Commodore Taybrim - Your Call

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Jamie LeBlanc

Jun 30, 2024, 9:42:51 PM (4 days ago) Jun 30
to SB118

(OOC – apologies, I was offline Saturday so this is coming at you a little later than I would like.  I’m full steam ahead moving forward!)

((Administrator's office, Headquarter, Central Biodome, Miri 4a))

There was a sense of dread in the air as he spoke to Commander Fairhug via the commline.

Taybrim: =/\= Taybrim to Fairhug.  Commander, we’re received reports of shorts first in the civilian sector, do you have eyes down there. =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= Aye, Sir. I can confirm that shots have been fired. =/\=

He could feel the tension in Administrator Cass, physically and empathically.

Tension that slowly crept into his own tight posture.

Taybrim: =/\= I’m with Administrator Cass.  Can you tell us what happened? =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= We came under attack from a crowd of civilians who had been infected by the plant. Five shots were fired in total, but the situation is now under control. Medics and extra security officers are now on scene. =/\=

Cass: This is horrifying. Please, ask him what measures have been taken.

Horrifying was an apt description of the situation.  Sal’s mouth formed into a thin tight line.

Taybrim: =/\= what measures are in place to prevent this from happening again or escalating at the ground level? =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= The Crowd has since dispersed and we’re treating those we can who have been injured or become infected. Unfortunately the plant is now spreading and seems to have developed the ability to defend itself. We’re discussing what actions we need to take to bring it under control. =/\=

His darl eyes flickered towards Cass and he caught the look of disgust on her features.  It seemed that the time to talk was over.  The time for action was now.

The plant gaining the ability to defend itself was concerning, especially considering it was attacking and affecting civilians.

Cass: I need to see for myself. 

Taybrim: =/\= We will handle the civilian crowd control, I need you team to get those plants under control. =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= Understood, Sir. Fairhug out. =/\=

And that was how they were going to break up the work.

He waved off Administrator Cass’s concerns about his safety.  He was responsible for his own safety, not her.  And he took that seriously.

After the first, blood-spattered assassination attempt in his own quarters he had grown caution and a little paranoid about his safety.  At least a crowd of enraged citizens was an up-front affair, not a threat lurking in the shadows.

They came to an agreement and Sal called in some backup, the two of them parting to each make their respective preparations.

He requested the newly appointed counselor to be directed to his location, and noticed Eliana’s reaction, that cautious, slightly paranoid scan of the place before moving or taking action.

The office was safe, sequestered, unthreatened.  But Sal understood the sentiment.  He would rather work with officers who showed caution first and then made decisions over officers who made rash decisions and then has to deal with the consequences.

They only had time for quick introductions – regrettable.  Sal was a very social person who would love to talk and get to know someone.  In the ideal world they would have that luxury, but here and now they had a time crunch and a lot of people in danger.  Quick polite introductions it was, and they would need to work together, learning as they went.

Darius: As I understand from the Commander. Can you give me an indication of what actions we have taken so far? 

He tipped his head forward fractionally, formally.

Taybrim: Yes, we have one team that is providing on the ground support for supplies and medicines.  They are working to establish a supply chain so we can mass-transport supplies directly from the Narendra.  We have a team on the ground trying to provide security and protecting from the plants which have… mobilized.  They are a moving threat.  We have a team working with the local medical offices to find out what is causing this infection and finding a way to reverse it, and a team investigating how this happened, in the hopes that it will give us better clues as to how to fix it.  ::he paused and drew in a short breath, letting her process that:: And then our team is de-escalating the population so everyone else can work.

Simple, right?  It sounded simple.

But he knew full well it was anything but simple.

Darius: Who is our main point of contact? Can you give me a little insight into them?

He dipped his head, walking as they spoke.  He didn’t seem to mind answering the questions at all – in fact he appreciated the insightful questions.  Besides, all too often Sal Taybrim carried too much information in his head and he found it easier to process that information by talking it out with others.

Taybrim: Administrator Zeda Cass is a locally elected official who holds the concerns of her people close to her heart.  I believe she honestly wants what is best and is willing to work with us, but she is concerns about our presence sparking violence in the population.

Darius: I feel a general wave of discontent, it buzzes like a nest of bees. ::The image was strong in her mind and the vibration of the feeling was almost at a cresendo.::

He nodded, feeling the same thing with his empathy.  He was keeping a close rein on his empathic sense, but the feeling from the colony around them was strong – overwhelming for someone untrained.

Taybrim: Yes.  ::he nodded in agreement:: The colonists value their freedom – many don’t want our help, but at the same time they are overwhelmed, hungry, injured and scared.

Darius: I read a little about the people of this planet in the information packet but are there any insights you can offer about them that wasn't in the official documentation?

He rocked on his feet for the moment that their stroll came to a halt, considering what would be pertinent.

Taybrim: Over a decade ago there was an isolated criminal incident that happened on Miri 4B.  It was a major incident in the eyes of Starfleet because it involved a Starfleet vessel, but it involved a very small number of people who were apprehended.  These colonists were not involved, but they suffered from it – Miri 4B’s application for Federation membership was paused and has been in limbo since the incident.  They’re close to being approved now, but this could damage their chances long term.

Heavy things to think about.  It was no wonder that the colonists mistrusted Starfleet.

Darius: I am ready to enter the fray when you are, Commadore. ::She didn't have all the information she needed but she had enough to at least face what was about to be her problem.::

Taybrim: No time like the present.  Let’s go.

He offered her a supportive nod, moving briskly towards the outside of the administrative building.

((Outside the Headquarter, Central Biodome, Miri 4a))

It was unnervingly quiet outside the administrative offices, which was telling.

The mob was not pressed up against Zeda Cass’s workplace, which indicated that either she was rarely there – or more likely – they considered her to be one of them and would turn their energy either towards the Starfleet ‘invaders’ or anywhere they felt they could get supplies from.

And yet with the quiet, there was a terrible rumble in the not so far distance, disturbances, the smell of smoke – fire.  Were they burning the plants or something more sinister?

The concern on Cass’s face was apparent, and while Sal felt a deep empathy for her, there was the need for action.

Cass: It is good to see you. We should waste no time.

Darius: Administrator, I am Counselor Eliana Darius, I am here to help in any way that I can. 

Sal Taybrim didn’t seem to have any issues with the counselor introducing herself.  

Cass: ?

Taybrim: I trust counselor Darius will assist in de-escalation and helping keep everyone safe.

He said in a deep, reassuring tone.

Darius: I must ask, are there any objections to my use of telepathy? It can help me to difuse the situation, if I know exactly what I am working with. Sometimes words are not the true reflection of what is being felt in these situations. I will only read what is required and no one will get hurt. 

It wasn’t a question he had asked before, but Sal Taybrim was also used to keeping hold on his telepathy naturally.  Because he was used to his telepathy being damaged.  But with a major medical procedure last year, he was slowly getting used to the rehabilitation and use of his telepathy.

Still, over a decade of habitually keeping a tight rein on that didn’t go away right away.  He naturally tried to keep it under wraps.

But he was curious to hear Cass’ answer.

Cass: ?

Taybrim: Yes, the colony has a quite cosmopolitan make up of species.

Darius: I understand completely. 

He turned towards Zeda.

Taybrim: They’re not mobbing here – where do you think we should go?

Cass/Darius: ?

Holding his hands up, he was not visibly armed.

Taybrim: We use words, if at all possible.  But we have reports that the plants are mobile and we may need to defend ourselves.

He was honestly far more worried about the plants than the people.

Cass/Darius: ?

They moved at a brisk pace, turning into a common area where a mob of people were gathered around a colony build where smoke was pouring out.  There was no organized rescue effort and most of the mob was panicking.  Some of them were being restrained, wailing and stomping on the ground as if they were toddlers throwing an out-of-control temper tantrum – but they were adults and they looked like they were affected by some sort of psychotropic.  

The plant.

And that’s when he realized that there were people still stuck in the building.  A building that almost certainly had a growing fire within.

Taybrim: Over there… there’s people trapped in that building.

Cass/Darius: ?

He looked towards Zeda, waiting to see what her call was on the most important actions.

Taybrim: It’s likely a considerable portion of people in the area are affected by the plant – even if they effects are mild and they’re not violent, they’re disorganized and impaired.

As if they were on drugs, it had caused the organization of an already panicked population to fall completely apart.

Cass/Darius: ?

Taybrim: It’s your call administrator.

Cass/Darius: ?


Commodore Sal Taybrim
Commanding Officer
StarBase 118 Ops


"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck

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