MSNPC - Adjunct Ayalla Myran - Ferocity and Wrath

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Karen Morris

Jul 1, 2024, 12:34:01 AM (4 days ago) Jul 1
((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa))

The Adjunct nodded her head towards the market that was now nearly completely deserted.

Myran: I noticed something when I was waiting for you to come back, Commander. The plants don’t seek out or react to inanimate objects. They only react to living beings - or heat. I’m wondering if that could be used against them.  

That was interesting and surely any new information about the plant would help them in some way. Myran was right, they should be able to use it to their advantage somehow.

Willow: What if instead of heat, we freeze the vines?

Gogi looked at Haukea with interest, his weathered brow knitting into a frown out of curiosity.

Myran: It’s definitely an idea worth exploring.

Fairhug: What are you thinking, Lieutenant?

Willow: The burning might be triggering the plants we have yet to attend to, so if we freeze them..We might see a completely different reaction. What you say? Thoughts?

Unconsciously, the Bardeezan reached up and began scratching at his forked beard, in thought.

It was a good idea. A *very* good idea. It also gave rise to a theory of his own.

Fairhug: I like it. ::turning to Myran:: Adjunct, perhaps burning the plants has actually been having the opposite effect to what you had intended - releasing toxic gases from the plant.

Ayalla blanched.  Had they unintentionally been making the situation worse?  Had her people …had she been poisoning her people.  She leaned against the wall.

Myran:  I both hope and don’t hope you’re wrong.  If we’ve been harming our own people … ::Her voice trailed off.::

At that moment, T’Reyna rejoined the group, with the medic and security deputy in tow.

Willow: ::Turning towards T’Reyna:: You back with us Ensign?

T’Reyna:...Lieutenant, it is a relief to see you. For now...Yes…I am…Here.

Myran looked up as the Vulcan seemed to be more in her right mind.  That made her feel a little better, but she still couldn’t wrap her mind around the possibility of being the cause of her people’s harm.

Gogi cast a glance over T’Reyna’s shoulder, at the Caitian medic.

Ressur: The medication will last for about four hours. After that, it will wear off and won’t work again. She will need further treatment in a medical facility.

Fairhug: Understood. Thank you again for your help.

Ressur now glanced at Myran, concern etched on her feline features.

Ressur: Adjunct Myran, let me see to your wound.

Myran pushed away from the wall gently and turned her injured arm toward the Catian, unwrapping her bandage.

Myran: Of course.

Fairhug: I have a plan. What if we were to use the heat of the torch sticks to draw the vines towards us and then freeze them?

T'Reyna: Freeze... them, Commander?

Willow: While your proposal has merit, we must consider the danger it poses. Though I do believe it is worth the risk.

Haukea was right, it wasn’t a plan without risk, but they had to do something here and now to get things on biodome 2B under control. If they couldn’t end the war just yet, they could at least turn the tide in this particular battle.

Myran: In my opinion, being able to turn the tide is worth the risk.  It couldn’t be any worse that what we’ve already been doing to our people ourselves.

Fairhug: It would take a few minutes to replicate the torch sticks and have some modified to freeze instead of burn and then beam them down. Your medic could treat your wound while we wait.

Willow: That’s an offer you really can’t refuse.

The Deltan glanced between Willow, Fairhug, and Ressur.

Myran: That should be fine.  

T’Reyna: It seems…ideal for…close-quarter combat…

With a nod, Gogi pressed his combadge and pulled a PADD out from a pocket on his uniform, his thick, stubby fingers tapping away furiously as he spoke.

Fairhug: =/\= Fairhug to Narendra, I’m sending you some specs. We need some torch sticks made to the original specifications and some modified with the suggestions I’m also sending. As soon as they’re ready, beam them down to my location. =/\=

Narendra: =/\= Aye, Sir, we’ll get right on it. =/\=

Closing the comline, he turned back to the group.

Fairhug: Any other thoughts or suggestions in the meantime?

T'Reyna: Indeed, Commander. Might I suggest a Frost-Thrower?

And that was why it was always important to get input from the crew. A frost-thrower would make things easier in the respect that they wouldn’t have to modify anything, since they would already have at least one ready to beam down from the Narendra.

He began tapping away at his PADD again, altering the orders he had issued moments ago to the crew still up on the ship.

Fairhug: ::as he types:: Excellent idea, Ensign. But are there any drawbacks to using one?

Ayalla listened to the conversation.  She had never heard of a frost-thrower, the concept seemed simple enough though.

Willow: ::A questioning edge of concern in her voice:: It sounds extremely plausible, yet concerning. Proper safety has to be taken into consideration.

T'Reyna: …To mitigate freezing ourselves…we must stand…together and-... ::She stopped to cough, still suffering some ill-effects.::

Willow: T’Reyna? Are you sure you’re alright?

Gogi watched the Ensign closely. He just needed her to hold out a little while longer.

Myran looked back at T’Reyna and then to Ressur.  

Myran: ::To Ressur:: Maybe you should be caring for the Ensign?

Fairhug: If you would rather sit this one out…

T'Reyna: I am…Fine…Let us freeze these plants…

The Bardeezan was secretly pleased with that answer. Hopefully having a task to perform would help T’Reyna to stay focused.

Willow: Good. Let us know if you start feeling worse.

Fairhig: Yes, please do.

The Deltan pursed her lips hoping that the Vulcan indeed was alright.

T’Reyna: Response

Willow: Now, while we wait for the necessary equipment to be manufactured, let’s consider protective equipment. We’ll be next to extreme fluctuating temperatures; hot and cold.

Myran:  Or perhaps we can have one team using the torch sticks and one team using the Frost-throwers?

T’Reyna: Response

Fairhug: ::to Haukea:: I take it you have something in mind?

Willow: I suggest protective jackets, for hot and cold weather, and masks. Anything else?

Myran:  Axes in case the frost throwers don’t work?

T’Reyna: Response

Gogi continued to type away at the PADD in his hand, before signing off with one big tap. Hopefully they had thought of everything they needed. Now it was time to take action.

(OOC: Feel free to sim something while we’re waiting for the equipment to be beamed down, such as the medic attending to Myran’s wounds, or any other discussion etc.)

((Short timeskip))

They didn’t have to wait long for the equipment to be beamed down. A protective jacket each, as suggested by Lt. Willow, a frost-thrower, courtesy of Ensign T’Reyna and three torch sticks, on the recommendation of Adjunct Myran.

Donning his jacket, Gogi grabbed the frost-thrower and walked over to the Deltan.

Fairhug: Adjunct, I believe you should do the honours.

Myran gingerly slipped her arm into the protective jacket and took the frost-thrower from the Commander, with a short, but heartfelt nod.

Myran:  Thank you, Commander.

He hoped that being the one to freeze the plants would be somewhat cathartic for Myran.

Myran took a moment to familiarize herself with the device.  Once she figured it out, she aimed it at one of the nearby plants and she watched it freeze from the tip up toward the main body of the vine.  In doing so, the piece broke off and fell to the ground completely intact.

Next, he handed a torch stick each to Haukea and T’Reyna, while keeping one for himself.

Turning to face the plaza and the vines that had continued to spread throughout it, he began walking slowly in that direction, gesturing for the others to follow.

Fairhug: Okay, let’s see if this works.

After a few more feet, he stopped and raised his torch stick.

Fairhug: We’ll give it a prolonged blast and draw the vines towards us, then stop and let Adjunct Myran hit them with the frost-thrower. Agreed?

Myran’s eyes finally showed a modicum of relief as that same feeling began to wash over her emotions.  Once again, she just nodded once, but this time there was a small smile that graced her lips.

Willow/T’Reyna: Responses

Fairhug: Okay, on three. One, two, three!

The three torch sticks lit up the otherwise darkened plaza and Gogi had to hold back a triumphant laugh as the vines almost seemed to turn towards them and begin creeping in their direction.

Fairhug: Stop!

With that, the torch sticks went out and he stepped back to allow Myran to take over.

Myran took the frost-thrower and while holding the trigger down, she slowly moved the end of the stick back and forth hitting the vines.  Not only did she see the vines stop moving forward, but again the frozen parts broke off and fell to the ground.

Just as he did, his combadge chirped. He tapped it as the Deltan began to get to work.

Tito: =/\= Tito to Taybrim and Fairhug. We have good news. Doctors Wethern and Marsh manage to find a cure.

With the success they were having with their own plan and then being told a cure had been found for the plant’s effects, Gogi had to stop himself from full-on whooping! Finally the tables were starting to turn their way.

Fairhug: =/\= That is excellent news, Mister Tito. =/\=

Taybrim: =/\= ?

Tito: =/\= Response =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= We’re executing a plan to stop the spread of the vines in biodome 2B, but it’s going to be a slow process. If there’s a quicker way to bring this plant under control, I’d be glad to hear it. =/\=

Taybrim/Tito: =/\= Responses =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= Aye, standing by. =/\=

As the line closed, Gogi looked at his team, a wide smile crossing his face. For a while, the situation had seemed chaotic and more than a little worrying, but he felt like they were pulling through now. Not just here in the plaza, but all of the teams spread around the colony.

Fairhug: I think it’s working. Shall we go again?

Myran: By all means.

Willow/T’Reyna: Responses

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, a large smile graced the Deltan’s face.  She attacked this assignment with as much ferocity as was in her.  Normally, in her line of work, it was more important to show restraint and being level headed, but this was one time she could attack her work with wrath.

Willow/T’Reyna/Fairhug: ?

Myran:  It won’t be long before we’ve cleared this market space.

Willow/T’Reyna/Fairhug: ?
Adjunct Ayalla Myran
Simmed by Sasch Kreshkova

Ens. Sasch Kreshkova
SB 118 OPS
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