Backsim JP: Lt. Yael & Lt. Cmdr. Deveau - "Gains & Losses" (P2)

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Oct 22, 2021, 4:22:00 PM10/22/21
to StarBase 118 Ops a Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Starbase 118 Ops  - Alora’s Quarters))

Yael:  Then I suppose it’s a matter of finding a way to confirm, or reject, the suspicion.  The autopsy would be my first step.

DeVeau:  I already requested it, and I’ve forwarded it to Kirin, the eldest of Sal’s brothers.  He’s a medical officer.

Nodding, he naturally accepted she’d already thought of this, knowing he was stepping in a few paces behind her in the matter.

Yael:  What about local police reports?  Any unrelated issues involving her or the family recently?

It was a long shot, but even a supposedly unrelated event could lead to a clue.

DeVeau:  No.  There is no family.  They were all killed.  Enzada was all who was left of the entire house.  Her...and...Kalin.

And no longer Kalin.  Now it was just Alora, who was only in the house by marriage. It still was just so...weird. 

Yael:  ::smiling comfortingly at his friend::  Even if it’s nothing, I think you’ll feel better if you gather all the information that’s available.  To rule things out, as one might say.

DeVeau:  I plan to.  It’s just a gut feeling but…

But...but...sometimes gut feelings led somewhere.  Alora hoped not.  She didn’t like the idea that Enzada’s death had been prematurely caused by someone with malicious intent.

Yael:  You don’t know.  ::nodding::  That’s the toughest part, I think.  Not knowing.  It lets your imagination run wild, and with everything we’ve seen and experienced, we don’t assume the best.

DeVeau: Yeah.

Alora sighed and squeezed the hand that held hers. Suddenly she glanced down and stared.  Hands.  He was holding her hand…

DeVeau: Uh…

The Denobulans' smile took on a new quality now.  He’d been focused on her telling her story, but now it grew slightly impish.  He’d been pretty smooth about taking her hand nonchalantly.  When he spoke it was with a bit of humor.

Yael:  Oh, you *noticed* that, did you?

Noticed?  Yes.  Distracted at first, she now realised that he was holding her hand.  Before, he hadn’t wanted to touch her, not even for a moment, nor did he want her to touch.  For someone who loved to be touched, enjoyed hugs, just wanted to be held sometimes, that had been the most difficult.  Of all the people on the station, Ashley was her best friend, and he was the first friend she’d not been able to hug on a regular basis.  And that was *hard*. 

DeVeau:  When did this happen?  Why didn’t you say something?

Yael:  You were telling me something important.  I didn’t want to interrupt.

Also, he’d wondered how long it would take her to notice!  As if to accentuate the point, he squeezed her hand a little tighter, then lifted his to let her lift hers, completely unbothered by the contact.

DeVeau:  I don’t get it.

Confusion was not the response he’d expected, though of course it was likely.  His little victory was tempered by this unexpected reaction.

Yael:  What don’t you get?  ::he tried to give her a comforting smile::  I’ve been working on this for a while.  Since before our excursion with the pirates, actually.

It was so odd, that sudden change.  What had happened?  How had it come to this?  Surely he knew she was going to ask those questions, surely he knew she would want some answers.  

DeVeau: How?

Yael:  Would you believe, magic?  ::he laughed lightly, the answer less than serious::  Actually, believe it or not, I found an alternative therapy that’s been helping.

Magic?  No.  Alora believed in science.  She also believed that there were things that happened that science couldn’t explain simply because they didn’t know how to quantify it, or didn’t have the technological abilities to be able to explain it.  But magic?  No.

DeVeau:  I’m going to assume that it’s not magic.  

Yael:  It’s like… telepathic retraining.  The practitioner is Rodulan and Betazoid.  Very skillful.  ::pausing, he lifted his hand and pressed their palms together, with apparently no psychological burden to the warm, small touch::  Her results speak for themselves.

DeVeau:  Yeah.  They do.

Alora’s voice was soft and her eyes focused on their hands, ech touching, palm to palm without any strain or anxiety from the Denobulan across from her. 

DeVeau: And she’s being careful?

Yael:  I wouldn’t worry.  She’s a professional.  And this is only six weeks progress.  ::dismissing any concern she might have with his obvious glee at the progress made::  Aren’t you impressed?  ::he smiled at her hopefully now::  You’re impressed, I can tell.

Alora’s mouth quirked upward.  Oh yes.  She was impressed.  Impressed indeed.  This opened up an entire new world for her friend.  

DeVeau:  This is actually wonderful, Ash.

She knew how hard it was on him.  

Yael:  I’ve been wanting to… to get closer, to some people.  And… do *normal* things, with my friends.  I mean, Ithri and I are kind of getting *serious*... ::he flashed back to her hustling him at strip poker:: … and Wyn and Rue aren’t going to sit around and wait for me to figure it out on my own.  It took every bit of latinum I had left, to pay her fee.  It was worth every strip.

Wow.  That was hefty.  Not that Alora knew how much latinum Ashley had, but that stuff wasn’t ‘cheap’ by a long shot.  

DeVeau:  Six much longer will you be going in for this therapy?

Yael:  At least 2 weeks more.  Twice weekly.

Alora spread her fingers, gently coaxing Ashley’s to follow suit, then closed them again.  She repeated the gesture two more times before finally speaking again.

DeVeau: Does that mean I can get hugs now?

The Denobulan chuckled, then instantly moved in to wrap his arms around the woman who was likely his BFF on this entire crew.  She’d been the first to greet him when he joined this crew.  Made him feel welcome to the starbase.  She had enjoyed his victories with him, consoled him when he was down, and also properly harassed him when he made a misstep.  The qualities of a true friend.  Now, he wanted to share *this* victory with her.

Yael:  ::holding her close, wrapped in both arms::  How’s this?

How was it?  Alora wanted to cry, though she managed to refrain from doing so. Immediately, her arms wrapped around him in return and she squeezed as mightily as could without actually hurting him. 

DeVeau:  It’s *wonderful*

Alora had gotten a hug from Max, but that had been some time ago.  She missed hugs.  She needed hugs.  She wanted hugs.  Now she could get them more often.  

Yael:  It’s like a switch was flipped, about two weeks ago.  The sessions are pretty intense, actually… they dredge up some things I’d rather not think about… but, it’s so, so worth it…

His arms tightened around her for a moment before  he pulled back, releasing his friend.

Yael:  And I’m glad it’s working, since you seem like you could use a hug with all this family business happening.  ::pausing, then with humor:::  Maybe a *few* hugs.

DeVeau:  How about just one long hug that never ends?

Oh that would be so nice.  She and Ashley could just cuddle.  Alora didn’t really have anyone to cuddle with any more.  Raissa was on another ship, as was Kestra and Chythar.  But now…

DeVeau: But what brought about this sudden desire to seek out a way to deal with it?

Yael:  I know it’s probably Tee-Em-Aye… ::spelling out the acronym for Too Much Information in a way that prepared for his next statement:: … but Ithri and I… we’re *serious*.  There was an opportunity, and…

He droned off, then pushed a few inches further away from her almost self-consciously.  He wasn’t normally one to kiss and tell… but  he *had* to tell *someone,* and if he couldn’t tell Aora, he couldn’t tell *anyone.*

DeVeau:  And?

Yael:  There… may also have been a dalliance with a Klingon combat medic… which is a handy profession, considering…

Considering the aftereffects of having a dalliance with a Klingon combat medic.

DeVeau:  Been taking advantage of this, huh?

Alora grinned.  She knew what Denobulans were like, as were Andorians.  And that was fine, but it wasn’t her.  She couldn’t go from one person to another.  She couldn’t share herself like that, nor could she deal with someone else sharing himself with others.  She needed commitment in that type of relationship. Ashley didn’t, and that was fine. She was happy that was finally free from that particular struggle.

Yael:  ::admitting quietly, but not in a dislikable tone::  Honestly, I may need to learn some limitations...

DeVeau: Anyone else gotten a turn?

Yael:  Welllll… ::he covered his mouth with a braced hand for a moment, taking a breath::  … there was Arlys Harper… who let me think she was Kherys, so that was kind of awkward after… and Syrsi made it *abundantly* clear what she wanted, but I don’t think that’d be smart while she’s still doing the therapy… 

He hadn’t named the practitioner, but figured Alora would catch on with his statement.

Yael:  Ithri again.  There was a K’tarian gentleman, oh, he was *handsome*... and… something with a Risian acquaintance… and Wyn and I are just on the precipice, I think, and *damn* that man can…

There was hardly a pause, but  he stopped himself droning on about  how it felt to kiss Wyn.  It felt nice.  VERY nice.

Yael:  And Ithri.  Again.

He covered his mouth to stop himself admitting to more transgressions.

Alora couldn’t help it - she laughed.  Laughed and shook her head. 

DeVeau: Sounds like you’ve been giving people a run for their latinum.  

The sheepish Denobulan made a noise of agreement without removing his hand, then finally removed it and laughed lightly.  He really wasn’t used to feeling this good, even just talking about it made him a little giddy, and he tried to tamp down on the elation threatening to rise through him.

DeVeau:  How many more left to go?

Yael:  I *may* be having trouble saying “no.”

Granted, he’d told Syrsi no.  Or… rather, to at least wait.  That was a temptation he might not be able to hold out on for long though.  The Rodulan-Betazoid hybrid was built like a goddess, and had the confidence of one too.

DeVeau:  I’m just a guy who can’t say no…

She didn’t say the words, she *sang* them.  Sang them in such a way to indicate it was a real song somehow.  Because it was, though the gender was flipped, but Alora couldn’t help herself. 

DeVeau: I’m in a turrible fix.  I always say 'Come on, let's go' just when I aughta say 'Nix.'

Yael:  ::curiously::  My exploits are worthy of song, now?


DeVeau: Sorry.  It was in my head.  I had to get it out.

Yael:  I know that feeling.

She slipped her hand in his again, squeezing it, glad she could perform that action, glad they could finally touch.  It was so important.  Especially to her, and surely to him as well, especially since he’d been denied it for so long. 

DeVeau: So what now?

Yael:  Now?  ::thinking, his jovial nature easing slightly::  We focus on the things that are most important, I think.  ::pause::  The *people* who are most important.

Both in their own ways.

DeVeau:  You’re one of them.  I can’t express how glad I am for you.

And yes, there was a selfish reason for it too.  He probably knew that, so Alora didn’t mention it.  

DeVeau: And I’m sure your love interests will be just as happy about it.

Yael:  ::chuckling at her encouragement::  I certainly hope they’re not *bored.*


Lieutenant JG Ashley Yael


Starbase 118 Ops



Lt. Cmdr. Alora DeVeau

First Officer

Starbase 118 Ops


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