LtCmdr Rustyy Hael - Ideas for Everyone

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Noelle Motuelle

Jul 25, 2024, 10:28:44 AM (2 days ago) Jul 25
to SB118 Ops

((USS Narendra - Deck 25 - Main Engineering lower level))

There were always updates and new tech to play with. Some more fun and cool than others. Not that Rustyy had any bias of course… 

Okay maybe a little. 

The large table top console had some of the most advancements. Not that many stopped to think about it or look hard. They were able to run more precise simulations. Route modifications quicker and again, more precisely. A jack of all trades sort of hidden gem. The navigation was one not used yet, as they hadn’t needed it. And no one in engineering was much of a pilot. So this was double exciting for Rustyy.

The controls put forth what Sas should feel at the helm. He hoped it really transfered that way 

Hael: Ther’, now this’ll make it all go a bit faster. Shouldn’ have much’a any difference from simulator to real life either. :he held his hand to one side of his mouth to both of them as if telling a secret.:: Gotta few good upgrades fer helpin’ with this kind’a thing. 

Tito: Your secret is safe with me Commander.

Rustyy worked with Tito to make a few fine tuned adjustments. A little here, a bit there. He watched her response, the Glee that popped on her face was a good sign they’d been in the right direction. 

They were changing the pivot point of the ship. Like how it felt to turn in a normal car or truck vs how it felt in a performance race car. Only they didn’t change it physically. Even a slight distribution in weight would be a noted difference. 

Kreshkova: Zhat is perfect. ::Gesturing to the simulation controls::  I can tell zhe difference between how it handled - vhich was good, and how it handles now, vhich is nearly amazing.

Hael: I’ll take tha’. ::he smirked and chuckled light.::

They would need to send it to all the needed system next, upload it to the actual deflector array and make sure the helm on the bridge mirrored their adjustments. That was put in his hands as the other man jumped into the next part of their focus. 

Tito: Is there anything else we can improve? Since we don’t have a cloaking device in hand and since the risks outweigh the benefits of loading more torpedoes. What’s left?

Kreshkova: Could ve find a vay to enhance zhe targeting system of zhe torpedos?

Hael: We could, bu’ to do it righ’ we gonna need’ta know more ‘bit ‘bout ho we migh’n be dealin’ with.

That would effect what they needed to be able to target faster. What engine particals and stuff. No doubt Tito - the science man - would have a better idea on that overall.

Kreshkova:  If ve could increase zhe accuracy of zhe torpedos, zhat vould gif us anozher advantage.

He finished the easy part, uploading. Next would come a systems check of the actual deflectors. He waved another officer down to do just that. With a quick copy of the work they’d done, the other engineer set off to take scans and report. 

Hael: Whatcha thinkin’ fer doin’ tha’, though? ::his attention now more on the newer topic.:: Ther’ be’a lotta unknowns. 


Kreshkova: How much vork vould it be to install a guidance system in zhe torpedoes, so zhey could potentially manuever around targets or anyzhing like zhat?

Hael: Well… ::he laughed a little.:: A lot. You gotta think, we go’ hundreds of’em on board as is. We couldn' do all’a them. The equipment an’ teardown an’ installin’ would take a long time. An’ tha’ ain’ one’a them things tha’ a lotta people could jump in on. ::he held up his hands.:: Ain’ ‘nough room. 

Kreshkova/Tito: ?

He bobbed his head side to side and huffed a few times in thought. Rustyy even made a few clicking noises. 

Hael: Okay, runnin’ with tha’ idea … ::he held a finger.:: Rekon we don't gotta to all’a them get tha’. If’n we do a chunk’a them, an’ run’em like a tracer. ::held up both hands.:: Then we jus’ gotta make tha’ one hit an’ all the other torpedos stay with it. 

Kreshkova/Tito: ?

Hael: Yea’, no. It wouldn’ help with’a lotta targets at once. An’ we’d have to make sure to shoot a new tracer round fer ev’ry new target… 

It all took time. To set up. To use in the field. Surely there was something they could do, some kind of mergence of all their ideas. Of course, they weren’t security officers. A scientist, an engineer and a pilot. They all thought differently. It's what created a lot of great ideas. But which one to follow… How to  make it beneficial without eating up all their spare time. Ops was a tiny visit. Was there something there that would help? 

Once the ship passed their starbase they’d be on their own with only what they had on board. 

Kreshkova/Tito: ?

Hael: We can start Ther'. ::he agreed.:: An’ phasers, ship has a few of’em too. Could this work fer them too?

Kreshkova/Tito: ?


Lieutenant Commander Rustyy Hael

Chief Engineer

Starbase 118 Ops


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