MSNPC Dempok: "The Last Stand" (Tag: Bridge/Taybrim)

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Daniel Eastham

2016年9月12日 04:50:172016/9/12
((IKS S'Tarahk - Bridge))

::Time was passing, already they had pushed past the five minute mark but Dempok remained patient. None of them had anticipated the dogflight that erupted between the drones and the fighters, but it was impressive to see the bravery of Starfleet going after the Avalons survivors.

That, bought them a little more time. There was still the question of course of just how they were going to find the Sienov once they had nosed their way into the nebula, his ship was designed for brute force, missing the detailed sensors of a science ship that the Albion had in plentiful supply. 

It would be a team effort, but the clock continued to tick and they were firmly against it::

Taybrim: =/\= Captain Taybrim to Councilor Dempok; we have a plan to flush the Sienov out of hiding like an Alderveran game bird.  I'm sending you a basic outline. =/\=

::Dempok shifted up in his chair, leaning towards the unseen speaker coming through on the bridge::

Dempok: =/\= Go ahead Captain?

Taybrim: =/\= It will be a destructive explosion, and we're charting the assumed shockwaves - we'll need to be out of range.  However, if the Sienov survives, it'll be heading out of the cloud as fast as possible. =/\=

::Blowing up the Nebula was certainly an unexpected and wild solution, but seemed to be nothing more then the perfect addition to their already glorious battle. Every moment was being recorded by his ships computer, every single one would be used to prove the outlandish tales that would no doubt be spun from this::

Denpok: =/\= An ingenious solution, we will be ready.

Taybrim: =/\= We will signal when detonation is ready. =/\=

Dempok: =/\= Good luck Captain.

::The communication ended, once more the clock ticked as Dempok barked orders, focusing his ships shields towards the nose to protect them both from the explosion about to occur and the angry whirlwind of hatred that would swiftly come charging at them as they stripped the Sienov of her hiding place.

A console bleeped, something flared out of the Albion and into the cloud which detonated deep within it with a dull flash. For a moment there was nothing, then a tremendous and beautiful explosion of plasma raked across the soft clouds, each one erupting like a miniature volcano, spewing superheated gasses towards the two ships.

Dempok's ship weathered the storm, rocking slightly but her shields held, while the already limping Albion was tossed around. He couldn't help but let out a few curses, yet his respect continued.::

Tekal: We have the Sienov, she's coming full speed.

Dempok: The last stand of the Sienov... make it brief.

::The S'Tarahk quickly opened up, volley after volley of heavy disruptor cannons and torpedo's hurling themselves at the Warbirds shattered hull, wounds opening up on the hull, decks shattering, shrapnel hurtling off her like snowflakes in a blizzard before finally she came apart in a tremendous explosion.

It wasn't like a warp detonation, it was something worse. Every peice of the ship seemed to compress in on a single focal point, even the myriad escape pods that had tried to escape were sucked back towards her central core as the singularity at her heart broke free. Metal compressed, twisted in turmoil before finally exploding once more as the laws of physics took their awful toll.

Once more the S'Tarahk weathered the storm, rising up her central axis like a grand warship breaking through a squall.::

Tekal: The Albion is coming apart sir, she's ejected her core!

Dempok: Refocus the shields, quickly!

::Another explosion followed, this entire area of space would be hopeless for decades to come as the warp and singularity ruptures tore apart subspace and standard space alike. The Albion took another devastating hit, her lights flickering into blackness before quietly drifting.

No words were spoken on his bridge. There was no doubt that the Albion had fought beyond distinction into the realms of legend, it wasn't until his first officer spoke to him that Dempok found himself back in control after offering a quiet moment of prayer to the warrior spirits departing.

Tekal: They have survivors Sir. They've lost... everything. 

::Dempok nodded and stood down from his chair, heading towards the back of the bridge::

Dempok: Rally every Warrior we have and get them over to the Albion, we'll decant the survivors here.

Tekal: What of the ship itself?

::Dempok scowled. Leaving a Starfleet vessel, hours from reinforcements right on the border of a hostile power was a security risk. Even if she was ruined, she still had classified data in her core, including the technical readouts that Dempok had sent over::

Dempok: Beam me to their bridge. I need a Captain to Captain talk, if he's still alive. For now, lock on our tractor beam and stabilise her.

::Dempok watched in satisfaction as a blue lance erupted from his ship, stopping the Albion spinning wildly on her axis as it slowly brought her to a steady position, before his nose was full of the stink of burning and his eyes stung with the smoke of damaged consoles::

((USS Albion - Main Bridge))

Dempok: Where is your captain?

::He rose his voice to the young officer over the din of shouting damage control teams, the first he could make out clinging onto his console trying to do something with the inoperable controls:

Flynn: ?

::Another flash of red appeared behind him as three warriors appeared, clutching emergency repair kits and heading to tackle the console fires raging. He could almost taste the sense of relief as reinforcements, all be it Klingon ones, finally appeared to aid the overwhelmed teams::

Dempok: You fought well, all of you have earned your place at the great hall of honor. ::he nodded, addressing the battered looking group:: Captain, a word, if I may.

Taybrim: ?

::The picked their way through the debris towards the shattered ready room, Dempok having to help force open the door as they stepped inside. It was a charred mess, covered in the ruins like most of the rest of the ship::

Dempok: I am sorry Captain, she was a fine ship that fought well above her weight.

Taybrim: ?

Dempok: I've got as many men as I can spare boarding to assist. My suggestion would be to decant you all to the S'Tarahk and take you back to your Starbase. We're bruised but nothing a stay in your dry dock won't fix, but the Albion... 

Taybrim: ?

Dempok: That does leave the question of the Albion's hulk. So close to Romulan space, with all the technology and intelligence she carries...

::It was a question without words. They both knew the protocol, it was the same for almost all Empires and Federations in the quadrant.::

Taybrim: ?

MSNPC Councilor Dempok
Captain of the IKS S'Tarahk


Major. Tatash

Marine Lead

SB118 Operations


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