Lt Commander Foster - What You Can Do

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Jamie LeBlanc

Jul 22, 2024, 10:42:33 PM (4 days ago) Jul 22
to SB118

((Sickbay Deck 5 - USS Narendra))

Wyn had served on a lot of ships before – all of them deep space exploration vessels of one flavor or another.  From the USS Atlantis which was absolutely tiny to the USS Apollo which had a bridge bigger than an Olympic swimming pool.  He at one point fantasized about filling said bridge with water just to see what it was like, but he wasn’t an engineer and could never convince any of the engineers he had dated to let him try.

That was probably for the best.

But the Narendra wasn’t a deep space vessel. At first Wyn thought he would hate that, but the fact that it had a bunch of space that could easily be converted to whatever you needed was actually… incredibly useful and good. So he quickly found himself loving it.

Foster: Remember, the Narendra had certain areas gutted in the refit. This vessel isn’t equipped for long term deep space missions, but that gives us a bunch more space to use as we see fit. We’ve already used some of the open spaced between the medical and science decks for triage.

Darius: I don't know the ship .. at all.. to be totally honest, and my training in medical triage is limited, but I can learn quickly and anything you need me to do that is beyond my skill, you can show me quicker than tell me. ::She tapped her head.:: I think... 

Wethern:  Mental health is just as important as physical health. Don't worry you'll get lost a few times on the ship but you'll find your way back round. 

Darius: The lack of certainty will have an affect on the mental wellbeing of the crew, perhaps we should consider putting in a triage plan for more than just physical wounds?

Wyn put his hands in the air and gestured towards Eliana as if to say ‘awesome, you handle the mental well being, I’ll handle the physical and everything will be fine.’

Foster: We should definitely consider it.

Wethern: That sounds an excellent idea our crew will be under immense strain. Can you work up a plan Eliana? 

Darius: I could set up regular check-ins, Starfleet officers tend to go above and beyond what they are mentally capable of more often than they don't... :: A brow was arched at both of them, daring them to challenge that assessment.:: and I don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say that we need the crew to remain as on top of their game as possible for what is coming...

He tipped both antennae forward.

Wethern: We need everyone at top form you are right. Including us all. Don't forget we are here as your support mechanism Eliana. Can't have the ships counsellor getting stressed. 

FosterL I have to agree.  From the information I’ve gotten it sounds like we know we’re headed into a trap, which is – admittedly way better than blundering into a trap and having it sprung on us – but still incredibly dangerous.  And if its dangerous we need to be prepared and stay focused because that will reduce casualties.

And honestly anything – literally any measure they could take to prevent casualties would save lives over all.

Darius: ?

Corey brough up a map of the ship and started to point out some critical areas,

Wethern: We could set up medical muster points on the keys decks with response teams. They can also double as medical away teams should we need them. What about converting a cargo bay on deck 34 briefly as an overflow should be need it for sickbay. That should also give us quick access to the shuttle Bay for either emergency medivac or receiving patients, that and I always like the option to avoid the transporter by hijacking a shuttle. What do you both think we should do with the medical triage here?

Foster: We have a stock of seven extra medical bed that can be deployed to any area – and if we dock at 118 I can pull twenty more in under a half hour.  I would prefer to keep the main triage areas here on deck 6 – in these large medical and science open areas. And any critical triage then can get funneled to deck 5 emergency triage.  That keeps main sickbay open and ready for the most critical cases.

And that also meant with the additional equipment they could set up a backup medical bay in the cargo bay.

Darius: ?

Wethern: I agree, that is why 3 minds are better than one. The dream team are starting off with some strong ideas. Wyn you know better than anyone what secrets are hidden back at base anything we can use to our advantage?  The Commodore has already said the Archangels are up for a field trip. Anything that may be beneficial to borrow to safeguard the psychological effects of the crew Darius?

He drew in a breath, considering.

Foster: Well, we have a fully outfitted ambulance shuttle we can load up. ::he steepled his fingers, rapping them together as he thought:: The Archangels include some of the best combat medics I have seen in action so I’d love to have a few assisting us.  I’m just worried about setting up too much in the cargo bay.  If we take a hit to that area, the cargo bay doesn’t have the shielding that the main areas do…

And he wasn’t an engineer so he knew the dangers, but had zero idea on how to fix them.

Darius: ?

Wethern: I'm loving the energy here people :Corey smiled:. Shall we split up and take a part of the plan each? 

Foster: We can.  Now one thing to think about is – supplies.  We need our list in order so we can communicate that to 118 as soon as we can get close enough to break this blackout.  And then load it all doubletime.

Darius: ?

Wethern: Agreed! There is one more thing that we should probably be prepared for. ::Corey went to a storage locker and pulled out three type two phasers and medical tricorders and placed them on the table.:: Not mandated but probably need to be practical, the two opposite ends of our trade. Let's hope we won't need them. 

He picked up the phaser with only a little hesitation.

Foster: I really hope it doesn’t come down to doctors shooting things…

He could shoot things. He just really didn’t want it to get so bad that he had to shoot things.

Darius/Wethern: ? 

Foster: One more thing to think about – who wants to take lead where?  We’ll need a primary in the field – whatever the field ends up being – triage lead.  We’ll need a controller getting patients to he right areas.  And we’ll need someone to man the main sickbay.  And teams to do the work.  And someone to keep everyone calm and sane.

So many moving parts.  This was a fairly young medical crew, so while Wyn believed that they could all do it, from the leaders to the orderlies, he also knew it would challenge the younger members of the teams, especially the ones who had never seen an actual dangerous mission before.

Darius/Wethern: ? 

Foster: This is a first for many of your newer nurses and orderlies.  You have to keep them focused on what they can do – who they can save, what they can accomplish.  Don’t ever let them dwell on what they can’t do.

Darius/Wethern: ? 

Foster: Alright, if you wanna divide and conquer, we can, otherwise I’m here to make stuff work for you.  Lemme know!

Darius/Wethern: ? 


Lt Commander Shar’Wyn Foster
Chief Medical Officer

StarBase 118 Ops

"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck

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