Commander Gogigobo Fairhug - All's Fair in Love and War

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Jul 22, 2024, 9:19:59 PM (4 days ago) Jul 22
((Main Security, Deck 2, USS Narendra))

Looking down at the console, Gogi skimmed everything one last time before sending the message ship-wide, to let everyone know what measures must be put in place for them to defend the ship properly.

Fairhug: Okay, ::looking at Haukea and Madison:: Lieutenants, I'd like you to start looking into preparing weapons and shields, as well as the refuge areas. Make sure everything is at optimal efficiency and that the relevant areas of the ship are prepared.

Although Gogi was aware that Madison and Haukea were in a relationship, he trusted them implicitly to not let that affect their working relationship and to focus on getting the job done.

Willow: Aye.

Marsh: We’ll take care of that. 

Fairhug: ::turning to T’Reyna:: Ensign, you and I will take stock of the on-board weapons and begin distributing them to the crew.

T'Reyna: Understood, Commander.

Fairhug: Okay, let's get to it.

(OOC: Split.)

With that, Gogi clapped and rubbed his hands together as he and T'Reyna made their way to the Arsenal.

He knew the Vulcan’s background - she was a soldier. He'd even very briefly seen her in action just a matter of hours ago. She wasn't just a soldier, she was a good one, but with that said, she also clearly had her demons.

As they moved towards the ship's stock of small arms, the Bardeezan slowed slightly, turning to look T'Reyna in the eye.

Fairhug: How are you feeling, Ensign? It's not been that long since the events on Miri Four-A. Did Medical mention any side effects or long-term concerns?

T'Reyna: Optimal, Sir. The wounds of the mind cannot be healed on their own. No side-effects following the cure of pollen, only a disturbance from my salad lunch.

Fairhug: Then you feel able to perform your full duties?

T'Reyna: To the letter.

Fairhug: ::nodding:: I'm glad to hear it. Well then, Lieutenant Willow mentioned type two phasers as standard issue and type three phaser rifles for Security personnel. Any other suggestions of how we can prepare for the unknown?

He asked the question with a slight smile on his face. It was an almost impossible situation, of course, but with T'Reyna's previous experience, he felt the Vulcan had a lot to offer in these particular circumstances.

T'Reyna: Truthfully, no, Commander. I can only advise that we may utilize the asteroid belt in the Sol Sector for cover against a potential foe, should combat be unavoidable.

Now that was a good idea and one that got the FO to raise his bushy red eyebrows and tilt his head slightly.

Fairhug: Definitely worth bearing in mind. Sal said use any advantages available, why not use natural phenomena, as well?

T'Reyna: These circumstances are abnormal. There has not been an attack on Earth since 2375, with the Breen Confederacy's terror attacks and the failed Borg plot from the Delta Quadrant. I may have better suggestions once we become aware of the threat we face.

Gogi replied with an understanding smile.

Fairhug: I'm sure you will, Ensign. In the meantime, we'll do what we can.

Reaching the smaller room-within-a-room, T'Reyna entered the passcode into the panel and as the doors swished open, they made their way inside and began gathering what they could.

T'Reyna: The rifles may be too much burden to distribute alone. Perhaps announcing to all security to collect a type-3 may be prudent?

Having made his way to one of the weapons lockers that housed the type III rifles, Gogi was checking the power cells, to make sure they were all fully charged.

He answered the Vulcan's suggestion without looking up from his task.

Fairhug: Agreed. I'll make an announcement for all Security personnel to report to the Arsenal to collect a rifle.

T'Reyna: These type-2's being handed by yourself, Commander, may boost morale and courage. Having a personal trust in your crew by physically being handed the weapon by one's superior is comforting in dire times.

This time he did look up and he responded with a knowing nod.

Fairhug: That's a good idea. However, time is of the essence. We'll hand these out to the personnel on this deck and those on deck one. The rest will have to collect the type twos from the various closest Security stations to their positions.

T'Reyna: Response

As they continued to gather sidearms and rifles to distribute, Gogi continued to think about what other measures they could take to guard the highest priority areas of the ship.

Of course, personnel would be deployed in areas like Main Engineering and the Bridge, but should those personnel be overwhelmed…

Fairhug: I take it you are familiar with the idea of booby traps, Ensign?

T'Reyna: Response

Fairhug: Unfortunately, we have to consider every possible scenario, including us losing control of the ship and having to take it back.

T'Reyna: Response

Fairhug: We should double check our forcefield generators and make sure there are no gaps. We may need to use them. There are also certain types of gases that we could vent into specific areas of the ship to incapacitate invaders.

T'Reyna: Response

He looked over to the Ensign with a curious frown on his face.

Fairhug: What kinds of measures do Vulcan ships use for such situations? I'm sure you must have a few clever tricks up your sleeves. 

T'Reyna: Response

Fairhug: ::chuckling slightly:: Come on, you've heard that Terran expression, I bet - all's fair in love and war.

T'Reyna: Response



Commander Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Starbase 118 Ops
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