Commodore Taybrim - Recognitions

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Jamie LeBlanc

May 26, 2022, 2:54:31 AM5/26/22
to SB118

((Galaxy Vue Hall – StarBase 118))
(OOC – Generally NPCs will not receive awards; unless that NPC was played as the primary character of the player for the mission.  Also no, I don't give awards out to my own PCs/NPCs, please assume any NPC awards happen offstage.  If you have any NPCs in mind that you want to see awarded and not mentioned here, just send me a DM on Discord or e-mail!)

The mood in Galaxy Vue was muted after the moment of silence.  As much as Sal enjoyed a party, he also had to admit that it was necessary to acknowledge the struggles of Starfleet life, and the tragedies that everyone endured.  To not do so was insulting to all the sacrifice that went in to keeping the Trinity Sector safe.

And sometimes the catharsis of a shared experience helped people process the tragedy that came with life.

He let the moment linger, allowed people to focus back on him, and slowly shifted from the melancholy to the positive.

Taybrim: Now, as I said I would be remiss if I did not take an opportunity to recognize the achievements of this crew.  Starting with the first contact of the Risu people.  Commanders Dal, DeVeau, Kasun, Hael.  Lieutenants Blackwell, Bailey, Trovek, Tito and Taelon.  Ensign Y’zyr. – all of you worked alongside the Risu in various ways to ensure the Si’Laan was repaired, and they were able to make it safely through the Jenatris cloud.  Your work with this species not only established a first contact that supported both ships, but fostered a new friendship.  In recognition of this, I recognize everyone with the First Contact Ribbon. 

The group awards materialized in a puff of stardust and transporter magic in front of the named individuals.  A bit of theatrical drama from a rather dramatic Commodore.

Taybrim: Furthermore, everyone who helped return the Rahuba and the Si’Laan safely – which includes Lieutenants Sherlock and Yael did a fantastic job working together to create subspace communication across anomalies of time and space.  I am recognizing everyone with the Explorer’s Ribbon for your fantastic efforts.

(OOC – to be clear that includes everyone listed above, PLUS the crew who joined on the Aegis  )

Any: ?

Taybrim: Commander Alora DeVeau, if you would please join me?

His dark eyes twinkled and Alora already knew how Sal Taybrim operated.  He would call her up, shower her with praise and then ask her to stay and help him hand out awards.

Well, even if he was impish, theatrical and loved to give praise to the point of embarrassing the more introverted members of the crew, at least he was predictable in some things.

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Commander, you led a very dangerous mission onto Miranda Prime, endured the torments of Terra Prime and got your team back alive.  I am recognizing your notable gallantry in that mission with the Silver Star.

DeVeau: ?

He smiled gently.

Taybrim: I’m not done.  I know Miranda Prime was harrowing.  But let me also congratulate you on your scientific and diplomatic prowess in helping the Risu repair their ship and tackle the affliction that was draining the species.  You navigated a series of challenges both with your own crew and with the Risu crew and were able to navigate difficult and dangerous situations with good leadership and diplomacy.  I want to recognize your efforts with the Diplomacy Ribbon.

He smiled gently, letting the praise linger in the hall.

DeVeau: ?

Any: ?

Taybrim: Of course I need you to stay here!  Who else will help me hand out awards?  ::he winked.::

DeVeau: ?

He chuckled and took up another set of award boxes.

Taybrim: Now, I know Commander Ishani Kasun was not able to join us tonight, but I wanted to recognize Ishani formally for her undercover work on Miranda VII with the Intelligence Star.  I look forward to seeing her in person again soon.  But rest assured I will send video.  

He grinned, enjoyed the spotlight, just a little bit – and enjoying praising his crew far more.

Taybrim: Lieutenant Blackwell, If you can please join us?

Blackwell: ?

Taybrim: Your infiltration mission with Commanders Nijil and McLaren was dangerous and you were able to connect with some valuable allies.  For your efforts against this threat I want to recognize your hard work with the Intelligence Star.

Blackwell: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Excellent work, Lieutenant.  And thank you for being such a steadfast support for your friends and crewmates.

Blackwell/DeVeau: ?

Any: ?

Awards were handed out and Sal let the moment linger once again before looking around the assembled.

Taybrim: Lieutenant Bailey, can you please join me?

Bailey: ?

Taybrim: Lieutenant, you handled a dangerous situation bravely on Miranda Seven, and faced down the worst of Terra Prime face to face.  I want to recognize your efforts with the Good Conduct Ribbon.

Bailey: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: And with the Risu, you were able to shine at what you do best – helping others and saving lives.  For your work with the Risu, especially in saving a group of Risu children, I recognize your good work with the Lifesaving Ribbon.

He smiled gently at that.  Anyone who would brave a dangerous unknown ship to save children got a smile and a well-earned round of applause.

Bailey: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Thank you for your efforts, Lieutenant.  The Risu appreciate it, and I appreciate you.

Bailey: ?

DeVeau: ?

Any: ?

He grinned, allowing again the moment to linger before looking up and selecting another… victim?  Some might call his overt extroversion an embarrassment.  But that was simply Sal.

Taybrim: Lieutenant Yael, if you could please join us?

Yael: ?

Taybrim: Let me start with what we know is my least favorite award.  But to not mention it does a disservice to you and everything you worked through.  You faced the worst of what Terra Prime was and took upon yourself the brunt of the violence from Terra Prime, and brought back valuable intelligence in the process.  Your bravery is recognized with the Good Conduct Ribbon, and your pain is recognized with the Purple Heart.

He said it soberly.  He really did not like Purple Hearts.  But they were a reality of Starfleet service.

Yael: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: But, I also want to recognize that you continued to be supportive of your crew as you were also working on healing yourself.  So many of the crew have leaned on you and you have helped them recover, overcome and grow stronger mission after mission.  For this great work, I recognize you with the Trauma Support Advocate Ribbon.

Now this was what Sal was truly proud of, and it showed in his voice.  The ability to work towards recovery while helping others.  Together they grew strong and Ashley Yael was a champion of this.

Yael: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Thank you, counselor, for all of your efforts.  And please, I hope you’ll allow the crew to help you as you help them.

He smiled gently.

Yael: ?

DeVeau: ?

Any: ?

One more time of letting the mood linger, letting people speak and congratulate their peers.

Taybrim: Lieutenant Trovek, if you would please join us?

Trovek: ?

Taybrim: Lieutenant, you joined us at a critically dark moment.  I know this wasn’t the best introduction to the Trinity Sector or the missions of StarBase 118, but I want to thank you for enduring and supporting your crew.  You helped mitigate casualties in the battle against Terra Prime and saved lives over and over again.  For your exemplary service I wanted to recognize you with the Silver Lifesaving Award.

Trovek: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: Doctor, you also diffused a tense and dangerous situation in sickbay while working with both fellow crewmates and a newly contacted species.  This shows excellent leadership skills and the ability to find creative solutions to the issues that arise over the course of duty.  For this I want to recognize you with the Diplomacy Ribbon.

Trovek: ?

DeVeau: ?

He grinned just a bit and held a hand up.

Taybrim: Please stay.  ::Dark eyes twinkled.:: As I noted, you are developing not only your medical skills but your leadership skills admirably.  In recognition of your hard work and good efforts I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant, with all rights and responsibilities therein.

This time he offered out that precious rosewood box that contacted a second full pip, allowing Alora to do the pinning.

Trovek: ?

DeVeau: ?

Taybrim: And if you will accept, Lieutenant, I consider you a perfect choice for the position of Chief Medical officer on StarBase 118.

Trovek: ?

DeVeau: ?

He smiled, gently, easily and warmly.  It was an expression he wore so easily, and shared so openly.  This was what he loved – watching his crew grow, blossom and do incredible things.

Taybrim: Thank you for everything you have given to this crew, and I hope we can support you in turn.

Trovek: ?

DeVeau: ?

Any: ?

Taybrim: And with that… I think I’ve had the spotlight long enough and you’re sick of listening to me.  So please!  We will soon strike up the band!  Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy the night!

Any: ?


Commodore Sal Taybrim
Commanding Officer

StarBase 118 Ops

"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck

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