Starbase 118 Ops


Lieutenant JG Evan Ross
Intelligence Officer
StarBase 118 Ops

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